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Thesis or Dissertation
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Hemsworth, Jaimie, Chiza Kumwenda, Mary Arimond, Kenneth Maleta, John Phuka, Andrea M Rehman, Stephen A Vosti, Ulla Ashorn, Suzanne Filteau, and Kathryn G Dewey. "Lipid-based nutrient supplements increase energy and macronutrient intakes from complementary food among Malawian infants." The Journal of Nutrition 146, no. 2 (2016): 326-334.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Ashorn, Ulla, Lotta Alho, Mary Arimond, Kathryn G Dewey, Kenneth Maleta, Nozgechi Phiri, John Phuka, Stephen A Vosti, Mamane Zeilani, and Per Ashorn. "Malawian mothers consider lipid-based nutrient supplements acceptable for children throughout a 1-year intervention, but deviation from user recommendations is common." The Journal of Nutrition 145, no. 7 (2015): 1588-1595.
Working Paper
Ratnayake, Ruwan, Jeffrey Ratto, Colleen Hardy, Curtis Blanton, Laura Miller, Mary Choi, John Kpaleyea, Pheabean Momoh, and Yolanda Barbera. "The Effects of an Integrated Community Case Management Strategy on the Appropriate Treatment of Children and Child Mortality in Kono District, Sierra Leone: A Program Evaluation." (2017)
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Sando, David, Pascal Geldsetzer, Lucy Magesa, Irene Andrew Lema, Lameck Machumi, Mary Mwanyika-Sando, Nan Li, Donna Spiegelman, Ester Mungure, and Hellen Siril. "Evaluation of a community health worker intervention and the World Health Organization’s Option B versus Option A to improve antenatal care and PMTCT outcomes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled health systems." Trials 15, no. 1 (2014).
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