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Journal Article
To, Kien Gia, Lynn B Meuleners, Michelle L Fraser, Dung Van Do, Dat Van Duong, Van-Anh Ngoc Huynh, Quyen Gia To, Tien Duy Phi, Hoang Huy Tran, and Nguyen Do Nguyen. "The impact of cataract surgery on vision-related quality of life for bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a prospective study." Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 12, no. 1 (2014): 16.
Journal Article
To, Kien Gia, Lynn B Meuleners, Michelle L Fraser, Dat Van Duong, Dung Van Do, Van-Anh Ngoc Huynh, Tien Duy Phi, Hoang Huy Tran, and Nguyen Do Nguyen. "The impact of cataract surgery on depressive symptoms for bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam." International Psychogeriatrics 26, no. 2 (2014): 307-313.
Journal Article
To, Kien Gia, Lynn B Meuleners, Michelle L Fraser, Dung Van Do, Dat Van Duong, Van-Anh Ngoc Huynh, Quyen Gia To, Tien Duy Phi, Hoang Huy Tran, and Nguyen Do Nguyen. "Prevalence and visual risk factors for falls in bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam." Ophthalmic Epidemiology 21, no. 2 (2014): 79-85.
Journal Article
To, Kien Gia, Lynn Meuleners, Max Bulsara, Michelle L Fraser, Dat Van Duong, Dung Van Do, Van-Anh Ngoc Huynh, Tien Duy Phi, Hoang Huy Tran, and Nguyen Do Nguyen. "A longitudinal cohort study of the impact of first-and both-eye cataract surgery on falls and other injuries in Vietnam." (2014) Clinical Interventions in Aging.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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