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Showing 121-150 of 521
Journal Article
Wittenberg, Martin, and Mark A. Collinson.
Household transitions in rural South Africa, 1996-2003
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 35, no. 69 suppl (2007): 130-137.
Journal Article
Cluver, Lucie, and Mark Orkin.
Cumulative risk and AIDS-orphanhood: Interactions of stigma, bullying and poverty on child mental health in South Africa
Social Science & Medicine 69, no. 8 (2009): 1186 -1193.
Journal Article
Odiit, Martin, Paul R Bessell, Eric M F`evre, Tim Robinson, Jennifer Kinoti, Paul G Coleman, Susan C Welburn, John McDermott, and Mark J. E Woolhouse.
Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Identify Villages at High Risk for Rhodesiense Sleeping Sickness in Uganda
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100, no. 4 (2006): 354-362.
Journal Article
Wenene, Maria, Trui Steen, and Mark Rutgers.
Civil Servants’ Perspectives on the Role of Citizens in Public Service Delivery in Uganda
(2014) International Review of Administrative Sciences.
Working Paper
Lu, Mercedes, Mark Chernaik, and Heidi Weiskel.
Ocean Waste in the Gulf of Honduras: Where it goes and what to do about it
Journal Article
Dronkers, Jaap, Mark Levels, and Manon Heus.
Migrant Pupils’ Scientific Performance: The Influence of Educational System Features of Origin and Destination Countries
Large-scale Assessments in Education 2, no. 1 (2014): 1-28.
Yu, Derek, and Sihaam Nieftagodien.
Poverty and migration: Evidence from the Khayelitsha/Mitchells’ Plain
Working Paper
Eyal, Katherine, and Ingrid Woolard.
Throwing the book at the CSG
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 53 (2011).
Conference Paper
Roushdy, Rania, Mark R Montgomery, and Fariyal Fikree.
Urban poverty and early childhood mortality: A case study of household and neighborhoods in Urban Egypt
CICRED Seminar on Mortality as Both a Determinant and a Consequence of Poverty and Hunger.
Thiruvananthapuram, India, 2005.
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin, and Mark Collinson.
Restructuring of households in rural South Africa: Reflections on average household size in the agincourt sub-district 1992-2003
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (Revised draft) , no. 12 (2008).
Sorrells, Mark, and Kebebew Assefa.
Integrated Genetic and Cultural Management Approaches for the Improvement of Tef in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Camp, Jacob, Neesha Champaneri, JC Conway, Isabel Evans, Caitlin McKennie, Mark Narducci, and Jen Sturm.
Thailand and Adult Diapers Feasibility Study
Journal Article
Browning, Sarah L, Ayele Tarekegn, Endashaw Bekele, Neil Bradman, and Mark G Thomas.
CYP1A2 is more Variable than Previously Thought: A Genomic Biography of the Gene behind the Human Drug-metabolizing Enzyme
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 20, no. 11 (2010): 647-664.
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark.
A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Morocco
Working Paper
Kebede, Bereket.
Decomposition of household expenditure and child welfare in rural Ethiopia
Journal Article
Avdi, Enkelejda.
The Effect Of Pricing Policies And Cost-Containment Measures In Albanian Health Insurance Scheme
Romanian Economic And Business Review 8, no. 3 (2013): 61-70.
Journal Article
Brown, Joseph, and Mark D Sobsey.
Boiling as Household Water Treatment in Cambodia: A Longitudinal Study of Boiling Practice and Microbiological Effectiveness
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 87, no. 3 (2012): 394-398.
Journal Article
Tolts, Mark.
Contemporary Trends in Family Formation among the Jews in Russia
Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe 57, no. 2 (2006): 5-23.
Conference Paper
Tolts, Mark.
Demographic Trends Among the Jews in the Three Post-Soviet Slavic Republics
14th World Congress of Jewish Studies.
Jerusalem, 2006.
Working Paper
Kwarteng, Tamara, Siula Bulu, Wan S Theatre, Isabel Bergeri, Jaylene Malverus, Steve Badman, Alyce Vella, and Mark Stoové.
Vanuatu Integrated Bio-Behavioural Survey and Population Size Estimation with Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People, 2011
(2011) Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bynoe, Mark.
Thee political culture off democracy in Guyana
University of Guyana , 2007.
Bynoe, Mark, Talia Choy, and Mitchell A Seligson.
: LAPOP, 2010.
Journal Article
Gill, Christopher J, Mark Young, Kate Schroder, Liliana Carvajal-Velez, Marion McNabb, Samira Aboubaker, Shamim Qazi, and Zulfiqar A Bhutta.
Bottlenecks, Barriers, and Solutions: Results from Multicountry Consultations Focused on Reduction of Childhood Pneumonia and Diarrhoea Deaths
Lancet 381, no. 14 (2013): 87-98.
Journal Article
Omolo, Jacob.
Regional Disparities in Employment and Human Development in Kenya
eCanadian Journal of Business and Economics 1, no. 1 (2012): 1-17.
Journal Article
Hidajat, Mira M, Mark D Hayward, and Yasuhiko Saito.
Indonesia’s social capacity for population health: The educational gap in active life expectancy
Population Research and Policy Review 26, no. 2 (2007): 219-234.
Journal Article
Schreiner, Mark.
Seven Extremely Simple Poverty Scorecards
Enterprise Development and Microfinance 21, no. 2 (2010): 118-136.
Journal Article
Lyons-Amos, Mark J, Gabriele B Durrant, and Sabu S Padmadas.
Is traditional contraceptive use in Moldova associated with poverty and isolation?
Journal of biosocial science 43, no. 3 (2011): 305.
Fikry, Mona, and Mark M Ward.
L'Integration Economique des Femrnmes dans le Processus de Developpement de Burundi
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark, Douglas H Graham, Manuel Cortes-Fontcuberta, Gerhard Coetzee, and Nick Vink.
Racial discrimination in hire/purchase lending in apartheid South Africa
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark, Douglas H Graham, Nick Vink, and Gerhard Coetzee.
Discrimination by Formal Lenders in South Africa
Showing 121-150 of 521