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Showing 61-90 of 601
Thesis or Dissertation
Zúñiga, Monica R, and Melina M Segura Díaz.
¿Existe un techo de cristal en la distribución salarial femenina en Costa Rica?
Grado de Licenciatura, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2015.
Journal Article
Magadi, Monica, Nyovani Madise, and Ian Diamond.
Factors associated with unfavourable birth outcomes in Kenya
Journal of Biosocial Science 33, no. 2 (2001): 199-225.
Working Paper
Kothari, Monica T, Shea O Rutstein, and Jasbir K Sangha.
Where the standard makes the difference in the real world of malnutrition: Analysis of 10 countries with DHS data
Journal Article
Magadi, Monica, Ian Diamond, Nyovani Madise, and Peter Smith.
Pathways of the determinants of unfavourable birth outcomes in Kenya
Journal of biosocial science 36, no. 02 (2004): 153-176.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cevallos P, Mónica Morenno.
Análisis del desarrollo del turismo sustentable en hosterias certificadas y no certificadas en el Parque Nacional Machalilla
Thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Ecuador, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mogollón, Mónica Ávila R, and Johana Triana K Bernal.
Entre cómics e historietas.. Guía para la organización e implementación de una comicteca en una biblioteca escolar: pautas generales
Título de Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cardenas, Susan, Jose Jaime Castano Castrillon, Natalia Loaiza, Andres Orjuela, Monica Pinilla, Adriana Sabogal, Oscar Alberto Villegas, and Jazmin Zuluaga.
Principales hallazgos prenatales y postnatales en mujeres embarazadas adolescentes y adultas, cuyos partos fueron atendidos en la clínica San Cayetano de ASSBASALUD E.S.E Manizales (Colombia), 2009-2010
Universidad De Manizales, 2013.
Working Paper
Corona, Mónica Orozco E, Brisna Beltrán M Pulido, and Beatriz S Rivera.
Incorporación de la dimensión de género en la medición multidimensional de la pobreza
Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres , no. INMUJERES/047/2015 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Pozo, Monica P, and Diana C Neppas Toctaguano.
Plan de marketing estratégico para posicionar a la empresa Banderines Gutiérrez Cía. Ltda., en el segmento de mercado de las PYMES de la ciudad de Quito, año 2013
Titulo de Ingenieras Cmerciales, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2015.
Journal Article
Magadi, Monica, Ian Diamond, and Roberto N Rodrigues.
The determinants of delivery care in Kenya
Biodemography and Social Biology 47, no. 3-4 (2000): 164-188.
Working Paper
Magadi, Monica Akinyi, Nyovani Jane Madise, and Robert N Rodrigues.
Variations in antenatal care between women of different communities in Kenya
(2000) APHRC Working Papers.
Working Paper
Magadi, Monica, Ian Diamond, and Nyovani Madise.
Individual and community level factors associated with premature births, size of baby at birth and caesarean section deliveries in Kenya
African Population and Health Research Centre, Working Paper 2000 , no. 16 (2000).
Journal Article
Magadi, Monica A, and Siân L Curtis.
Trends and determinants of contraceptive method choice in Kenya
Studies in Family Planning 34, no. 3 (2003): 149-159.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lince Mejia, Monica Marcela, and Jessica Maria Holguin Ruiz.
Realización de un especial para televisión juvenil en el Programa "Tiempo Real, de Verdad‟: riesgos, problemáticas sociales y decisiones frente a los embarazos juveniles en la ciudad de Cali
Comunicación social-periodismo, Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, 2014.
Cerritos Ascencio, Mónica M, and Gonzalo E Aguilar Rivas.
Efectos de las transferencias y los subsidios sobre la pobreza y la distribución del ingreso en El Salvador
: Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo, 2015.
Working Paper
Tabengwa, Monica, and Nancy Nicol.
The development of sexual rights and the LGBTI movement in Botswana
Journal Article
Magadi, Monica.
Maternal and child health among the urban poor in Nairobi, Kenya
(2004) African Population Studies.
Journal Article
Magadi A, Monica.
Status of women and infant/child health in Kenya with particular reference to the high mortality zone in Nyanza Province
(1995) Union of African Population Studies.
Working Paper
Magadi, Monica, and Alfred Agwanda.
The link between HIV/AIDS and recent fertility patterns in Kenya
(2007) Measure Evaluation.
Journal Article
Grant J, Monica.
Girls' schooling and the perceived threat of adolescent sexual activity in rural Malawi
Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care 14, no. 1 (2012): 73-86.
Working Paper
Fort, Alfredo L, Monica T Kothari, and Noureddine Abderrahim.
Association between maternal, birth, and newborn characteristics and neonatal mortality in five Asian countries
(2008) DHS Working Papers.
Journal Article
Young, Sera L, Kiersten A Israel-Ballard, Emily A Dantzer, Monica M Ngonyani, Margaret T Nyambo, Deborah M Ash, and Caroline J Chantry.
Infant feeding practices among HIV-positive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, indicate a need for more intensive infant feeding counselling
Public health nutrition 13, no. 12 (2010): 2027-2033.
Journal Article
Garrett, Dean, Jasbir K Sangha, Monica Kothari, and David Boyle.
Field-friendly techniques for assessment of biomarkers of nutrition for development
The American journal of clinical nutrition 94, no. 2 (2011): 685S-690S.
Journal Article
Evans, David.
The spillover impacts of Africa’s orphan crisis
(2005) Unpublished manuscript. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA.
Journal Article
Cutler, David, Winnie Fung, Michael Kremer, Monica Singhal, and Tom Vogl.
Early-life malaria exposure and adult outcomes: Evidence from malaria eradication in India
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2, no. 2 (2010): 72-94.
Working Paper
Cutler, David, Winnie Fung, Michael Kremer, Monica Singhal, and Tom Vogl.
Mosquitoes: The long-term effects of malaria eradication in India
Journal Article
Viegas Andrade, Mônica, Kenya Noronha, Abhishek Singh, Cristina Guimarães , and Sabu S Padmadas.
Antenatal care use in Brazil and India: scale, outreach and socioeconomic inequality
(2012) Health & Place.
Journal Article
Castro, Marcia, and Monica Fisher.
Is malaria illness among young children a cause or a consequence of low socioeconomic status? evidence from the united Republic of Tanzania
Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 161-0.
Journal Article
Mispireta, Monica L, Angel M Rosas, José Velásquez, Andrès G Lescano, and Claudio F Lanata.
Transición nutricional en el Perú, 1991 - 2005
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica 24, no. 2 (2007).
Journal Article
Magadi A, Monica.
The disproportionate high risk of HIV infection among the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa
AIDS and Behavior 17, no. 5 (2013): 1645-1654.
Showing 61-90 of 601