
Showing 1-7 of 7
Thesis or Dissertation
Swarts, Nolan. "Justice in Namibia: The People's Perceptions (Oshikoto Region) with Respect to the Payment of Compensation Versus Imprisonment." Bachelor of Law, University of Namibia, 2007.
Journal Article
Swarts, Susan, Salome H Kruger, and Robin Dolman. "Factors affecting mothers’ choice of breastfeeding vs. formula feeding in the lower Umfolozi district war memorial hospital, KwaZulu-Natal." Health SA Gesondheid 15, no. 1 (2010).
Tapper, Helena, Patti Swarts, Alex Twinomugisha, Senthil Kumar, Juho Mikkonen, Mary Hooker, Roxana Bassi, Margaret Nyambura, and Niamh Brannigan. African Leadership in ICT. Assessment of Environmental, Institutional and Individual Leadership Capacity Needs for the Knowledge Society in Africa: A Situational and Needs Analysis in Four Countries: Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia . 2011.
Prins, Agma, Adama Kone, Nancy Nolan, and Nandita Thatte. USAID/Haiti maternal and child health and family planning portfolio review and assessment. Cambridge, MA: US Agency for International Development, 2008.
Journal Article
Belohlav, Kate, and Laura Nolan. "Besoins non Satisfaits en Planification Familiale et Demandes pour des Familles plus Petites au Rwanda." (2013) Population Reference Bureau PRB.
Journal Article
Nolan,. "Poverty, inequality and reconstruction in South Africa." Development Policy Review 13, no. 2 (1995): 151-172.
Showing 1-7 of 7