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Showing 151-180 of 683
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin.
The weight of success: The body mass index and economic well-being in South Africa
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 65 (2011).
Journal Article
Semba, Richard, Saskia Pee, Kai Sun, Martin W Bloem, and V.K. Raju.
The role of expanded coverage of the national vitamin a program in preventing morbidity and mortality among preschool children in India
The Journal of nutrition 140, no. 1 (2010): 208S.
Charmarbagwala, Rubiana, Martin Ranger, Hugh Waddington, and Howard White.
The determinants of child health and nutrition: a meta-analysis
: World Bank, 2004.
Rama, Martin, Tara Beteille, Yue Li, Pradeep K Mitra, and John L Newman.
Inequality in South Asia
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Working Paper
Mwinga S, Martin.
Unemployment in Namibia: Measurement Problems, Causes & Policies
Conference Paper
Torrijos E, Martín.
Situacion De La Mujer En Panama
Revenga, Ana, Dena Ringold, and William Martin Tracy.
Poverty and ethnicity: A cross-country study of Roma poverty in Central Europe
: World Bank Publications, 2002.
Journal Article
Vaessen, Martin, Mamadou Thiam, and Thanh Le.
Chapter XXII The Demographic and Health Surveys
(2005) United Nations Statistical Division, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Eds.), Household surveys in developing and transition countries. New York, NY: United Nations. Retrieved March.
Journal Article
Brockerhoff, Martin, and Ann E Biddlecom.
Migration, sexual behavior and the risk of HIV in Kenya
(1999) International Migration Review.
Journal Article
Martin C, Teresa.
Women's education and fertility: Results from 26 Demographic and Health Surveys
Studies in Family Planning 26, no. 4 (1995): 187-202.
Journal Article
Palamuleni, Martin.
Determinants of non-institutional deliveries in Malawi
(2011) Malawi Medical Journal.
Ravallion, Martin, and Michael Lokshin.
Lasting local impacts of an economywide crisis
: World Bank Publications, 2005.
Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt.
Growth and poverty in rural India
: World Bank Publications, 1995.
Working Paper
Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt.
When Is Growth Pro-Poor? Evidence from the Diverse Experiences of India's States
Li, Yue, and Martin Rama.
Firm Dynamics, Productivity Growth and Job Creation in Developing Countries: The Role of Micro-and Small Enterprises
Journal Article
Fernandez, Didimo Castillo, and Martin Heros Rondenil.
Construccion y homologacion de las variables de educacion en los censos de poblacion de Mexico, 1960-2000
Revista Mexicana de Investigacion Educativa 8, no. 19 (2003): 821-845.
Journal Article
Merino, Martin.
The coastal zone of Mexico
Coastal Management 15, no. 1 (1987): 27-42.
Journal Article
Njogu, Wamucci, and Teresa Castro Martin.
The persisting gap between HIV/AIDS knowledge and risk prevention among Kenyan youth
(2006) Genus.
Journal Article
Asamoah, Benedict O, Kontie M Moussa, Martin Stafström, and Geofrey Musinguzi.
Distribution of causes of maternal mortality among different socio-demographic groups in Ghana; a descriptive study
BMC Public Health 11, no. 159 (2011): 1-10.
Baume, Carol A, M C Marin, Lonna Shafritz, Martin Alilio, Sheila Somashekhar, and Roshelle Payes.
Awareness, ownership, and use of mosquito nets in Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia, Ghana, and Ethiopia- Cross-country results from the 2004 netmark surveys
Washington D.C., USA: U.S. Agency for International Development/Academy for Educational Development , 2005.
Journal Article
Martin, Nimit, Songphol Srisukho, Orathai Kunpradist, and Maitree Suttajit.
Cancer survival in Chiang Mai, Thailand
(1998) IARC scientific publications.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cicowiez, Martín, and Ana Zamorano.
Construcción de una Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Ecuador para el Año 2007
Maestria, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2011.
Working Paper
Chiwele, Dennis, Martin Fowler, Ed Humphrey, Alex Hurrell, and Jack Willis.
Evaluation of Budget Support in Zambia: Agriculture Case Study
Klein, Jørgen, and Calvin Martin.
Evaluation of the Traditional Life Skills Project, Karas Region, Namibia
Journal Article
Muyunda, Martin.
Diversification and poverty upward mobility in isolated areas of Zambia: An agricultural assets transfer perspective
Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 6, no. 10 (2014): 321-331.
Van Klaveren, Maarten, Kea Tijdens, Melanie Hughie-Williams, and Nuria Ramos Martin.
An overview of women’s work and employment in Zambia
Journal Article
Odiit, Martin, Paul R Bessell, Eric M F`evre, Tim Robinson, Jennifer Kinoti, Paul G Coleman, Susan C Welburn, John McDermott, and Mark J. E Woolhouse.
Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Identify Villages at High Risk for Rhodesiense Sleeping Sickness in Uganda
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100, no. 4 (2006): 354-362.
Journal Article
Bellows, Ben, Catherin Kyobutungi, Martin K Mutua, Charlotte Warren, and Alex Ezeh.
Increase in facility-based deliveries associated with a maternal health voucher programme in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
(2012) Health Policy and Planning.
Journal Article
Hoodhoy, Mehlika, Martin S Flaherty, and Tracy E Higgins.
Exporting despair: the human rights implications of US restrictions on foreign health care funding in Kenya
(2005) Fordham Int'l LJ.
Journal Article
Valdivia, Martin.
Poverty, health infrastructure and the nutrition of Peruvian children
Economics & Human Biology 2, no. 3 (2004): 489-510.
Showing 151-180 of 683