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Showing 181-210 of 353
Journal Article
Daroesman, Ruth.
An Economic Survey of Bali
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 9, no. 3 (2006): 28-61.
Working Paper
Evans, Ruth, Simon Mariwah, and Kwabena Barima Antwi.
Cashew Cultivation, Access to Land and Food Security in Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana: Preventing the intergenerational transmission of poverty
Working Paper
Corella, Ruth Ramírez X, Ada Rodriguez L Marìn, Cristina R Chavarrìa, Marcos A Tenorio, and Carlos T Morera.
Proyecto de Ley “Ley para Proteger el Empleo de Los Saloneros y Meseros"
Journal Article
Paulette, Ruth Madueno.
Uno de los rostros de la migracion interna. Marginacion y pobreza en la sierra hidalguense
Sociologica 18, no. 53 (2003): 157-191.
Van Asten, Piet, Ibrahim Wanyama, David Mukasa, Ruth Nansamba, James Kisaakye, Isaac Sserubiri, Ghislaine Bongers, and Laurence Jassogne.
Mapping and Evaluating Improved Intercrop and Soil Management Options for Ugandan Coffee Farmers
Journal Article
Gurmu, Eshetu, and Ruth Mace.
Fertility Decline Driven by Poverty: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Journal of Biosocial Science 40, no. 03 (2008): 339-358.
Fischer-Smith, Ruth.
Policy implementation and learning in a transition economy: Assessing the effects of SME policies in Ukraine 1991-present
Journal Article
Evans, Ruth, and Geoff Griffiths.
Palm oil, land rights and ecosystem services in Gbarpolu County, Liberia
Jones, Amir, and Ruth Naylor.
The quantitative impact of armed conflict on education in Pakistan: counting the human and financial costs
Thesis or Dissertation
Lozano Rubio, Ruth Elizabeth.
Implicaciones de las medidas de salvaguardias por Balanza de Pagos en la correccion del Deficit Comercial en el Ecuador, en el ano 2015
título de economista, Universidad del Azuay, 2017.
Book Section
Mpiima, David M, Ruth Kendagor, and Sarah Ndung'u W Njau.
Identity, Sexuality, and Relationships among Emerging Adults in the Digital Age
(2017) Likes and Comments: The Untamed Facebook Sex Education in Uganda and Kenya for Emerging Adults.
Thesis or Dissertation
Macario A, Martha Ruth.
Impunidad y variables económicas en México: 2010-2012
Titulo de Licenciada, CIDE, 2016.
Working Paper
Díaz, Jorge Sandoval A, Roberto L Lara, Ruth Gallardo G Vega, and Luis Bazaldúa A Flores.
Programa Estatal de Prevención Social de la Violencia y la Delincuencia con Participación Ciudadana 2017-2033
Journal Article
Schuler, Sidney Ruth, Rachel Lenzi, and Kathryn M Yount.
Justification of intimate partner violence in rural Bangladesh: what survey questions fail to capture
Studies in Family Planning 42, no. 1 (2011): 21-28.
Journal Article
Bean, Frank D., Ruth R. Berg, and Jennifer V. W. Van Hook.
Socioeconomic and cultural incorporation and marital disruption among Mexican Americans
Social Forces 75, no. 2 (1996): 593-617.
Book Section
Beaglehole, Robert, and Ruth Bonita.
Global public health: a new era
Journal Article
Tsui, Amy O, VIctor Silva, and Ruth Marinshaw.
Pregnancy avoidance and coital behavior
Demography 28, no. 1 (1991): 101-117.
Journal Article
Mace, Ruth, and Rebecca Sear.
Maternal mortality in a Kenyan pastoralist population
International journal of gynecology & obstetrics 54, no. 2 (1996): 137-141.
Gonese, Elizabeth, Janet Dzangare, Nicholas Jonga, Owen Mugurungi, Simon Gregson, Ruth Walkup, James Mudzori, and Vinod Mishra.
Comparison of HIV Prevalence Estimates for Zimbabwe from National Antenatal Clinic Surveillance (2006) and the 2005-06 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey
Calverton, USA: USAID, 2010.
Journal Article
Dixon-Mueller, Ruth.
How young is “too young”? Comparative perspectives on adolescent sexual, marital, and reproductive transitions
Studies in Family Planning 39, no. 4 (2008): 247-262.
Journal Article
Gupta, Neeru, Charles Katende, and Ruth Bessinger.
An evaluation of post-campaign knowledge and practices of exclusive breastfeeding in Uganda
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 22, no. 4 (2011): 429-439.
Katende, Charles, Neeru Gupta, and Ruth Bessinger.
The impact of a reproductive health project interventions on contraceptive use in Uganda
: USAID, 2002.
Journal Article
Ketende, Charles, Neeru Gupta, and Ruth Bessinger.
Facility-level reproductive health interventions and contraceptive use in Uganda
(2003) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Meena, Ruth.
The political and social economy of care: Tanzania Research Report I
Journal Article
Mace, Ruth, and Jennifer Eardley.
Maternal Nutrition and Sex Ratio at Birth in Ethiopia
(2004) Research in Economic Anthropology.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jackson, Ruth.
(Un) safe routes: maternal mortality and Ethiopia's developmental agenda
PhD thesis, Deakin University, 2010.
Journal Article
Binnendijk, Erika, Meenakshi Gautham, Ruth Koren, and David M Dror.
Illness mapping: A time and cost effective method to estimate healthcare data needed to establish community-based health insurance
BMC medical research methodology 12, no. 1 (2012): 153.
Journal Article
Binnendijk, Erika, Ruth Koren, and David Dror.
Hardship financing of healthcare among rural poor in Orissa, India
BMC health services research 12, no. 1 (2012): 23.
Journal Article
Dror, David, Olga Putten-Rademaker, and Ruth Koren.
Cost of illness: Evidence from a study in five resource-poor locations in India
(2008) Indian Journal for Medical Research.
Journal Article
Gautham, Meenakshi, Erika Binnendijk, Ruth Koren, and David M Dror.
‘First we go to the small doctor’: First contact for curative health care sought by rural communities in Andhra Pradesh \& Orissa, India
The Indian journal of medical research 134, no. 5 (2011): 627-638.
Showing 181-210 of 353