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Showing 511-540 of 700
Journal Article
Saavedra García, Maria Luisa, Blanca Tapia Sánchez, and María A Aguilar Anay.
Systemic Competitiveness of SMEs in Mexico City, Mexico
FAEDPYME International Review-FIR 4, no. 6 (2015): 19-33.
Journal Article
Portugal, Erick G, David C Rossel, and Victor H Murillo.
Propuesta Metodológica Para el Logro del Acceso Universal en el Perú
FISE , no. 2 (2015).
Working Paper
Traverso, David Tudela V, and María Cárdenas K García-Santillán.
El Adulto Mayor y su Contribución a la Economía Familiar: Una Aproximación Empírica para el Perú y un Estudio de Caso en San Juan de Miraflores
Journal Article
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline.
Market Participation and Agro-Biodiversity Loss: The Case of Native Chili Varieties in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru
Sustainability 6, no. 2 (2014): 615-630.
Journal Article
Saavedra-Garcia, Lorena, Vanessa Sosa-Zevallos, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Jaime J Miranda, and Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz.
Reducing Salt in Bread: A Quasi-experimental Feasibility Study in a Bakery in Lima, Peru
(2015) Public Health Nutrition.
Conference Paper
Sánchez, Eduardo A, Milagros B Pasache, and Marcos E García.
Development of Briquettes from Waste Wood (Sawdust) for Use in Low-income Households in Piura, Peru
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering.
London, UK, July 2-4, 2014.
Journal Article
Garcia-Yi, Jaqueline, and Ulrike Grote.
Data Collection: Experiences and Lessons Learned by Asking Sensitive Questions in a Remote Coca Growing Region in Peru
Survey Methodology 28, no. 2 (2012): 131-141.
Journal Article
Ramírez Pérez, Jorge Ariel, Carla Martínez González, and Viridiana García Martignon.
Jóvenes, socialización y pluralismo religioso en Tepalcingo, Morelos
Desacatos , no. 49 (2015).
Journal Article
Bravo-Ortega, Claudio, and Alvaro Garcia Marin.
R&D and Productivity: A Two Way Avenue?
World Development 39, no. 7 (2011): 1090-1107.
Working Paper
Avalos Garcia, Kricia Maria, and Yohana Elizabeth Renata Cea.
Propuesta de una guía nutricional para mejorar el desarrollo del área cognitiva de niños y niñas de educación parvularia de la sección 1,2, y 3 de los centros escolares Caserío Finca Pretoria
Journal Article
Zelaya, Elmer, Flor M Marin, Jairo Garcia, Staffan Berglund, Jerker Liljestrand, and Lars Persson.
Gender and social differences in adolescent sexuality and reproduction in Nicaragua
Journal of Adolescent Health 21, no. 1 (1997): 39-46.
Journal Article
Zelaya, Elmer, Rodolfo Peña, Jairo Garcia, Staffan Berglund, Lars Åke Persson, and Jerker Liljestrand.
Contraceptive patterns among women and men in León, Nicaragua
Contraception 54, no. 6 (1996): 359-365.
Alix-Garcia, Jennifer.
The Effect of Refugee Inflows on Host Country Populations: Evidence from Tanzania
Journal Article
García, Sandra G, Diana Lara, Sarah H Landis, Eileen A Yam, and Suyapa Pavón.
Emergency contraception in Honduras: knowledge, attitudes, and practice among urban family planning clients
Studies in Family Planning 37, no. 3 (2006): 187-196.
Journal Article
Zúñiga, Ruoti de García de M, Arrom de C Fresco, Ruoti M Cosp, and E Orué.
Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre el test de Papanicolau (PAP) en mujeres embarazadas consultantes de hospitales públicos del Departamento de Alto Paraná, Paraguay
Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud 6, no. 2 (2008): 48-58.
Journal Article
Garcia, Celina, and Zaida L Martinez.
A Comparison of the Business Environments of Two Emerging Economies
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 4, no. 1 (2012): 59-64.
Journal Article
Ramos Chavira, Lorena Carolina, Marcela Georgina Gomez Zermeno, and Nancy Janett Garcia Vazquez.
Construcción de una plataforma tecnológica para mejorar la comunicación entre actores educativos
Educacion 24, no. 47 (2015): 69-89.
Working Paper
Ochoa-Garcia, Heliodoro.
Paradojas y tendencias por el agua en la cuenca del Río Duero, Michoacán, México
Journal Article
Schalkwyk, Cari, Sibongile Mndzebele, Thabo Hlophe, Jesus Maria Garcia Calleja, Eline L Korenromp, Rand Stoneburner, and Cyril Pervilhac.
Outcomes and impact of HIV prevention, ART and TB programs in Swaziland - early evidence from public health triangulation
PloS one 8, no. 7 (2013).
Book Section
Rodriguez-Garcia, Rosalia, Elizabeth M White Sr, and Rosa Alonso I Terme Sr.
MfDR Principles in Action: Sourcebook on Emerging Good Practices
Timor-Leste: Managing for Results in a Fragile Postconflict.
Journal Article
Currie, Sara.
The case for developing a destination brand for Timor-Leste
(2014) Buka hatene Compreender Mengerti Understanding Volume II.
Working Paper
Garcia-Gonzalez, Marta, Evangeline Singh, and Simon Milne.
The Potential of Destination Websites to Link Tourism to Local Food in Vanuatu
Working Paper
Alix-Garcia, Jennifer, and Anne Bartlett.
Occupations under fire: the labour market in a complex emergency
(2015) Oxford Economic Papers.
Journal Article
García Batiz, Maria Luisa, Lucio Flores Payan, and Betriz Adriana Venegas Sahagún.
Análisis del desarrollo sostenible en espacios locales. Aplicación de la teoría de conjuntos difusos
Iconos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales 20, no. 54 (2016): 171-195.
Journal Article
Edwards, A, V Mlambo, CHO Lallo, and GW Garcia.
Yield, chemical composition and in vitro ruminal fermentation of the leaves of Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium and Trichanthera gigantea as influenced by harvesting frequency
Journal of Animal Science Advances 2, no. 3 (2012): 321-331.
Journal Article
Permanyer, Inaki, Albert Esteve-Palos, Joan Garcia, and Robert Mccaa.
Human development index-like small area estimates for Africa computed from IPUMS-international integrated census microdata
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 16, no. 2 (2015): 245-271.
Working Paper
Garcia, Otto, Torsten Hemme, Luong Tat Nho, and Hoang Thi Huong Tra.
The economics of milk production in Hanoi, Vietnam, with particular emphasis on small-scale producers
PPLPI Working Paper , no. 33 (2006).
Journal Article
Fréon, Pierre, Marilú Bouchon, Christian Mullon, Christian García, and Miguel Ñiquen.
Interdecadal variability of anchoveta abundance and overcapacity of the fishery in Peru
Progress in Oceanography 79, no. 2 (2008): 401-412.
Working Paper
Garcia, Otto, Torsten Hemme, Arndt Reill, and Juliane Stoll.
Predicted Impact of Liberalisation on Dairy Farm Incomes in Germany, Vietnam, Thailand and New Zealand
(2007) PPLPI Working Paper.
Journal Article
Adams, Elisabeth J, Patricia J Garcia, Geoffrey P Garnett, John W Edmunds, and King K Holmes.
The Cost-Effectiveness of Syndromic Management in Pharmacies in Lima, Peru
Sexually transmitted diseases 30, no. 5 (2003): 379-387.
Showing 511-540 of 700