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Journal Article
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Reza, Avid, Matthew Breiding, Curtis Blanton, James A Mercy, Linda L Dahlberg, Mark Anderson, and Sapna Bamrah. Violence against children in Swaziland. : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Swaziland United Nations Children’s Fund, 2007.
Journal Article
Reza, Avid, Matthew J Breiding, Jama Gulaid, James A Mercy, Curtis Blanton, Zodwa Mthethwa, Sapna Bamrah, Linda L Dahlberg, and Mark Anderson. "Sexual violence and its health consequences for female children in Swaziland: a cluster survey study." The Lancet 373, no. 9679 (2009): 1966-1972.
Working Paper
Curtis, Mark, and Bernadette O’Hare. "Health spending, Illicit Financial Flows and Tax Incentives in Malawi." (2014)
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Curtis, Slân L, and John W McDonald. "Birth spacing and infant mortality in Brazil." Journal of Biosocial Science 23, no. 3 (1991): 343-352.
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Curtis, Siân L, Ian Diamond, and John W MacDonald. "Birth interval and family effects on postneonatal mortality in Brazil." Demography 30, no. 1 (1993): 33-43.
Journal Article
Sambisa, William, Gustavo Angeles, Peter M Lance, Ruchira Naved, and Siân L Curtis. "Physical and sexual abuse of wives in urban Bangladesh: husbands' reports." Studies in Family Planning 41, no. 3 (2010): 165-178.
Working Paper
Hotchkiss, David R, Robert J Magnani, Lisanne F Brown, Curtis S Florence, and Abdelylah Lakssir. "Family planning program effects on contraceptive use in Morocco, 1992-1995." (1998) Measure Evaluation, Carolina Population Center.
Journal Article
Curtis, Sian L, and Ian Diamond. "When fertility seems too high for contraceptive prevalence: an analysis of Northeast Brazil." International Family Planning Perspectives 21, no. 2 (1995): 58-63.
Conference Paper
Curtis, Sian, Emily Evens, and William Sambisa. "Contraceptive discontinuation and unintended pregnancy: An imperfect relationship." Intention and Contraception The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA . 2006.
Journal Article
Blanc, Ann K, Siân L Curtis, and Trevor N Croft. "Monitoring contraceptive continuation: links to fertility outcomes and quality of care." Studies in Family Planning 33, no. 2 (2002): 127-140.
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Curtis, S.L., and E.G. Sutherland. "Measuring sexual behaviour in the era of HIV/AIDS: The experience of Demographic and Health Surveys and similar enquiries." Sexually Transmitted Infections 80, no. suppl 2 (2004): 22.
Journal Article
Steele, Fiona, and Sian Curtis. "Appropriate methods for analyzing the effect of method choice on contraceptive discontinuation." Demography 40, no. 1 (2003): 1-22.
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da Costa Leite, Iuri, Ian Diamond, and Peter W Smith. "Contraceptive Switching in Northeastern Brazil, 1986-91." Brazilian Journal of Popular Studies, Campinas, 2, 1999/2000 , no. 2 (2000).
Hill, Kenneth, Boaz Cheluget, Siân Curtis, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy. HIV and increases in childhood mortality in Kenya in the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. : USAID, 2004.
Journal Article
Magadi, Monica A, and Siân L Curtis. "Trends and determinants of contraceptive method choice in Kenya." Studies in Family Planning 34, no. 3 (2003): 149-159.
Senlet, Pinar, Jill Mathis, Siân Curtis, and Han Raggers. Abortion and contraceptive use in Turkey. : Measure Evaluation, 2000.
Journal Article
Kilonzo, Andrew, Michelle Kouletio, Sara J Whitehead, Kathryn M Curtis, and Brian J McCarthy. "Improving surveillance for maternal and perinatal health in 2 districts of rural Tanzania." American Journal of Public Health 91, no. 10 (2001): 1636-1640.
Journal Article
Mturi, A J, and S L Curtis. "The determinants of infant and child mortality in Tanzania." Health policy and planning 10, no. 4 (1995): 384-394.
Journal Article
Curtis, Sian, Fiona Steele, and others. "Variations in familial neonatal mortality risks in four countries." (1996) Journal of Biosocial Science.
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Ogland, Curtis P, John P Bartkowski, Thankam S Sunil, and Xiaohe Xu. "Religious influences on teenage childbearing among Brazilian female adolescents: a research note." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 49, no. 4 (2010): 754-760.
Journal Article
Sambisa, William, Sian Curtis, and Vinod Mishra. "AIDS Stigma as an Obstacle to Uptake of HIV Testing: Evidence From a Zimbabwean National Population-Based Survey." AIDS care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 22, no. 2 (2010): 170-186.
Journal Article
Sambisa, William, and Sian Curtis. "Contraceptive Use Dynamics in Zimbabwe: Postpartum Contraceptive Behaviour." (1997) Zimbabwe Further Analysis .
Journal Article
Senlet, Pinar, Pinar L Curtis, Jill Mathis, and Han Raggers. "The role of changes in contraceptive use in the decline of induced abortion in Turkey." Studies in family planning 32, no. 1 (2001): 41-52.
Journal Article
Sambisa, William, Sian L Curtis, and Channon S Stokes. "Ethnic differences in sexual behaviour among unmarried adolescents and young adults in Zimbabwe." Journal of biosocial science 42, no. 1 (2010): 1.
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