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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Makani, Julie, Albert N Komba, Sharon E Cox, Julie Oruo, Khadija Mwamtemi, Jesse Kitundu, Pius Magesa, Stella Rwezaula, Elineema Meda, and Josephine Mgaya. "Malaria in patients with sickle cell anemia: burden, risk factors, and outcome at the outpatient clinic and during hospitalization." Blood 115, no. 2 (2010): 215-220.
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Armstrong, Catharina, Enju Liu, Steve Grinspoon, James Okuma, Donna Spiegelman, Chalamilla Guerino, Marina Njelekela, Wafaie Fawzi, and Claudia Hawkins. "Dyslipidemia in an HIV-positive, antiretroviral treatment-naïve population in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 57, no. 2 (2011): 141-145.
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Lukmanji, Zohra, Ellen Hertzmark, Donna Spiegleman, and Wafaie W Fawzi. "Dietary patterns, nutrient intake, and sociodemographic characteristics in HIV-infected Tanzanian pregnant women." Ecology of food and nutrition 52, no. 1 (2013): 34-62.
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Journal Article
Balaile, Gunnel, Frida Kingazi, and Anna-Berit Ransjö Arvidson. "Health Care Providers’ Perspective on Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing in Health Clinics in Tanzania-A Qualitative Study." Universal Journal of Public Health 2, no. 6 (2014): 174-180.
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Thesis or Dissertation
Gutiérrez Portillo, Julieta B, Alejandra M Guzman Molina, and Erick Juarez J Franco. "Estudio de factibilidad para la apertura de una sucursal de Pro-Lingua Asociados SA de CV en el Municipio de Santa Tecla, departamento de La Libertad." Grado de licenciado, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
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Schaafsma, M, S Morse-Jones, P Posen, RD Swetnam, A Balmford, IJ Bateman, Neil David Burgess, SAO Chamshama, B Fisher, and RE Green. "Towards transferable functions for extraction of Non-timber Forest Products: A case study on charcoal production in Tanzania." (2012) Ecological Economics.
Conference Paper
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Journal Article
Mgaya, Andrew H, Helena Litorp, Hussein L Kidanto, Lennarth Nystrom, and Birgitta Essen. "Criteria-based audit to improve quality of care of foetal distress: standardising obstetric care at a national referral hospital in a low resource setting, Tanzania." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016): 343.
Journal Article
Swai, Ombeni. "Socio-physical and Environmental Evaluation of Courtyard Space and Courtyard-lifestyle in the Context of Swahili Architecture and Culture-Case study of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." International Journal of Urban Design for Ubiquitous Computing 4, no. 1 (2016): 13-32.
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Working Paper
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Gilbert, Louisa, Tina Jiwatram-Negron, Danil Nikitin, Olga Rychkova, Tara McCrimmon, Irena Ermolaeva, Nadejda Sharonova, Aibek Mukambetov, and Timothy Hunt. "Feasibility and preliminary effects of a screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment model to address gender-based violence among women who use drugs in Kyrgyzstan: Project WINGS (Women Initiating New Goals of Safety)." Drug and alcohol review 36, no. 1 (2017): 125-133.
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