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Showing 1-27 of 27
Thesis or Dissertation
Dabby S, Nava.
Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in Orissa, India: Coupling Entrepreneurial Agricultural Mechanization with Village-Based Biodiesel Production
Master of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, 2010.
Journal Article
Zazueta, Miriam Nava, and Blas Valenzuela Camacho.
Empresarialidad y género en el sector turístico de Mazatlán¿ Liderazgos compartidos?
(2016) Consejo Editorial.
Journal Article
Ashraf, Nava, James Berry, and Jesse M Shapiro.
Can higher prices stimulate product use? Evidence from a field experiment in Zambia
American Economic Review 100, no. 5 (2010): 2383-2413.
Working Paper
Ashraf, Nava, Erica Field, and Jean Lee.
Household bargaining and excess fertility: An experimental study in zambia
(2010) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Journal Article
Diaz, Eduardo Nava.
Perspectiva de complemento al financiamiento del sector publico en materia de educacion superior. El caso de Mexico 1967-1980
(1975) Educacion.
Journal Article
Martinez, Francisco Venegas, and Abigail Rodriguez Nava.
? Existe una relacion entre el desarrollo financiero y el crecimiento economico en los paises latinoamericanos con mayor PIB per capita?
Aestimatio: The IEB International Journal of Finance , no. 9 (2014).
Conference Paper
Kramarski, Bracha, and Nava Mizrachi.
Enhancing mathematical literacy with the use of metacognitive guidance in forum discussion
The 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Working Paper
Rubalcava, Luis, and Alejandro Favela J Nava.
Mothers Left Behind: The Impact of a Childs Migration on Maternal Mental Health
Thesis or Dissertation
Nava G, Ernesto.
Seguridad pública en los destinos turísticos de México: Acapulco, Mazatlán, Puerto Vallarta y Veracruz como casos de estudio
Grado de Maestro, CIDE, 2015.
Journal Article
Ashraf, Nava, Dean Karlan, and Wesley Yin.
Deposit collectors
Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy 5, no. 2 (2006).
Working Paper
Ashraf, Nava, Natalie Bau, Nathan Nunn, and Alessandra Voena.
Bride Price and the Returns to Education for Women
Journal Article
Venegas-Martínez, Francisco, and Abigail Rodríguez-Nava.
Is There a Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Latin American Countries with Higher per Capita GDP?
Aestimatio: The IEB International Journal of Finance , no. 9 (2014).
Journal Article
Bolanos, Isalia Nava, and Roberto Ham Chande.
Dividendos demograficos y el sistema de pensiones de retiro
Papeles de poblacion 12, no. 50 (2006): 71-95.
Working Paper
Ashraf, Nava, Oriana Bandiera, and Kelsey B Jack.
No margin, no mission? A field experiment on incentives for pro-social tasks
Journal Article
Ashraf, Nava, Oriana Bandiera, and Kelsey B Jack.
No margin, no mission? A field experiment on incentives for public service delivery
(2014) Journal of Public Economics.
Journal Article
Mendoza-Espinosa, L, Victoria M Orozco-Borbon, and Patricia Silva-Nava.
Quality assessment of reclaimed water for its possible use for crop irrigation and aquifer recharge in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Water Science & Technology 50, no. 2 (2004): 285-291.
Working Paper
Nava-Bolaños, Isalia, Abraham Granados-Martinez, Bernardino Jaciel Montoya-Arce, and Hugo Montes Oca-Vargas.
Factors Associated to the Labor Participation of Elderly in Mexico
Journal Article
Nava Bolanos, Isalia, and Roberto Ham Chande.
Determinantes de la participación laboral de la población de 60 años o más en México
Papeles de poblacion 20, no. 81 (2014): 59-87.
Working Paper
Mendoza, Cristóbal.
Migración internacional desde la Ciudad de México: El papel de las redes sociales
Journal Article
Figueroa Núñez, Alejandro, José Rubén Campos Gaytán, Claudia Soledad Herrera Oliva, Felipe Correa Díaz, and José Gustavo Morales Nava.
Línea de impulsión de agua tratada para la recarga artificial del acuífero, desde el sauzal hasta el Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California
Journal Article
Benítez, Griselda, Arturo Pérez-Vázquez, Martha Nava-Tablada, Miguel Equihua, and José Luis Álvarez-Palacios.
Urban expansion and the environmental effects of informal settlements on the outskirts of Xalapa city, Veracruz, Mexico
Environment and Urbanization 24, no. 1 (2012): 149-166.
Working Paper
Nava-Rogel, Rosa María, Catalina Gutiérrez-Leefmans, and María del Rosario Demuner-Flores.
The Explanatory Value of the Elements of Intellectual Capital on Wellbeing A Study on Employees of a Central City in Mexico
Journal Article
Gheno-Heredia, Yaqueline A, Roberto Gámez-Pastrana, Gabino Nava-Bernal, and Víctor Ávila-Akerberg.
Diversity of Medicinal Plants used by the “Nahuaxihutil” Organization of Traditional Indigenous Midwives and Doctors from Ixhuatla ncillo, Veracruz, Mexico
Etnobiologia 14, no. 1 (2016): 57-72.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nava-Ledezma Y, Ivonne.
Socioeconomic status and diabetes among Mexican adults: Analysis of the 2000 National Health Survey and the Mexican Family Life Surveys 2002 and 2005
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southampton, 2010.
Working Paper
Nava, Isalia.
La economía de los hogares unipersonales en México
Working Paper
Bolaños, Isalia Nava N, and Sebastián Jiménez A Solís.
Determinantes de la privación de bienestar económico en la población adulta mayor en México: un análisis desde la perspectiva de género
Ashraf, Nava, Oriana Bandiera, and Scott S Lee.
Do-gooders and gogetters: Selection and performance in public service delivery
Showing 1-27 of 27