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Gomez, Anabel, Thayer Rosenberg, Petra Stankard, Rhoune Ochako, Mwende Mbondo, Lucy Maikweki, Saira Abudulla, Alexandra Spyrelis, Sasha Frade, and Tessa Meyer. "Using Research to Inform the Development of Social Marketing Campaigns for HIV Self-Testing in Kenya and South Africa."
Thesis or Dissertation
Chris, Ngeny Kipngetich. "Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy on the liver and kidney functions in HIV patients at Coast Province General Hospital, Kenya." Master of Science, Kenyatta University, 2013.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
Nyanjom, Jane Adhiambo. "Influence of non governmental organizations programme designs on HIV/AIDS prevalence in Nyando Sugar Belt, Kisumu county,Kenya.." Master of Arts, University of Nairobi, 2014.
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Liu, Li, Henry D Kalter, Yue Chu, Narjis Kazmi, Alain K Koffi, Agbessi Amouzou, Olga Joos, Melinda Munos, and Robert E Black. "Understanding misclassification between neonatal deaths and stillbirths: empirical evidence from Malawi." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
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Working Paper
Esparza-Lopez, Carlos, Adolfo Gomez-Amador, Carlos Escpbar, Miguel Elizondo, and Gabriel Gomez-Azpetia. "Experimental analysis of a humid fiber as an indirect evaporative cooling device against roofpond and gunny bags in a hot sub-humid climate." (2016)
Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Graham, Susan M, Murugi Micheni, Bernadette Kombo, Elisabeth M Van Der Elst, Peter M Mugo, Esther Kivaya, Frances Aunon, Bryan Kutner, Eduard J Sanders, and Jane M Simoni. "Development and pilot testing of an intervention to promote care engagement and adherence among HIV-positive Kenyan MSM." AIDS 29, no. 0 3 (2015): S241-S249.
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Mollendorf, Claire, Stefano Tempia, Anne Gottberg, Susan Meiring, Vanessa Quan, Charles Feldman, Jeane Cloete, Shabir A Madhi, Katherine L O’Brien, Keith P Klugman, Cynthia G Whitney, and Cheryl Cohen. "Estimated severe pneumococcal disease cases and deaths before and after pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction in children younger than 5 years of age in South Africa." PloS One 12, no. 7 (2017): e0179905.
Thesis or Dissertation
Govender, Trishka. "The impact of access to antenatal care on maternal health outcomes among young adolescents on the North coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." Master of Technology, Durban University of Technology, 2016.
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