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Showing 91-120 of 524
Journal Article
Chan, Kit Yee, Mark A Stoove, Luechai Sringernyuang, and Daniel D Reidpath.
Stigmatization of AIDS patients: disentangling Thai nursing students’ attitudes towards HIV/AIDS, drug use, and commercial sex
AIDS and Behavior 12, no. 1 (2008): 146-157.
Journal Article
Shabani, Josephine, Angelina M Lutambi, Victoria Mwakalinga, and Honorati Masanja.
Clustering of under-five mortality in Rufiji Health and Demographic Surveillance System in rural Tanzania
Global Health Action 3, no. Supplement 1 (2010): 42-49.
Journal Article
Nnko, Soori, Betty Chiduo, Gabriel Mwaluko, and Mark Urassa.
Pre-marital sexual behaviour among out-of-school adolescents: Motives, patterns and meaning attributed to sexual partnership in rural Tanzania
(2001) African Journal of Reproductive Health.
Journal Article
Gersovitz, Mark.
A preface to the economic analysis of disease transmission
Australian Economic Papers 39, no. 1 (2000): 68-83.
Journal Article
Keogh, Sarah, Mark Urassa, Yusufu Kumogola, Julius Mngara, and Basia Zaba.
Reproductive behaviour and HIV status of antenatal clients in northern Tanzania: opportunities for family planning and preventing mother-to-child transmission integration
(2009) AIDS.
Working Paper
Zikusooka, Charlotte M, Mark Tumwine, Patrick Tutembe, and HealthNet Consult.
Financing for HIV, AIDS, TB and malaria in Uganda: An equity analysis
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark.
How Do the Poverty Scorecard and the PAT Differ?
Working Paper
Vanags, Alf, and Mark Chandler.
I-CUE Improving the Capacity and Usability of EUROMOD
Working Paper
Boom, Bart, Alex Halsema, Vasco Molini, and Saide Dade.
Does the context-specific cost-of-basic-needs hit the mark?
(2012) Centre for World Food Studies.
Journal Article
Schreiner, Mark.
Estimating Expenditure-Based Poverty from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey
Bangladesh Development Studies 34, no. 4 (2011): 65-94.
Journal Article
Kishwan, J., H.S. Sohal, R. Nautiyal, R. Kolli, and J. Yadav.
Statistical reporting in the Indian forestry sector: status, gaps and approach
International Forestry Review 10, no. 2 (2008): 331-340.
Journal Article
Doherty, Tanya, Mickey Chopra, Mark Tomlinson, Nicholas Oliphant, Dubuzile Nsibande, and John Mason.
Moving from vertical to integrated child health programmes: experiences from a multi-country assessment of the Child Health Days approach in Africa
Tropical Medicine & International Health 15, no. 3 (2010): 296-305.
Working Paper
Chandrasekhar, S, and Mark R Montgomery.
Broadening poverty definitions in India: Basic needs in urban housing
(2010) International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Human Settlements Working Paper Series.
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark, and Helia Nsthandoca Dezimahata Lory.
A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Mozambique
Working Paper
Lawrence, Mark.
Djibouti Ville Urban Baseline Study: An Assessment of Food and Livelihood Security in Djibouti Ville
(2003) Usaid Fews Net Project.
Gonzales, Leonardo A, Faisal Kasryno, Nicostrato D Perez, and Mark W Rosegrant.
Economic Incentives and Comparative Advantage in Indonesian Food Crop Production
Washington, D.C., USA: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 1993.
Schreiner, Mark.
A simple poverty scorecard for India
Washington,, DC: report to the Microcredit Summit Campaign, 2008.
Journal Article
van der Haar, Frits, Gregory Gerasimov, Vilma Q Tyler, and Arnold Timmer.
Universal salt iodization in the Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) Region during the decade 2000-09: Experiences, achievements, and lessons learned
Food and nutrition bulletin 32, no. 4 (2011).
Wheldon, Mark, Adrian Raftery, Samuel Clark, and Patrick Gerland.
Estimating demographic parameters with uncertainty from fragmentary data
Journal Article
Schreiner, Mark, and Gary Woller.
A simple poverty scorecard for Nicaragua
He, Wan, Mark N Muenchrath, and Paul R Kowal.
Shades of Gray: A Cross-Country Study of Health and Well-Being of the Older Populations in SAGE Countries, 2007-2010
: US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau, 2012.
Schreiner, Mark.
A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Nepal
Journal Article
Tolts, Mark.
Yiddish in the former soviet union since 1959: a statistical-demographic analysis
Yiddish in the Contemporary World.
Working Paper
Bloom, David, Elizabeth Cafiero, Mark McGovern, Klaus Prettner, Anderson Stanciole, Jonathan Weiss, Samuel Bakkila, and Larry Rosenberg.
The economic impact of non-communicable disease in China and India: Estimates, projections, and comparisons
(2013) IZA DP No. 7563.
Journal Article
Hirschowitz, Ros, and Mark Orkin.
Inequality in South Africa: Findings from the 1994 October Household Survey
Social indicators research 41, no. 1/3 (1997): 119-136.
Conference Paper
Udjo, Eric, Mark Orkin, and Sandile Similane.
Levels of social indicators in South Africa in relation to international goals of development
Forum 2000 Seminar on Statistics for Social Progress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Kok, Pieter, Mark Collinson, and Statistics South Africa.
Migration and urbanisation in South Africa
Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2006.
Camerer, Lala, Antoinette Louw, Mark Shaw, Lillian Artz, and Wilfried Scharf.
Crime in Cape Town: Results of a City Victim Survey
Journal Article
Twine, Rhian, Mark A Collinson, Tara J Polzer, and Kathleen Kahn.
Evaluating access to a child-oriented poverty alleviation intervention in rural South Africa
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 35, no. Suppl 69 (2007): 118-127.
Journal Article
Wittenberg, Martin, and Mark A. Collinson.
Household transitions in rural South Africa, 1996-2003
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 35, no. 69 suppl (2007): 130-137.
Showing 91-120 of 524