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Showing 511-540 of 676
Book Section
Castro-Martín, Teresa, and Antía Domínguez-Rodríguez.
Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends
(2016) Consensual Unions in Central America: Historical Continuities and New Emerging Patterns.
Book Section
Bell, Martin, and Salut Muhidin.
Population dynamics and projection methods
(2011) Comparing internal migration between countries using Courgeau’s k.
Working Paper
Bell, Martin, and Salut Muhidin.
Cross-national comparison of internal migration
Human Development Research Paper , no. 2009/30 (2009).
Journal Article
Kuye, Rex, Kelley Donham, Shannon Marquez, Wayne Sanderson, Laurence Fuortes, Risto Rautiainen, Martin Jones, and Kennith R Culp.
Agricultural health in the Gambia II: a systematic survey of safety and injuries in production agriculture
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine 13, no. 1 (2006): 119-128.
Journal Article
Kuye, Rex, Kelley Donham, Shannon Marquez, Wayne Sanderson, Laurence Fuortes, Risto Rautiainen, Martin Jones, and Kennith R Culp.
Agricultural health in the Gambia I: agricultural practices and developments
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 13, no. 1 (2006): 1-12.
Working Paper
Sophal, Chan, Martin Godfrey, Toshiyasu Kato, Long Vou Piseth, Nina Orlova, Per Ronnås, and Tia Savora.
Cambodia: The Challenge of Productive Employment
Journal Article
Perlman, Francesca, and Martin McKee.
Trends in family planning in Russia, 1994-2003
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 41, no. 1 (2009): 40-50.
Journal Article
Perlman, Francesca, and Martin Bobak.
Socioeconomic and behavioral determinants of mortality in posttransition Russia: a prospective population study
Annals of epidemiology 18, no. 2 (2008): 92-100.
Journal Article
Bessudnov, Alexey, Martin McKee, and David Stuckler.
Inequalities in male mortality by occupational class, perceived status and education in Russia, 1994-2006
The European Journal of Public Health 22, no. 3 (2011): 332-337.
Journal Article
Perlman, Francesca, and Martin Bobak.
Determinants of self rated health and mortality in Russia - are they the same?
International Journal for Equity in Health 7, no. 1 (2008): 19.
Journal Article
Perlman, Francesca, Dina Balabanova, and Martin McKee.
An analysis of trends and determinants of health insurance and healthcare utilisation in the Russian population between 2000 and 2004: the'inverse care law'in action
BMC Health Services Research 9, no. 1 (2009): 68.
Journal Article
Goryakin, Yevgeniy, Bayard Roberts, and Martin McKee.
Price elasticities of alcohol demand: evidence from Russia
The European journal of health economics 16, no. 2 (2015): 185-199.
Journal Article
Gordeev, Vladimir S, Yevgeniy Goryakin, Martin McKee, David Stuckler, and Bayard Roberts.
Economic shocks and health resilience: lessons from the Russian Federation
Journal of Public Health 38, no. 4 (2016): e409-e418.
Journal Article
Cibrián-Llanderal, Tamara, Martín Cadena-Barajas:, Fernanda Cuervo-Ledesma, and Eva Martínez-Fuentes.
Variables sexuales, emocionales y físicas asociadas a la respuesta sexual en mujeres
Vivat Academia , no. 136 (2016).
Journal Article
Aguilar-Perez, Pedro, Martin Vargas-Magana, Lucila Patricia Cruz-Covarrubias, and Rosa Evelia Camacho-Palomera.
El sector editorial. Análisis del hábito de lectura y consumo de periódico de estudiantes del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas de la Universidad de Guadalajara
Revista de Educación y Desarrollo , no. 39 (2016).
Journal Article
Foti, Calogero, Yannick N Azeufack, Martin S Sobze, Caterina Albensi, Raoul W Guetiya, Rachel Mindjomo, Michelle Sipewo, Isabelle Djouana, Axel Mba, and Elisabeth Metomo.
Characterizing disability and perception of rehabilitation in the health District of Dschang, Cameroon
(2016) Edorium Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation.
Journal Article
Oteng-Ababio, Martin.
Beyond poverty and criminalization: Splintering youth groups and ‘conflict of governmentalities’ in urban Ghana
Ghana Journal of Geography 8, no. 1 (2016): 51-78.
Journal Article
Richardson, Erica, Bernd Rechel, and Martin McKee.
Health financing
(2014) Trends in health systems in the former Soviet countries.
Wilcher, Rose, and Erika Martin.
Integrating family planning and voluntary counseling and testing services in Ghana: A rapid programmatic assessment
Journal Article
Apau-Dadson, Ben, Iddrisu Wahab Abdul, Martin Owusu Amoamah, and Joseph Dadzie.
Logistic Regression Model for Determining the Sex of a Child Using Age of the Mother and Month of Conception
Mathematical Theory and Modeling 4, no. 7 (2014): 183-191.
Journal Article
Perlman, Francesca, and Martin McKee.
Diabetes during the Russian transition
Diabetes research and clinical practice 80, no. 2 (2008): 305-313.
Journal Article
Ocvirk, Soeren, Martin Kistler, Shusmita Khan, Shamim Hayder Talukder, and Hans Hauner.
Traditional medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetes in rural and urban areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh - an ethnobotanical survey
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 9, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Kislitsyna, Olga, Andrew Stickley, Anna Gilmore, and Martin McKee.
The social determinants of adolescent smoking in Russia in 2004
International journal of public health 55, no. 6 (2010): 619-626.
Journal Article
Wall, Martin, Elena Schmidt, Anya Sarang, Rifat Atun, and Adrian Renton.
Sex, drugs and economic behaviour in Russia: a study of socio-economic characteristics of high risk populations
International Journal of Drug Policy 22, no. 2 (2011): 133-139.
Journal Article
Martin-Onraët, Alexandra, Patricia Volkow-Fernández, Victoria Alvarez-Wyssmann, Andrea González-Rodríguez, Jesús Casillas-Rodríguez, Lesvia Rivera-Abarca, Indiana Torres-Escobar, and Juan Sierra-Madero.
Late Diagnosis Due to Missed Opportunities and Inadequate Screening Strategies in HIV Infected Mexican Women.
AIDS and behavior 21, no. 2 (2017): 505-514.
Journal Article
Kaplan, Adriana, Mary Forbes, Isabelle Bonhoure, Mireia Utzet, Miguel Martin, Malick Manneh, and Haruna Ceesay.
Female genital mutilation/cutting in The Gambia: long-term health consequences and complications during delivery and for the newborn
(2013) International journal of women's health.
Working Paper
Aristy-Escuder, Jaime, Maynor Cabrera, Blanca Moreno-Dodson, and Miguel Sánchez-Martín.
Fiscal policy and redistribution in the Dominican Republic
The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy: Experience from Developing Countries , no. 46 (2016).
Journal Article
Pomerleau, Joceline, and Martin McKee.
Types of alcoholic drinks consumed and beliefs related to alcohol intake in eight countries of
(1998) Marketing and Research Today.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sánchez Franco L, Jorge.
Tratamiento dietético nutricional en gastritis
Carrera de Licenciatura, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, 2013.
Journal Article
Hushie, Martin.
Public-non-governmental organisation partnerships for health: an exploratory study with case studies from recent Ghanaian experience
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016): 963.
Showing 511-540 of 676