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Showing 421-450 of 930
Journal Article
Kelly, Paul, Ellen Besa, Kanekwa Zyambo, John Louis-Auguste, James Lees, Themba Banda, Rose Soko, Rosemary Banda, Beatrice Amadi, and Alastair Watson.
Endomicroscopic and transcriptomic analysis of impaired barrier function and malabsorption in environmental enteropathy
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, no. 4 (2016): e0004600.
Journal Article
Gething, Peter W, Fiifi Amoako Johnson, Faustina Frempong-Ainguah, Philomena Nyarko, Angela Baschieri, Patrick Aboagye, Jane Falkingham, Zoe Matthews, and Peter M Atkinson.
Geographical access to care at birth in Ghana: a barrier to safe motherhood
BMC public health 12, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Kgosiemang, Rose Tiny.
Libraries and library services in Botswana
Information Development 15, no. 2 (1999): 83-95.
Journal Article
Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui, Mauricio Avendano, SV Subramanian, and Ichiro Kawachi.
Income inequality and depressive symptoms in South Africa: A longitudinal analysis of the National Income Dynamics Study
(2016) Health & place.
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Ingrid Woolard, Hayley McEwen, and Charlotte Koep.
Employment and inequality outcomes in South Africa
(2010) University of Cape Town: Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit.
Journal Article
Regmi, Laxman Kumar.
An overview of population growth trends of Nepal
Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 19, no. 1 (2015): 57-61.
Working Paper
Kamińska, Agnieszka, and Piotr Lewandowski.
The effects of minimum wage on a labour market with high temporary employment
IBS WP , no. 07/2015 (2015).
Journal Article
Toyin, Adigun Grace, Awoyemi Taiwo Timothy, and Ajala Abiodun Oladayo.
Explaining Poverty and Inequality Changes in Rural Nigeria
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 5, no. 4 (2015): 227-237.
Demeke, Mulat, Fantu Guta, and Tadele Ferede.
Towards a more employment-intensive and pro-poor economic growth in Ethiopia: Issues and policies
: ILO, 2006.
Journal Article
Blackwood, JC, DAT Cummings, S Iamsirithaworn, and P Rohani.
Using age-stratified incidence data to examine the transmission consequences of pertussis vaccination
(2016) Epidemics.
Journal Article
Rosen, Sydney, Bruce Larson, Alana Brennan, Lawrence Long, Matthew Fox, Constance Mongwenyana, Mpefe Ketlhapile, and Ian Sanne.
Economic outcomes of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS in South Africa are sustained through three years on treatment
PLoS One 5, no. 9 (2010).
Journal Article
Montgomery, Mark, Aka Kouame, and Raylynn Oliver.
Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana - The tradeoff between number of children and child schooling
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM112 (1995).
Pearson, Mark.
Impact evaluation of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp), Malawi
: UK Department for International Development, 2010.
Ghai, Yash, Mark Lattimer, and Yahia Said.
Building democracy in Iraq
: Minority Rights Group International, 2003.
Belsey A, Mark.
AIDS and the family: Policy options for a crisis in family capital
: United Nations Department of Economic \& Social Development, 2005.
Working Paper
Montgomery, Mark R, and Paul C Hewett.
Poverty and children's schooling in urban and rural Senegal
(2005) Population Council Policy and Research Division.
Journal Article
Oliphant, Nicholas P, John B Mason, Tanya Doherty, Mickey Chopra, Pamela Mann, Mark Tomlinson, Duduzile Nsibande, and Saba Mebrahtu.
The contribution of Child Health Days to improving coverage of periodic interventions in six African countries
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. 3 (2010).
Reza, Avid, Matthew Breiding, Curtis Blanton, James A Mercy, Linda L Dahlberg, Mark Anderson, and Sapna Bamrah.
Violence against children in Swaziland
: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Swaziland United Nations Children’s Fund, 2007.
Fort, Alfredo, Hayk Gyuzalyan, Rebecca Kohler, Lauren Voltero, Leah Levin, Mark Luoma, Sona Oksuzyan, and Marcel Vekemans.
Reproductive health care at the primary level in Armenia: assessment of providers services and the factors affecting performance
Chapel Hill, NC: IntraHealth, PRIME II Project, 2003.
Journal Article
Hewett, Paul C, and Mark R Montgomery.
Poverty and public services in developing-country cities
(2001) Policy Research Division Working Paper.
Book Section
Gersovitz, Mark.
Australia’s economy in its international context, volume 2: 1956 - 2009
(2009) Human behaviour and the transmission of infectious disease: An economist’s perspective.
Touchette, Mario, Alessandro Dinucci, Genevieve Chicoine, Mark Gordon, and Marie Enlund.
Urban in-depth EFSA Djibouti
: World Food Programme, ODXF Food Security Analysis Servic, 2011.
Conference Paper
Boerma, J. Ties, Conatance Nyamukapa, Mark Urassa, and Simon Gregson.
Understanding the uneven spread of HIV within Africa: Comparative study of biological, behavioral and contextual factors in rural populations in Tanzania and Zimbabwe
Population Association of America meetings.
Atlanta, GA, 2002.
Conference Paper
Montgomery R, Mark.
The place of the urban poor in the Cairo Programme of Action and the Millennium Development Goals
Seminar on the Relevance of Population Aspects for the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
New York, New York, 2004.
Working Paper
Soucat, Agnes, Abdo Yazbeck, Rudolf Knippenberg, Francois Diop, Mark Wheeler, Shiyan Chao, and Sergiu Luculescu.
Rapid guidelines for integrating health, nutrition, and population issues into poverty reduction strategies of low-income countries
(2001) Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Grimm, Michael, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen, Mark Misselhorn, Teresa Munzi, and Timothy Smeeding.
Inequality in human development: An empirical assessment of 32 countries
Social indicators research 97, no. 2 (2009): 191-211.
Conference Paper
Misselhorn, Michael, Stephan Klasen, Kenneth Harttgen, and Mark Grimm.
A human development index by income groups
Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference.
Gottingen, Germany, January 19, 2007.
Journal Article
Zaba, Basia W, Lucy M Carpenter, J. Ties Boerma, Simon Gregson, Jessica Nakiyingi, and Mark Urassa.
Adjusting ante-natal clinic data for improved estimates of HIV prevalence among women in sub-Saharan Africa
Aids 14, no. 17 (2000): 2741.
Journal Article
Pitt M, Mark.
Estimating the determinants of child health when fertility and mortality are selective
Journal of Human Resources 32, no. 1 (1997): 129-158.
Journal Article
Cammack, Mark, Lawrence A Young, and Tim Heaton.
Legislating Social Change in an Islamic Society-Indonesia's Marriage Law
(1996) Am. J. Comp. L.
Showing 421-450 of 930