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Showing 361-390 of 1104
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, Wonbin Cho, and Afrobarometer Network.
Where is Africa going? Views from below
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 60 , no. 60 (2006).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Mxolisi Sibanyoni.
Delivery or responsiveness? A popular scorecard of local government performance in South Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 62 , no. 62 (2006).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Carolyn Logan.
Voters but not yet citizens: The weak demand for vertical accountability in Africa's unclaimed democracies
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 63 , no. 63 (2006).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael.
Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 65 , no. 65 (2007).
Working Paper
Dowd, Robert A, and Michael Driessen.
Ethnically dominated party systems and the quality of democracy: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 92 , no. 92 (2008).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Mwangi S Kimenyi.
Voting in Kenya: Putting ethnicity in perspective
Afrobarometer Working Paper , no. 95 (2008).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael.
Vote buying and violence in Nigerian election campaigns
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 99 , no. 99 (2008).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael.
Do free elections foster capable governments? The democracy-governance connection in Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 104 , no. 104 (2008).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Peter Lolojih.
Rationality, cosmopolitanism, and adjustment fatigue: Public attitudes to economic reform in Zambia
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 105 , no. 105 (2009).
Journal Article
Bratton, Michael.
Briefing: Islam, democracy and public opinion in Africa
African Affairs 102, no. 408 (2003): 493-501.
Journal Article
Bratton, Michael, and Gina Lambright.
Uganda's referendum 2000: The silent boycott
African Affairs 100, no. 400 (2001): 429-452.
Journal Article
Bratton, Michael, Peter Lewis, and E Gyimah-Boadi.
Constituencies for reform in Ghana
The Journal of Modern African Studies 39, no. 2 (2001): 231-259.
Conference Paper
Mattes, Robert, Michael Bratton, Derek Davids, and Cherrel Africa.
Public opinion and the consolidation of democracy in southern Africa: An initial review of key findings of the Southern African Democracy Barometer
Regional workshop and seminar on monitoring and evaluation capacity, Johannesburg, 25–29 September 2000.
Working Paper
Aliber, Michael.
Exploring Statistics South Africa's national household surveys as sources of information about food security and subsistence agriculture
(2009) Food Security Project.
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, Ravi Bhavnani, and Tse-Hsin Chen.
Voting intentions in Africa: Ethnic, economic or partisan?
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 127 , no. 127 (2011).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael.
Citizen perceptions of local government responsiveness in sub-Saharan Africa
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 119 , no. 119 (2010).
Journal Article
Whitworth, Adam, and Michael Noble.
A safety net without holes: An argument for a comprehensive income security system for South Africa
Journal of Human Development 9, no. 2 (2008): 247-263.
Journal Article
Surender, Rebecca, Michael Noble, Gemma Wright, and Phakama Ntshongwana.
Social assistance and dependency in South Africa: An analysis of attitudes to paid work and social grants
Journal of Social Policy 39, no. 2 (2010): 203-221.
Journal Article
Noble, Michael, Helen Barnes, Gemma Wright, and Benjamin Roberts.
Small area indices of multiple deprivation in South Africa
Social Indicators Research 95, no. 2 (2009): 281-297.
Journal Article
Barnes, Helen, Michael Noble, Gemma Wright, and Andrew Dawes.
A geographical profile of child deprivation in South Africa
Child Indicators Research 2, no. 2 (2009): 181-199.
Journal Article
Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright, and Lucie Cluver.
Developing a child-focused and multidimensional model of child poverty for South Africa
Journal of Children & Poverty 12, no. 1 (2006): 39-53.
Journal Article
Engelman, Michael, Emily M Agree, Kathryn M Yount, and David Bishai.
Parity and parents' health in later life: The gendered case of Ismailia, Egypt
Population Studies 64, no. 2 (2010): 165-178.
Working Paper
van Koppen, Barbara, Hilmy Sally, Michael Aliber, Ben Cousins, and Barbara Tapela.
Water resources management, rural redress and agrarian reform
Development Planning Division Working Paper Series (DBSA) , no. 7 (2007).
Journal Article
Posel, Dorrit, and Michael Rogan.
Gendered trends in poverty in the post- apartheid period, 1997–2006
Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 97-113.
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, and Michael Bratton.
Learning about democracy in Africa: Awareness, performance, and experience
American Journal of Political Science 51, no. 1 (2007): 192-217.
Journal Article
Cho, Wonbin, and Michael Bratton.
Electoral institutions, partisan status, and political support in Lesotho
Electoral Studies 25, no. 4 (2006): 731-750.
Fan, Qimiao, José Guilherme Reis, Michael Jarvis, Andrew Beath, and Kathrin Frauscher.
The investment climate in Brazil, India and South Africa: A comparison of approaches for sustaining economic growth in emerging economies
1 ed. Vol. 1. Washington DC, United Sates of America: World Bank, 2008.
Clarke, George, James Habyarimana, Michael Ingram, David Kaplan, and Vijaya Ramachandran.
South Africa: An assessment of the investment climate in South Africa
1 ed. Vol. 1. Washington DC, United States of America: World Bank, 2007.
Working Paper
Cummings, Ronald G, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Michael McKee, and Benno Torgler.
Effects of culture on tax compliance: A cross check of experimental and survey evidence
Journal Article
Minkov, Michael, and Vesselin Blagoev.
Cultural values predict subsequent economic growth
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 9, no. 5 (2009): 5-24.
Showing 361-390 of 1104