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Showing 1021-1050 of 6226
Journal Article
Endo, Gen.
How Convenience Stores have Changed Retail and Distribution in Thailand?: A Comparative Business History of 7-Eleven Stores in Japan and Thailand
วารสาร ญี่ปุ่น ศึกษา (Japanese Studies Journal) 31, no. 1 (2014): 87-106.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Thinh An, Phuong Minh Thi Le, Tam Minh Pham, Huong Thi Thu Hoang, Minh Quang Nguyen, Hoa Quynh Ta, Hanh Thi My Phung, Ha Thi Thu Le, and Luc Hens.
Toward a sustainable city of tomorrow: a hybrid Markov-Cellular Automata modeling for urban landscape evolution in the Hanoi city (Vietnam) during 1990-2030
(2017) Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Thesis or Dissertation
Makundi, Linael.
Effects of loan repayment on smes business performance in Tanzania: a case of CRDB bank plc; Morogoro branch
Master of Business Administration, Mzumbe University, 2015.
Lazaro, Evelyne, Jytte Agergaard, Marianne Nylandsted Larsen, Jeremia Makindara, and Torben Birch-Thomsen.
Rural Transformation and the Emergence of Urban Centres in Tanzania
Journal Article
SIngerman, Diane, and Barbara Ibrahim.
The cost of marriage in Egypt: A hidden variable in the new Arab demography
(2001) The new Arab family.
A Situational Analysis on the Status of Women’s and Children’s Rights in Zimbabwe
: unisef, 2012.
Journal Article
Esmat, G, M El Raziky, M El-Kassas, M Hassany, and Gamil.
Treatment of chronic HCV genotype 4 infection
(2012) Current Hepatitis Reports.
Working Paper
Guruswamy, Mohan, and Ronald J Abraham.
Redefining poverty: A new poverty line for a new India
(2006) Centre for Policy Alternatives Working Papers.
Bauze, Anna, Chris Morgan, and Russel Kitau.
Papua New Guinea: developing an investment case for financing equitable progress towards MDGs 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific region: phase 1: mapping report
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: University of Papua New Guinea and Burnet Institute, 2009.
Journal Article
Thomas, Jayan Jose.
An Uneasy Coexistence: The New and the Old in Indian Industry and Services
(2010) A New India: Critical Reflections in the Long Twentieth Century.
Journal Article
Berekméri, Mária, and Surd Vasile.
Some demographical aspects of the newly nominated towns in Romania
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA , no. 57 (2007).
Working Paper
Bailey, Barbara, and Suzanne M Charles.
The Missing Generation
(2008) A Situational Analysis of Adolescents (10-14) in the Caribbean Community.
Gregory, Neil F, Stanley D Nollen, and Stoyan Tenev.
New industries from new places: the emergence of the software and hardware industries in China and India
: World Bank Publications, 2009.
Working Paper
Roland-Holst, David.
A New Social Accounting Matrix for China
Wever, Lara.
Assessing management challenges and options in the coastal zone of Timor-Leste
: Griffith University, 2008.
Journal Article
Tamrakar, Prayag Raj, and Bernhard Mohns.
Forest restoration at the landscape level in Nepal
Forest landscape restoration for Asia-Pacific forests 1990, no. 92 (2016): 103.
Working Paper
Dietrich, Stephan, Franziska Gassmann, Hanna Roth, and Nyasha Tirivayi.
Estimation of rates of return (ror) on social protection investments in Lesotho
Journal Article
Upreti, Bishnu Raj, and Safal Ghimire.
New Actors in New Business: Private Sector Engagement for Peacebuilding in Nepal
SASON Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2, no. 1 (2011): 266-286.
Mustafa, Ghulam.
Education policy analysis report of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
: UNESCO, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Callaway, Latasha.
Can Health and Wellness Education Programs Help Decrease the Number of New Incidences? A Study of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Malawi
Master of Science, Auburn University, 2014.
Working Paper
Guilmoto Z, Christophe.
Viet Nam population and housing census 2009: sex Ratio at Birth in Viet Nam: new evidence on patterns, trends and differentials
Working Paper
Anarfi, John, Stephen Kwankye, Ofuso-Mensah Ababio, and Richmond Tiemoko.
Migration from and to Ghana: A Background Paper
Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalization and Poverty Working papers , no. C4 (2003).
Conference Paper
Asuming-Brempong, Samuel.
The Role of Agriculture in the Development Process: Recent Experiences from Ghana
Inaugural Symposium of the African Association of Agricultural Economists.
Nairobi, Kenya, December, 2004.
Working Paper
Jedwab, Rêmi.
Urbanization, a Magic Bullet for African Growth? On Cocoa and Cities in Ivory Coast and Ghana (Draft)
Working Paper
Sandefur, Justin.
On the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution in an African Economy
(2010) CSAE WPS/2010-05.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sandefur, Justin.
Essays on Labour and Credit Markets in Africa
PhD Thesis, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, 2007.
Journal Article
Moradi, Alexander, and Joerg Baten.
Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa 1950-80: new estimates and new results
World Development 33, no. 8 (2005): 1233-1265.
Journal Article
Djibuti, Mamuka, George Gotsadze, George Mataradze, and Akaki Zoidze.
Influence of household demographic and socio-economic factors on household expenditure on tobacco in six New Independent States
BMC Public Health 7, no. 1 (2007): 222.
Working Paper
Mikhalev, Vladimir, and Georges Heinrich.
Kyrgyzstan: a case study of social stratification
(1999) Working Papers No. 164.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chen, Pian.
Modeling high dimensional economic systems
Showing 1021-1050 of 6226