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Showing 301-330 of 2025
Journal Article
Wirth, Meg, Emma Sacks, Enrique Delamonica, Adam Storeygard, Alberto Minujin, and Deborah Balk.
Delivering” on the MDGs?: equity and maternal health in Ghana, Ethiopia and Kenya
East African Journal of Public Health 5, no. 3 (2008): 133-141.
Journal Article
Sousa, Angelica, Kenneth Hill, and Mario R Dal Poz.
Sub-national assessment of inequality trends in neonatal and child mortality in Brazil
International Journal for Equity in Health 9, no. 1 (2010): 21.
Working Paper
Rosen, Sydney, Petan Hamazakaza, Rich Feeley, and Matthew Fox.
The impact of AIDS on government service delivery: the case of the Zambia Wildlife Authority
(2006) AIDS: Health and Development , Discussion Paper No. 8 .
Journal Article
Marriott, Bernadette P, Alan White, Louise Hadden, Jayne C Davies, and John C Wallingford.
World Health Organization (WHO) infant and young child feeding indicators: associations with growth measures in 14 low-income countries
(2011) Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Chen, Susan, and David Guilkey.
The effect of facility characteristics on choice of family planning facility in rural Tanzania
Washington, USA: MEASURE Evaluation, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002.
Journal Article
Kolling, Marie, Kirsty Winkley, and Mette Von Deden.
"For someone who's rich, it's not a problem". Insights from Tanzania on diabetes health-seeking and medical pluralism among Dar es Salaam's urban poor
(2010) Globalization and Health.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gething, Peter.
Spatiotemporal modelling of health management information system data to quantify malaria treatment burdens in the Kenyan government's formal health sector
PhD, University of Southampton, 2006.
Journal Article
Ncube, Mthuli, and Abebe Shimeles.
The making of the middle class in Africa
Mishra, Srijit, Ravi Duggal, Lakshmi Lingam, and Amita Pitre.
A report on health inequities in Maharashtra
Pune, India: SATHI-(Support for Advocacy and Training into Health Initiatives), 2008.
Working Paper
Mitra, Anirban, and Shabana Mitra.
Electoral uncertainty and the size of the “Middle-Class”
(2012) University of Oslo.
Working Paper
Marek, Tonia, Catherine O’Farrell, Chiaki Yamamoto, and Ilyse Zable.
Trends and opportunities in public-private partnerships to improve health service delivery in Africa
(2005) Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Virmani, Arvind.
Poverty and hunger in India: what is needed to eliminate them
The Pakistan Development Review 45, no. 2 (2006): 241-259.
Journal Article
Stein, Alexander, J.V. Meenakshi, Matin Qaim, Penelope Nestel, H.P.S. Sachdev, and Zul?qar Bhutta.
Potential impacts of iron biofortification in India
Social science & medicine 66, no. 8 (2008): 1797-1808.
Working Paper
Deshingkar, Priya.
Extending labour inspections to the informal sector and agriculture
(2009) Chronic Poverty Research Center Working Paper.
Journal Article
Chopra, Kanchan, and Purnamita Dasgupta.
The Nature of Household Dependence on Common Pool Resources: An Empirical Study in India
(2008) Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India.
Journal Article
Azam, Mehtabul.
Progress of participation in tertiary education in India from 1993 to 2004
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration 23, no. 2 (2009).
Dao, HT, H Waters, and Q Lewis.
User fees and health service utilization in Vietnam : how to protect the poor?
Oxford, ROYAUME-UNI: Elsevier, 2008.
Journal Article
Molini, Vasco.
Food security in Vietnam during the 1990s
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, Anoshua, and Kakoli Roy.
Changes in out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Vietnam and its impact on equity in payments, 1992-2002
Health Policy 88, no. 1 (2008): 38-48.
McCaig, Brian.
Exporting out of poverty: provincial poverty in Vietnam and U.S. market access
Working Paper
Ray, Ranjan.
Dietary changes, calorie intake and undernourishment: a comparative study of India and Vietnam
(2007) Discussion Paper. School of Economics and Finance, Tasmania.
Ravallion, Martin, and Dominique Van der Walle.
Land allocation in Vietnam's agrarian transition
Journal Article
Ravallion, Martin, and Dominique Van de Walle.
Land allocation in Vietnam’s agrarian transition part 2: introducing a land market
Journal Article
Viswanathan, Brinda, and K.S. Kavi Kumar.
Cooking fuel use patterns in India: 1983-2000
Energy Policy 33, no. 8 (2005): 1021-1036.
Working Paper
Suryanarayana H, M.
Economic profiles of morbidity: Measures and illustrations for a developing country
(2009) SSRN Working Papers.
Working Paper
Chopra, Kanchan, and Purnamita Dasgupta.
The nature of household dependence on common pool resources: An empirical study in India
(2008) Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India.
Journal Article
The distribution of public health subsidies in India
(2003) Health Policy Research in South Asia: Building Capacity for Reform. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Working Paper
Navaneetham, K., M. Kabir, and C.S. Krishnakumar.
Morbidity patterns in Kerala: Levels and determinants
Journal Article
Gasparini, Leonardo, Guillermo Cruces, Leopoldo Tornarolli, and Mariana Marchionni.
A turning point? Recent developments on inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Macours, Karen, Norbert Schady, and Renos Vakis.
Cash transfers, behavioral changes, and cognitive development in early childhood: evidence from a randomized experiment
Showing 301-330 of 2025