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Journal Article
Aryeetey, Genevieve Cecilia, Judith Westeneng, Ernst Spaan, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Irene Akua Agyepong, and Rob Baltussen. "Can health insurance protect against out-of-pocket and catastrophic expenditures and also support poverty reduction? Evidence from Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme." International journal for equity in health 15, no. 1 (2016): 116.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gavilánez D, Cecilia Guerrero. "Elaboración de un modelo de gestión humana basado en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, RSE, aplicado en una microempresa del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, DMQ." Maestría en Dirección de Empresas, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2016.
Journal Article
Sandoval, Mark Anthony Santiago, Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco, Gregory Joseph Ryan Ardena, Frances Lina Lantion-Amg, Elizabeth Paterno, Noel Juban, and Cecilia Jimeno. "Socio-economic Realities in a Rural Filipino Community Lead to Volunteer Bias in a Survey of Diabetes, Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome." Social Medicine 10, no. 1 (2016): 30-35.
Journal Article
Contreras-Cubas, Cecilia, Beatríz E Sánchez-Hernández, Humberto García-Ortiz, Angelica Martínez-Hernández, Francisco Barajas-Olmos, Miguel Cid, Elvia C Mendoza-Caamal, Federico Centeno-Cruz, Gabriela Ortiz-Cruz, and José Concepción Jiménez-López. "Heterogenous Distribution of MTHFR Gene Variants among Mestizos and Diverse Amerindian Groups from Mexico." PloS one 11, no. 9 (2016).
Journal Article
Nonvignon, Justice, Genevieve Cecilia Aryeetey, Shamwill Issah, Patrick Ansah, Keziah L Malm, Winfred Ofosu, Titus Tagoe, Samuel Agyei Agyemang, and Moses Aikins. "Cost-effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in upper west region of Ghana." Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 367.
Journal Article
Nonvignon, Justice, Genevieve Cecilia Aryeetey, Keziah L Malm, Samuel Agyei Agyemang, Vivian NA Aubyn, Nana Yaw Peprah, Constance N Bart-Plange, and Moses Aikins. "Economic burden of malaria on businesses in Ghana: a case for private sector investment in malaria control." Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 454.
Thesis or Dissertation
Giron Cando, Carolina Cecilia. "El impacto del desempleo sobre el consumo final de los hogares en el Ecuador, periodo 2000-2014." título de economista, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2017, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kujinga, Prosper, Karin J Borgonjen-van den Berg, Cecilia Superchi, Hermine J Hove, Elizabeth Opiyo Onyango, Pauline Andang’o, Valeria Galetti, Michael B Zimmerman, Diego Moretti, and Inge D Brouwer. "Effectiveness of zinc fortified drinking water on zinc intake, status and morbidity of rural Kenyan pre-school children." PhD thesis, Wageningen University, 2016.
Journal Article
Nikolova, Silviya P, Eusebius Small, and Cecilia Mengo. "Components of resilience in gender: a comparative analysis of HIV outcomes in Kenya." International Journal of STD & AIDS 26, no. 7 (2015): 483-495.
Working Paper
Meneses Bernal, Betty Maritza, Sherly Milena Sanchez Diaz, Alejandro Beltran Forero, Gissel Viviana Mayorga, and Edelmira Gongora Gonzalez. "Miradas colectivas del departamento de Cundinamarca, municipio de Bogota." (2017)
Journal Article
Martinez-Restrepo, Susana, Maria Cecilia Pertuz, and Juan Mauricio Ramirez. "La situacion de la educacion rural en Colombia, los desafios del posconflicto y la transformacion del campo." Alianza Compartir Fedesarrollo.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mashapha, Masindi Cecilia. "The implementation of the indigent policy in the City of Tshwane: challenges and options." Master of Development and Management, North-West University, 2015.
Journal Article
Parada, Cecilia. "The labor-supply effects of extending health insurance to workers' partners: The experience of Uruguay." Ecos de Economia 20, no. 43 (2016): 39-64.
Thesis or Dissertation
Maciel Rivero, Ana Cecilia. "Personas adultas mayores: representaciones sociales sobre la soledad y su incidencia a la hora de precisar cuidados. Un estudio cualitativo en la ciudad de Montevideo." Trabajo Final de Grado, Universidad de la Republica, 2015.
Journal Article
Parada, Cecilia. "Efectos sobre la oferta de trabajo de la extensión del seguro de salud a cónyuges. La experiencia de Uruguay." Ecos de Economia 20, no. 43 (2016): 39-64.
Working Paper
Lathapipat, Dilaka, and Cecilia Poggi. "From Many to One: Minimum Wage Effects in Thailan." PIER , no. 41 (2016).
Working Paper
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Journal Article
Austad, Kirsten, Anita Chary, Alejandra Colom, Rodrigo Barillas, Danessa Luna, Cecilia Menjivar, Brent Metz, Amy Petrocy, Anne Ruch, and Peter Rohloff. "Fertility awareness methods are not modern contraceptives: defining contraception to reflect our priorities." Global Health: Science and Practice 4, no. 2 (2016): 342-345.
Journal Article
Eliason, Sebastian, John K Awoonor-Williams, Cecilia Eliason, Jacob Novignon, Justice Nonvignon, and Moses Aikins. "Determinants of modern family planning use among women of reproductive age in the Nkwanta district of Ghana: a case-control study." Reproductive Health 11, no. 1 (2014): 65.
Journal Article
Guo, Nan, Carola Bindt, Marguerite Te Bonle, John Appiah-Poku, Cecilia Tomori, Rebecca Hinz, Dana Barthel, Stefanie Schoppen, Torsten Feldt, and Claus Barkmann. "Mental health related determinants of parenting stress among urban mothers of young children - results from a birth-cohort study in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire." BMC Psychiatry 14, no. 1 (2014): 156.
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Restrepo Yepes, Olga Cecilia, and Lucas Correa Montoya. "El derecho a no tener hambre en Colombia?` D¿Derecho Fundamental o Derecho Económico, Social y Cultural?." (2017) Via Inveniendi Et Iudicandi Vol. 5, Num. 2 (2008) pp. 2-20.
Journal Article
Galbete, Cecilia, Mary Nicolaou, Karlijn A Meeks, Ama Aikins, Juliet Addo, Stephen K Amoah, Liam Smeeth, Ellis Owusu-Dabo, Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch, and Silver Bahendeka. "Food consumption, nutrient intake, and dietary patterns in Ghanaian migrants in Europe and their compatriots in Ghana." Food & Nutrition Research 61, no. 1 (2017): 1341809.
Journal Article
Charrys-Bravo, Nancy Cecilia. "Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama." Ciencia y Cuidado 14, no. 2 (2017): 8-21.
Journal Article
Coronel, Ana Cecilia Rico, Cristina Castillo Parada, Candy Michell Benitez Velez, and Rosalvis Medina Ospino. "Programa de atencion integral a la adolescente gestante." Ciencia y Cuidado 10, no. 1 (2015): 67-77.
Journal Article
Champeny, Mary, Catherine Pereira, Lara Sweet, Mengkheang Khin, Aminata N Coly, Sy Gueye, Ndeye Yaga, Indu Adhikary, Shrid Dhungel, Cecilia Makafu, Elizabeth Zehner, and Sandra L Huffman. "Point-of-sale promotion of breastmilk substitutes and commercially produced complementary foods in Cambodia, Nepal, Senegal and Tanzania." Maternal & child nutrition 12, no. S2 (2016): 126-139.
Journal Article
Marquez, Lina, Amalia Plana, and Maria Cecilia Villarroel. "Mortalidad materna en pueblos indígenas y fuentes de datos Alcances y desafíos para su medición en países de América Latina." (2017) CEPAL - Serie Población y Desarrollo.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jaramillo Mejia, Marta Cecilia. "Situacion de la mortalidad infantil en Colombia." Doctorado en: Medicina Clínica y Salud Pública, Universidad de Granada, 2016.
Journal Article
Maliwichi-Nyirendat, Cecilia Promise, and Lucy Lynn Maliwichi. "Food Related Taboos Observed During Pregnancy in Malawi." Ethno Med 10, no. 2 (2016): 263-268.
Journal Article
Tous, Carmen Cecilia Alviz, Karen Lucia Payares Herazo, Liseth Aldana Argel, and Melissa Arrieta Quiroz. "Prácticas De Cuidado Durante El Puerperio Mediato Por Mujeres Egresadas De Una Ips Sincelejo." Revisalud Unisucre 1, no. 1 (2013): 22-35.
Journal Article
Tanaka, Yuko, Cecilia L Llave, Maria Teresa Reyes Tuliao, Tadashi Yamashita, and Hiroya Matsuo. "Knowledge, Behavior and Attitudes Concerning STI Prevention among Out-of-School Youth in the Philippines." Universal Journal of Public Health 5, no. 3 (2017): 127-134.
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