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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Book Section
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Rao, Nisha, Allahna Esber, Abigail Turner, Joseph Chilewani, Venson Banda, and Alison Norris. "The impact of joint partner decision making on obstetric choices and outcomes among Malawian women." International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 135, no. 1 (2016): 61-64.
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Chopra, Kanchan, R Radhakrishna, S K Rao, S Mahendra Dev, and K Subbaro. "India in a globalising world: Some aspects of macroeconomy, agriculture and poverty: Essays in hounour of CH Hanumantha Rao." (2006) 13. Withdrawal of subsidies from irrigation and fertilizer: Impact on small and marginal farmers.
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
Nesa, Mossamet Kamrun, and SumonKanti Das. "Multivariate Small Area Estimation of Child Nutrition Status in Bangladesh." (2015)
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Carter, Karen, Margaret Cornelius, Richard Taylor, Shareen S Ali Shareen S Ali, Chalapati Rao Chalapati Rao, Alan Lopez Alan Lopez, Vasemaca Lewai Vasemaca Lewai, Ramneek Goudar Ramneek Goudar, and Claire Mowry Claire Mowry. "An Assessment of Mortality Estimates for Fiji, 1949-2008: Findings and Life tTables." (2010) Health Information Systems Knowledge Hub.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Arunatilake, Nisha, Asha Gunawardena, Dilhani Marawila, Parakrama Samaratunga, and Athula Senaratne. Analysis of the fisheries sector in Sri Lanka: Guided Case Studies For Value Chain Development In Conflict-Afffected Environments. 2008.
Journal Article
Malhotra, Nisha, and Jonathon Yang. "Risky behaviour and HIV prevalence among Zambian men." Journal of Biosocial Science 43, no. 2 (2011): 155.
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Arunatilake, Nisha, and Maduwanthi Opatha. "The Economics of Tobacco in Sri Lanka." (2004) Tobacco Control.
Working Paper
Marya, Nisha. "Ageing in India: an overview." Radix International Journal of Research in Social Science.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Rizzini, Irene, Luciléia Pereira, and Nisha Thapliyal. "Percepções e Experiências de Participação Cidadã de Crianças e Adolescentes no Rio de Janeiro." Revista Katalysis 10, no. 2 (2007): 164-177.
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Arunatilake, Nisha, and Priyanka Jayawardena. "Why People Choose to Participate in the Informal Sector in Sri Lanka." The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 53, no. 2 (2010): 225-250.
Working Paper
Arunatilake, Nisha K, Priyanka Jayawardena, and Anushka Wijesinha. "Tax reforms in Sri Lanka - will a tax on public servants improve progressivity?." (2012)
Journal Article
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