
Showing 1-20 of 20
Working Paper
Bussolo, Maurizio, and Jeffery I Round. "Poverty Reduction Strategies in a Budget-Constrained Economy: the Case of Ghana." OECD Development Center Working Paper , no. 220 (2003).
Book Section
Bussolo, Maurizio, and Jeffery I Round. "Globalisation and poverty: channels and policy responses." (2006) Poverty and policy in a globalising economy.
Journal Article
De Hoyos, Rafael E, Maurizio Bussolo, and Oscar Núñez. "Can Maquila booms reduce poverty? Evidence from Honduras." (2009) Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus: A Macro-Micro Approach.
Bourguignon, Francois, Maurizio Bussolo, and Luiz P Silva. The impact of macroeconomic policies on poverty and income distribution: macro-micro evaluation techniques and tools. : World Bank Publications, 2008.
Bussolo, Maurizio, Samuel Freije, Calvin Z Djiofack, and Melissa Rodriguez. Getting the Most Out of Free Trade Agreements in Central America. 2011.
Book Section
Bussolo, Maurizio, and Rafael E De Hoyos. "Gender Aspects Of The Trade And Poverty Nexus." (2009) Higher prices of export.
Journal Article
De Hoyos, Rafael E, Maurizio Bussolo, and Oscar Núñez. "Exports, Gender Wage Gaps, and Poverty in Honduras." Oxford Development Studies 40, no. 4 (2012): 533-551.
Working Paper
Bussolo, Maurizio, Samuel Freije, Calvin Djiofack, and Melissa Rodriguez. "Trade Openness and Labor Gender Gaps in DR-CAFTA Countries." (2010) World Bank, Washington, DC.
Working Paper
Bussolo, Maurizio, and Denis Medvedev. "Millennium Development Goals for Honduras: current achievements and forthcoming challenges." (2006)
Journal Article
Bussolo, Maurizio, Olivier Godart, Jann Lay, and Rainer Thiele. "The Impact of Coffee Price Changes on Rural Households in Uganda." Agricultural Economics 37, no. 2-3 (2007): 293-303.
Working Paper
Bussolo, Maurizio, Simone Schotte, and Mikhail Matytsin. "Population aging and households? saving in the Russian Federation." (2015)
Journal Article
Bussolo, Maurizio, Simone Schotte, and Mikhail Matytsin. "Accounting for the bias against the life-cycle hypothesis in survey data: An example for Russia." (2017) The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.
Working Paper
Bigotta, Maurizio, Jaya Krishnakumar, and Uma Rani. "Further theoretical results on the regression-based approach to inequality decomposition and application to India." (2012) WPS 12072 Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Maurizio, Roxana. "Migration and labour market precariousness in Latin America.." CIGLOB.
Working Paper
Keifman, Saúl N, and Roxana Maurizio. "Changes in Labour Market Conditions and Policies: Their Impact on Wage Inequality during the Last Decade." (2012) WIDER Working Paper.
Journal Article
Dejardin, Amelita King, and Maurizio Bigotta. "Paid work and gender: rural-urban and regional dimensions."
Journal Article
Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME, Emilio Antonio Luca Gianicolo, Antonella Bruni, Suzan Mitwali, Maurizio Portaluri, Jawad Bitar, Mutaem Hamad, Rita Giacaman, and Maria Angela Vigotti. "Cancer mortality in the West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territory." BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Showing 1-20 of 20