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Showing 6061-6090 of 7227
Working Paper
Powers T, Elizabeth.
The Impact of Economic Migration on Children's Cognitive Development: Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey
IDB WP SERIES , no. IDB-WP-246 (2011).
Journal Article
Schmeer K, Kammi.
Family structure and child anemia in Mexico
(2013) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Arenas, Erika, Noreen Goldman, Anne R Pebley, and Graciela Teruel.
Return migration to Mexico: Does health matter?
Demography 52, no. 6 (2015): 1853-1868.
Working Paper
Larin, Alexander.
Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity: Unions’ Merit Or Firms’ Foresight?
Working Paper
Atkin, David.
Working for the future: Female factory work and child health in Mexico
(2009) Unpublished Manuscript, Yale University.
Working Paper
Wang, Qing.
Male Migration and Female Labor Force Participation: New Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey
(2013) SSRN.
Working Paper
Aistov, Andrey.
Signalling in the Russian labour market
Hamoudi, Amar.
Risk Aversion, Household Partition, and Consumption Smoothing in Rural Mexico
Journal Article
Beltrán-Sánchez, Hiram, Duncan Thomas, Graciela Teruel, Felicia Wheaton, and Eileen M Crimmins.
Links between Socio-Economic Circumstances and Changes in Smoking Behavior in the Mexican Population: 2002–2010
Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 28, no. 3 (2013): 339-358.
Journal Article
Schmeer, Kammi K, and Rhiannon A Kroeger.
Union Type and Depressive Symptoms Among Mexican Adults
Journal of family issues 32, no. 12 (2011): 1597-1621.
Wang, Qing.
Migration and entrepreneurship of the left-behind: Evidence from Mexico
Thesis or Dissertation
Altman E, Claire.
Migradollars and Meat: Food Expenditures in Mexican Migrant-Sending Households
Master Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009.
Journal Article
Gutierrez H, Federico.
Acute Morbidity and Labor Outcomes in Mexico: Testing the Role of Labor Contracts as an Income Smoothing Mechanism
(2014) Journal of Development Economics.
Journal Article
Ahammad, Saif Uddin.
The Dynamics of Agricultural Land Management System in Bangladesh: The Challenges for Sustainable Development
American Journal of Rural Development 5, no. 1 (2017): 5-18.
Journal Article
Juárez S, Belén de Miera.
The role of public health insurance in protecting against the costs of ill health: Evidence from Mexico
WIDER WP , no. 2017/3 (2017).
Working Paper
Turrini, Gina, Gabriela Farfán, María Genoni, Duncan Thomas, and Andrea Velasquez.
Health Insurance and Child Health: Evidence from Seguro Popular
Working Paper
Abbafati, Cristiana, Edwin Gameren, and Isidro Soloaga.
Social Capital and Health in Mexico
Journal Article
Rendall, Michael S, and Susan W Parker.
Two Decades of Negative Educational Selectivity of Mexican Migrants to the United States
Population and development review 40, no. 3 (2015): 421-446.
Thesis or Dissertation
Romero R, Karla Flores.
Changing the Ability of the Poor to Generate Income: Mexico's Conditional Cash Transfer Program Oportunidades
Master Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.
Journal Article
Majid, Hadia.
Child Endowments and Parental Investments: Intra-household Allocation in Oportunidades Families in Mexico
(2017) Review of Development Economics.
Working Paper
Nasir, Muhammad, Marc Rockmore, and Chih M Tan.
It’s no Spring Break in Cancun: The Effects of Exposure to Violence on Risk Preferences, Pro-Social Behavior and Mental Health
Households in Conflict (HiCN) WP , no. 207 (2016).
Journal Article
Brambila-Paz, Carlos.
Households, Families and Prospective Economic Mobility in Mexico
(2017) Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lagana M, Maria Hernandez.
Evaluating the Impact of Catastrophic Health Payments on School Interruption: The case of Mexico
Master Thesis, Lund University, 2014.
Working Paper
Cabrera-Hernandez, Francisco.
The Accident of Birth: Effect of Birthweight on Educational Attainment and Parent's Compensations Among Siblings
CIDE , no. 299 (2016).
Working Paper
G¨orlach, Joseph-Simon.
Borrowing Constraints, Migrant Selection, and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migration
Journal Article
Davis, Jason, and Noli Brazil.
Migration, Remittances and Nutrition Outcomes of Left-Behind Children: A National-Level Quantitative Assessment of Guatemala
PloS one 11, no. 3 (2016).
Working Paper
Lince S, Ana Leon.
Incomplete Consumption Insurance against Health Shocks: Costs and Welfare Implications
Journal Article
Mukherjee, Soumyatanu.
Technology, trade and ‘urban poor’in a general equilibrium model with segmented domestic factor markets
(2016) International Review of Economics & Finance.
Thesis or Dissertation
Genoni E, Maria.
Essays in Development Economics
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, 2011.
Working Paper
Bouillon, César P, and Patricia Yáñez-Pagans.
Dynamic consistency of multidimensional and income targeting: an application for Mexico using panel data information
IDB WP SERIES , no. IDB-WP-250 (2011).
Showing 6061-6090 of 7227