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Showing 3511-3540 of 4214
Journal Article
Chatterji, Tathagata, and Souvanic Roy.
From margin to mainstream: Informal street vendors and local politics in Kolkata, India
L’Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de geographie politique et de geopolitique , no. 29 (2016).
Journal Article
Mojapelo, Maredi Samuel.
(Re) thinking and (re) positioning library programmes and services in public high schools in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Mousaion 34, no. 3 (2016): 60-88.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mahlase H, Mankurwana.
Exploring the uptake of genetically modified white maize by smallholder farmers: The case of Hlabisa, South Africa
Master of Science in Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Madzaga, Thizwilondi.
The prevalence of high blood pressure amongst the University of Venda academic staff, South Africa
Masters in Public Health, University of Venda, 2017.
Stevens, Joe, and Barbara Koppen.
Trends and Outlook: Agricultural Water Management in Southern Africa
Thesis or Dissertation
Ramawa, Mushaathama Aubrey.
Prospects and challenges of rural non-farm enterprises in Limpopo Province: the case of selected projects in the Vhembe District Municipality
Master of Philosophy in Development Finance, Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bundwini, Nqobile.
Attitudes Towards Church Retailing in Cape Town, South Africa
Masters of Commerce Degree Specialising in Marketing , University of Cape Town, 2016.
Journal Article
September, Shiron Jade, Edna Grace Rich, and Nicolette Vanessa Roman.
The role of parenting styles and socio-economic status in parents’ knowledge of child development
Early Child Development and Care 186, no. 7 (2016): 1060-1078.
Journal Article
Barratt, Amanda.
Private contract or automatic court discretion? Current trends in legal regulation of permanent life-partnerships
Stellenbosch Law Review 26, no. 1 (2015): 110-131.
Gacko, Ibrahima, Diakaridia Dembele, and Seydou Moussa Traore.
Analyse de la pauvrete monetaire et non monetaire au Mali de 2001 a 2013
Journal Article
Zare, Aida, Bruno Barbier, Maimouna Bologo-Traore, Abdoulaye Diarra, Gil Mahe, and Jean-Emmanuel Paturel.
Climate Forecast Perception and Needs in Wetlands: a Case Study in the Inner Niger Delta in Mali
(2017) Wetlands.
Working Paper
Naude, Wim, Jean-Francois Maystadt, Alan Brauw, Robert EB Lucas, Flore Gubert, Fleur Wouterse, and Hein Haas.
The development potential of migration: the status quo, lessons from other regions, and implications for research
Journal Article
Dhande, Vishal Samadhan, RD Gadekar, Amol D Shingare, and Vijay K Domple.
Gender preference among reproductive age group women in rural area
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health 3, no. 7 (2016): 1862-1865.
Journal Article
Paul, Shitangsu Kumar.
Prevalence of Nutritional Insecurity in the Central Coast of Bangladesh: Evidences from Cyclone Sidr’
(2010) The Journal of Geo-Environment.
Thesis or Dissertation
KI, Arnaud Antime.
Utilite du perimetre brachial (PB) pour identifier la malnutrition chez les adolescentes de 15 a 19 ans dans le district sanitaire de Nanoro
Docteur en Medecine, Universite de Ouagadougou, 2012.
Working Paper
Kumar, Hemanshu, and Rohini Somanathan.
Affirmative action and long-run changes in group inequality in India
WIDER Working Paper , no. 2016/85 (2016).
Ouattara, Soungalo Appolinaire.
Projet de la Politique Nationale du Travail
Thesis or Dissertation
Meia Lopez, Alexandra.
Modelo para la gestion del diseno en las Pymes de mobiliario del Area Metropolitana de Medellin
título de Diseñador Industrial, Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mokgalaka, Hunadi.
GIS-based analysis of spatial accessibility: an approach to determine public primary healthcare demand in metropolitan areas
Master of Science in Engineering, University of Cape Town, 2015.
Deveopment, Limpopo Economic.
Limpopo Climate Change Response Strategy
Journal Article
Pham, Lien Thi Lan, Lan Hoang Vu, and Esther Schelling.
Health services for reproductive tract infections among female migrant workers in industrial zones in Ha Noi, Viet Nam: an in-depth assessment
Reproductive health 9, no. 1 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Ackah, Shiroma.
The association of demographics and occupational factors with latent tuberculosis infection in radiology staff at public sector hospitals in the eThekwini health district
Master of Technology, Durban University of Technology , 2015.
Bonet-Moron, Jaime, Gerson Javier Perez-Valbuena, and Edwin Jaime Chiriv-Bonilla.
Informalidad laboral y en la vivienda: primeros indicios para las principales ciudades colombianas♣
Journal Article
Tandoh-Offin, Patrick, and Nicholas Awuse.
Internal migration and poverty reduction in Ghana
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4, no. 18 (2013): 63-70.
Working Paper
Le, Anh Thi Kim, Lan Thi Hoang Vu, and Esther Schelling.
Assessment of Health Status across Different Types of Migrant Populations in Hanoi-Vietnam: A Cross-Sectional Study Using SF 36 Version 2
Journal Article
Le, Anh Thi Kim, Lan Hoang Vu, and Esther Schelling.
Utilization of Health Care Services among Internal Migrants in Hanoi and Its Correlation with Health Insurance: A Cross-Sectional Study
Tap chi y te cong cong 3, no. 2 (2015): 44.
Journal Article
Hoi, Le V, Pham Thang, and Lars Lindholm.
Elderly care in daily living in rural Vietnam: need and its socioeconomic determinants
BMC geriatrics 11, no. 1 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Carmona Jaramillo, Jorge Ivan.
Sistemas de apoyo biomecanico SAB para disminucion de afectaciones musculo esqueleticas por trabajo en posicion de rodilla
especializalista en gestion de proyectos de diseño e innovacion, Universidad Catolica de Pereira, 2016.
Working Paper
Vandenberg, Paul, and Long Q Trinh.
Small firms, human capital, and productivity in Asia
Working Paper
Allen, Emma Rose, and Robert Kyloh.
Labour reforms in Indonesia: An agenda for greater equity and efficiency
Showing 3511-3540 of 4214