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Working Paper
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Conference Paper
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Working Paper
Namonje-Kapembwa, Thelma, Harrison Chiwawa, and Nicholas Sitko. "Value Chain Analysis of Goats in Zambia: Challenges and Opportunities of Linking Smallholders to Markets." (2016) Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI).
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Tembo, Moses C, Elias Kuntashula, and Thomson Kalinda. "Climate Change Awareness and Joint Decision to Adopt Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture Practices in Zambia." Journal of Sustainable Development 10, no. 4 (2017): 107-120.
Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Mosimanegape, Kagiso. "Integration of physicochemical assessment of water quality with remote sensing techniques for the Dikgathong Damin Botswana.." Master of Science, University of Zimbabwe, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Book Section
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Journal Article
Satyanarayana, Behara, Preetika Bhanderi, Melanie Debry, Danae Maniatis, Franka Fore, Dawda Badgie, Kawsu Jammeh, Tom Vanwing, Christine Farcy, and Nico Koedam. "A socio-ecological assessment aiming at improved forest resource management and sustainable ecotourism development in the mangroves of Tanbi Wetland National Park, The Gambia, West Africa." Ambio 41, no. 5 (2012): 513-526.
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