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Showing 181-210 of 700
Journal Article
Martin, Patricia, Paula Proudlock, and Lizette Berry.
The rights of children with disabilities to social assistance: A review of South Africa’s Care Dependency Grant
South Africa’s progress in realising children’s rights: A law review.
Castro Martín, Teresa, and Marta Roig Vila.
Immigrant mothers, Spanish babies: Childbearing patterns of foreign women in Spain
Working Paper
Díaz-Bonilla, Carolina, Hans Lofgren, and Martín Cicowiez.
Public policies for the MDGs: The case of the Dominican Republic
(2008) CEDLAS, Working Papers.
Journal Article
Grover, Davinder, Saskia Pee, Kai Sun, V.K. Raju, Martin Bloem, and Richard Semba.
Vitamin A supplementation in Cambodia: program coverage and association with greater maternal formal education
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 17, no. 3 (2008): 446-450.
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin.
Weighing the value of asset proxies: The case of the body mass index in South Africa
(2009) SALDRU Working Papers.
Thesis or Dissertation
Martin, Marie-Claude.
Ressources Individuelles et Collectives et la Sante des Femmes au Maroc
PhD Thesis, Universite de Montreal, 2005.
Book Section
Martin, Richard.
Education in South-East Asia
(2013) Myanmar: Governance, Civil Society and the Developments in Education.
Bauer, Jean-Martin, Laouali Ibrahim, Amadou Moctor, and Salif Sow.
Cross-border Trade and Food Security: Liberia and Sierra Leone
Book Section
Dedek, Helge, and Martin Schermaier.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by Jan Smits, Second Edition
(2012) German Law .
Gamkrelidze, Amiran, Rifat Atun, George Gotsadze, Laura MacLehose, and Martin McKee.
Health Care Systems in Transition: Georgia
Journal Article
Mansour, Shawky, David Martin, and Jim Wright.
Problems of spatial linkage of a geo-referenced Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) dataset to a population census: A case study of Egypt
(2011) Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
Journal Article
Hong, Rathavuth, Jose A Betancourt, and Martin Ruiz-Beltran.
Passive smoking as a risk factor of anemia in young children aged 0-35 months in Jordan
BMC pediatrics 7, no. 1 (2007): 16.
Journal Article
Quinn, Victoria J, Agnès B Guyon, Joan W Schubert, Maryanne Stone-Jimenez, Michael Hainsworth, and Luann Martin.
Improving breastfeeding practices on a broad scale at the community level: success stories from Africa and Latin America
Journal of human lactation 21, no. 3 (2005): 345.
Thesis or Dissertation
Adokiya, Martin Nyaaba.
Complementary feeding practices and nutrition status of young children 06-23 months of age in the Kassena-Nankana district, upper East Region, Ghana
Masters, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Journal Article
Binka, Fred N, Ayaga A Bawah, James F Phillips, Abraham Hodgson, Martin Adjuik, and Bruce MacLeod.
Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in Northern Ghana
Tropical Medicine & International Health 12, no. 5 (2007): 578-593.
Journal Article
Bawah, Ayaga, James F Phillips, Martin Adjuik, Maya Vaughan-Smith, Bruce Macleod, and Fred N Binka.
The impact of immunization on the association between poverty and child survival: Evidence from Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana
Scandinavian journal of public health 38, no. 1 (2010): 95-103.
Journal Article
Oduro, Abraham R, David J Fryauff, Kwadwo Koram, William O Rogers, Francis Anto, Frank Atuguba, Thomas Anyorigiya, Martin Adjuik, Patrick Ansah, Abraham Hodgson, and Francis Nkrumah.
Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine-based intermittent preventive treatment, bed net use, and antenatal care during pregnancy: demographic trends and impact on the health of newborns in the Kassena Nankana District, northeastern Ghana
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 83, no. 1 (2010): 79-89.
Journal Article
Schlumberger, Martin, Isabelle P Châtelet, Hervé Lafarge, Alain Genêt, Abou B Gaye, Alain Monnereau, Christophe Sanou, Lamine Diawara, Youssouf Gueye, and Jean Lang.
Coût de l’injection d’anatoxine tétanique par injecteur sans aiguille (Imule™) lors d’une vaccination collective au Sénégal : comparaison avec l’injection par seringues et aiguilles restérilisables
Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones / Santé 9, no. 5 (2000): 319-326.
Working Paper
Freyer, Eckhard, Studentische Teammitglieder, Martin Baldauf, Sascha Behrens, Benjamin Farina, and David Matzanke.
Geldanlage bei Inflationsrisiken und politischen Risiken Das RES-Modell. Kapitalanlagestrategien im 3-Säulen-System
Journal Article
Santana, Martin.
A preliminary assessment of the development of e-Government in a local government in Peru
Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies , no. 12 (2009).
Thesis or Dissertation
Valladares C, Silvia Rodríguez.
Impacts of Deforestation on Poverty: Case Study of the Region San Martin in Peru
Master Thesis, International Institute of Social Studies, 2010.
Working Paper
Van der Berg, Servaas, Cobus Burger, Ronelle Burger, Mia Vos, Gideon Rand, Martin Gustafsson, Eldridge Moses, Debra Shepherd, Nicholas Spaull, and Stephen Taylor.
Low quality education as a poverty trap
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin.
The weight of success: The body mass index and economic well-being in South Africa
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 65 (2011).
Journal Article
Semba, Richard, Saskia Pee, Kai Sun, Martin W Bloem, and V.K. Raju.
The role of expanded coverage of the national vitamin a program in preventing morbidity and mortality among preschool children in India
The Journal of nutrition 140, no. 1 (2010): 208S.
Charmarbagwala, Rubiana, Martin Ranger, Hugh Waddington, and Howard White.
The determinants of child health and nutrition: a meta-analysis
: World Bank, 2004.
Journal Article
Han, Silvia Martin, and Meggi Pieschel.
Sustainable Development of Megacities of Tomorrow: Green infrastructures for Casablanca, Morocco
Urban Agriculture , no. 22 (2009).
Molina Marfil, José Antonio, Óscar David Marcenaro Gutierrez, and Ana Martín Marcos.
Educación financiera y sistemas educativos en la OCDE: un análisis comparativo con datos PISA 2012:
: Ministerio de Educación, 2015.
Journal Article
Arogundade, Ekundayo D, Samson B Adebayo, Jennifer Anyanti, Ernest Nwokolo, Olaronke Ladipo, Augustine Ankomah, and Martin M Meremikwu.
Relationship between care-givers’ misconceptions and non-use of ITNs by under-five Nigerian children
Malaria Journal 10, no. 170 (2011): 1-10.
Journal Article
Vaessen, Martin, Mamadou Thiam, and Thanh Le.
Chapter XXII The Demographic and Health Surveys
(2005) United Nations Statistical Division, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Eds.), Household surveys in developing and transition countries. New York, NY: United Nations. Retrieved March.
Journal Article
Brockerhoff, Martin, and Ann E Biddlecom.
Migration, sexual behavior and the risk of HIV in Kenya
(1999) International Migration Review.
Showing 181-210 of 700