
Showing 8401-8430 of 8634
Working Paper
Hulme, David, Mathilde Maitrot, Luigi Peter Ragno, and Hossain Zillur Rahman. "Consolidating Nets and Promoting Ladders in Bangladesh: From Social Safety Net Programmes to a National Social Protection System." (2012)
Journal Article
Malek, Mohammad Abdul, and Koichi Usami. "Significance and Growth Linkages of Household Non-Farm Enterprises in Rural Bangladesh: A Case of Advanced Villages." (2007) Journal of Bangladesh Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ali, Rubaba. "Essays on impact of infrastructure in the presence of market imperfections." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park, 2015.
Working Paper
Hoy, Christopher, Stephan Klasen, Emma Samman, Rivayani Darmawan, Maria-Carmela Lo Bue, Ramona Rischke, and Laura Rodriguez-Takeuchi. "Middle-income transitions and inequality: is there a link?." (2016)
Conference Paper
Monyatsiwa, Chino, Dominic Ferguson, and Njalakangwa Phumaphi. "Bridging the IT divide — Case study on the Botswana livestock industry." IST-Africa Conference and Exhibition (IST-Africa), 2013. 2013.
Working Paper
Boshoff, Douw Gert Brand, Simon Kachepa, and Jacus Pienaar. "Urban Housing Provision In Botswana." (2013)
Journal Article
Ama, Njoku Ola, and Enock Ngome. "Menopausal Perceptions and Experiences of Older Women from Selected Sites in Botswana." Advances in Sexual Medicine 3, no. 03 (2013): 47-59.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kwape, Lemogang Daniel. "Diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors in Botswana." Doctor of Philosophy, Aberdeen University, 2012.
Journal Article
Stone, Lesego Senyana, and Tibabo Moren Stone. "Community-based tourism enterprises: challenges and prospects for community participation; Khama Rhino Sanctuary Trust, Botswana." Journal of Sustainable Tourism 19, no. 1 (2011): 97-114.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kent, Vivien Tempest. "The status and conservation potential of carnivores in semi-arid rangelands, Botswana the Ghanzi Farmlands: A case study." Master of Science, Durham University, 2011.
Journal Article
Ekosse, GIE. "Health status within the precincts of a nickel-copper mining and smelting environment." African Health Sciences 11, no. 1 (2011): 90-96.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sibande, Bogadi Nage. "Open and distance learning and access to higher education in Southern Africa: the Botswana experience." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pretoria , 2011.
Journal Article
Ibekwe, CM, ME Hoque, and B Ntuli-Ngcobo. "Perceived benefits of cervical cancer screening among women attending Mahalapye District Hospital, Botswana." Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 11, no. 4 (2010): 1021-1027.
Book Section
Saum, Roland. "Disputing the Floodplains." (2010) Promise And Reality Of Community Based Natural Resource Management In Botswana: Common-Pool Resource Use And Institutional Change In Ikoga, Okavango Delta (Panhandle).
Thesis or Dissertation
Tembwe, Gomolemo. "Diet diversity coping strategies and food access of unemployed young single mother with food with children under 9 years of age in Botswana." Master in Human Ecology, University of South Africa, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ezeahurukwe, Julia Onyekwere. "Attitudes of young people aged 15-25 years towards the" ABC" strategy in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Francistown, Botswana." Master of Public Health, University of South Africa, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zuyderduin, Johanna Regina. "The buddy system of care and support for and by women living with HIV/AIDS in Botswana." Doctor of Literature and Philosophy, University of South Africa, 2009.
Journal Article
Carter, Marion W, Joan Marie Kraft, Todd Koppenhaver, Christine Galavotti, Thierry H Roels, Peter H Kilmarx, and Boga Fidzani. "“A bull cannot be contained in a single kraal”: concurrent sexual partnerships in Botswana." AIDS and Behavior 11, no. 6 (2007): 822-830.
Working Paper
Dube, Opha Pauline, and MBM Sekhwela. "Community coping strategies in Semiarid Limpopo basin part of Botswana: Enhancing adaptation capacity to climate change." (2007) Washington, DC: AIACC.
Journal Article
Ekosse, Georges-Ivo E, Linda De Jager, and Dawid J Van Den Heever. "Social, recreational and housing habits of residents of Selebi-Phikwe nickel-copper mining environment, Botswana: recreation and leisure." African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance 12, no. 3 (2006): 252-265.
Keatimilwe, Kagiso, and Masego Mpotokwane. Country Environmental Profile for the Republic of Botswana. 2006.
Thesis or Dissertation
Motlopi, Kgomotsego. "Privatisation of rangelands, ranch development, management and equity: the case of area 4B, Botswana." Master of Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway , 2006.
Journal Article
Miller, Candace M, Sofia Gruskin, SV Subramanian, Divya Rajaraman, and Jody S Heymann. "Orphan care in Botswana’s working households: growing responsibilities in the absence of adequate support." American Journal of Public Health 96, no. 8 (2006): 1429-1435.
Journal Article
Mokomane, Zitha. "A demographic and socio-economic portrait of cohabitation in Botswana." Society in Transition 36, no. 1 (2005): 57-73.
Journal Article
Fosu, Richard, Kofi Opoku-Asante, and Kwame Adu-Gyamfi. "Influence of Community Financing Health Insurance Schemes On In-Patient Care In Ghana: The Case Of Nkoranza Scheme." Developing Country Studies 4, no. 8 (2014): 53-63.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tweneboah, Elaine. "The role of environmental values and attitudes of Ghanaian coastal women in Natural Resource Management." PhD thesis, Brandenburg University of Technology, 2009.
Journal Article
Fombad, Madeleine, and Kgomotso H Moahi. "Perception of Botswana lawyers about the use of ICTs in law firms in Botswana." South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science 71, no. 3 (2005): 225-233.
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