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Journal Article
Laube, Wolfram, Benjamin Schraven, and Martha Awo. "Smallholder adaptation to climate change: dynamics and limits in Northern Ghana." Climatic change 111, no. 3-4 (2012): 753-774.
Journal Article
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Roma, Lesotho. "Change in Tenure Pattern and Customary Land Practices among Igbo Community in Southeastern Nigeria." Anthropologist 10, no. 1 (2008): 45-53.
Journal Article
Muñoz Astudillo, María Nelcy, Martha Elena González Pardo, Héctor Fabio Vélez Bedoya, Yuliana Rivera Ramirez, Eliana Agudelo García, and Martha Luisa Rios Idárraga. "Fortalezas y debilidades de cuidadores en conocimientos sobre cuidados básicos del adulto mayor." Cultura del Cuidado 10, no. 1 (2014): 38-50.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Velasco-Roldán, Nidya, Sara Torres-Castro, Mariana López-Ortega, César Alfredo González-González, and Martha Liliana Giraldo-Rodríguez. "Investigación social en envejecimiento y vejez: perspectiva del Instituto Nacional de Geriatría." (2014) Hitos Demograficos del Siglo XXI: Envejecimiento.
Journal Article
Rodríguez, Martha Eugenia. "Simposio: México en 1915. Epidemias, hambre y asistencia médica." Gaceta Medica de Mexico 152, no. 2 (2016): 252-274.
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Conference Paper
Brady, Martha, and Beverly Winikoff. "Rethinking postpartum health care." Population Council's Robert H. Ebert Program on Critical Issues in Reproductive Health and Population. New York, New York, 1992.
Journal Article
Campbell, Martha, and Kathleen Bedford. "The theoretical and political framing of the population factor in development." (2009) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Journal Article
Decker, Martha, and Dominic Montagu. "Reaching Youth Through Franchise Clinics: Assessment of Kenyan Private Sector Involvement in Youth Services." Journal of Adolescent Health 40, no. 3 (2007): 280-282.
Journal Article
Mann, Gillian, Martha Bokosi, and Wina Sangala. "Why are pregnant women dying? An equity analysis of maternal mortality in Malawi." Malawi Medical Journal 18, no. 1 (2006): 32-38.
Working Paper
Castel, Vincent, Martha Phiri, and Marco Stampini. "Education and employment in Malawi." (2010)
Working Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, and Innocent Semali. "The impact of adult deaths on children's health in northwestern Tanzania." (2000) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2266 .
Working Paper
Chen, Martha A, and G Raveendran. "Urban employment in India: Recent trends and patterns." (2011) WieGo Working Paper .
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Ejecutiva, Presidente, and Martha Elena Pinto Hart. "Escasez De Suelo Y Precios De La Vivienda En Colombia." (2010) Informe Economico.
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Working Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, and Julia Dayton. "The impact of the AIDS epidemic on the health of the elderly in Tanzania." (2001) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2649 .
Journal Article
Dayton, Julia, and Martha Ainsworth. "The elderly and AIDS: Coping with the impact of adult death in Tanzania." Social Science and Medicine 59, no. 10 (2004): 2161-2172.
Working Paper
Ponce, Juan, Alicia Loaiza, and Martha Núñez. "Un Perfil del Analfabetismo Indígena y Afro en el Ecuador: Propuesta de Focalización para una Campaña de Alfabetización." (2003) Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador.
Book Section
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Thesis or Dissertation
Jimenez, Martha Meza. "El trabajo cotidiano de las educadoras de un jardin de ninos en una comunidad urbano-rural." Universidad pedagogica nationa, Mexico, 2004.
Journal Article
Ainsworth, Martha, and Julia Dayton. "The impact of the AIDS epidemic on the health of older persons in Northwestern Tanzania." World Development 31, no. 1 (2003): 131-148.
Working Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, and Deon Filmer. "Poverty, AIDS, and children's schooling: A targeting dilemma." (2002) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Ainsworth, Martha, and Deon Filmer. "Inequalities in children's schooling: AIDS, orphanhood, poverty, and gender." World Development 34, no. 6 (2006): 1099-1128.
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Sousa-Figueiredo, José, Martha Betson, and J Russel Stothard. "Treatment of schistosomiasis in African infants and preschool-aged children: downward extension and biometric optimization of the current praziquantel dose pole." (2012) International Health.
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