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Showing 3001-3030 of 3857
Journal Article
Pedro, Sandra.
Communication Strategies for Preventing Violence against Women: Case Study of Timor-Leste
(2013) Communication Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cabral, Mario Marques.
Projeto Timor: estudo para a implementaccao de uma unidade industrial em Timor-Leste
master, Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, 2012.
Working Paper
Guarcello, Lorenzo, S Lyon, and FC Rosati.
Labour Market in South Sudan
(2011) Understanding Children’s Work Programme Working Paper.
Working Paper
Alix-Garcia, Jennifer, and Anne Bartlett.
Occupations under fire: the labour market in a complex emergency
(2015) Oxford Economic Papers.
Journal Article
O'Leary, Brendan.
The Federalization of Iraq and the Break-up of Sudan
Government and Opposition 47, no. 4 (2012): 481-516.
Working Paper
Tiusonco, Jose II.
The Philippines - Improving Institutions, Offering a Vital and Sustainable Labor Force to the Region
APIR Discussion Paper Series , no. 37 (2014).
Journal Article
Hutchinson, G., C. Bruce, and V. Simmons.
Increasing Incidence of Admissions to a General Hospital for Deliberate Self-harm in Trinidad
West Indian Medical Journal 57, no. 4 (2008): 346-351.
Ati, Hassan Abdel, Huda Mohamed Mukhtar, Samia Elnagar, and Lamia Eltigani.
An Update of Reproductive Health, Gender, Population and Development Situation in Sudan, 2011
Working Paper
Salem, Fadi, and Racha Mourtada.
Social Media, Employment and Entrepreneurship: New Frontiers for the Economic Empowerment of Arab Youth?
Journal Article
Surette, Ray, Derek Chadee, Linda Heath, and Jason R Young.
Preventive and punitive criminal justice policy support in Trinidad: The media’s role
Crime, Media, Culture 7, no. 1 (2011): 31-48.
Journal Article
Narine, Lutchmie, Ambika Krishnakumar, Jaipaul L Roopnarine, and Carol Logie.
A Multilevel Analysis of the Role of Parental and Community Variables on Young Children’s Health
Journal of pediatric psychology 38, no. 10 (2013): 1144-1154.
Journal Article
McCauley, Douglas J, Eleanor A Power, Douglas W Bird, Alex McInturff, Robert B Dunbar, William H Durham, Fiorenza Micheli, and Hillary S Young.
Conservation at the edges of the world
(2013) Biological conservation.
Journal Article
Murdock, David, Jacqueline Salit, Markus Stoffel, Jeffrey M Friedman, Itsik Peer, Jan L Breslow, and Penelope E Bonnen.
Longitudinal study shows increasing obesity and hyperglycemia in micronesia
Obesity 21, no. 9 (2013): 421-427.
Journal Article
Joseph, Marlon D, Lorna Thorpe, Carey Annandsingh, George Laquis, Joycelyn Lee Young, Jamie Kwasniewski, Roy Lee, and Emanuela Taioli.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Screening in Trinidad and Tobago: Opportunities for Cancer Prevention
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
Thesis or Dissertation
Holst, Christine.
Use of skilled birth attendants in Nepal
Master of philosophy (M.phil) in Development studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2014.
Hood, Roger, and Florence Seemungal.
Public Opinion on the Mandatory Death Penalty in Trinidad
: Foreign & Commonwealth Offi ce, 2011.
Journal Article
Kontuly, Thomas, and Tiit Tammaru.
Population subgroups responsible for new urbanization and suburbanization in Estonia
European Urban and Regional Studies 13, no. 4 (2006): 319-336.
Gerber, Federica.
An economic assessment of drinking water safety planning Koror-Airai, Palau
Journal Article
Pendleton, Brian F, Neal T Garland, and El-Waheshy Biri.
Correlates of men's attitudes toward women's roles in Libya
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 11, no. 3 (1987): 295-312.
Working Paper
Aksentijevic, Nada Karaman, and Zoran Ježic.
The Effects of Migration on Demographic Trends And Labour Supply in East Croatia
Journal Article
Ruiz, Victor.
Job Satisfaction among fishers in the Dominican Republic
Social indicators research 109, no. 1 (2012): 81-94.
Thesis or Dissertation
Negin, Joel, James Wariero, Robert G Cumming, Patrick Mutuo, and Paul M Pronyk.
High rates of AIDS-related mortality among older adults in rural Kenya
Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Sydney, 2010.
Journal Article
Benjamin, Lennox.
The Bureau of Statistics is extremely pleased to have been associated with the ILO/CIDA Regional Child Labour Project Office in the execution of the base line survey in the worst forms of child Labour in Parika, Guyana. The completion of this survey repre
Journal Article
Young, Laura A, and Rosalyn Park.
Engaging diasporas in truth commissions: lessons from the Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission Diaspora Project
International Journal of Transitional Justice 3, no. 3 (2009): 341-361.
Journal Article
Shah, Iqbal, and Elisabeth Åhman.
Age patterns of unsafe abortion in developing country regions
Reproductive health matters 12, no. 24 (2004): 9-17.
Journal Article
Perelli-Harris, Brienna.
The path to lowest-low fertility in Ukraine
Population Studies 59, no. 1 (2005): 55-70.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mubaiwa M, Kudzai.
Micro-finance and enterprise development amongst the youth: A review of the Kurera-Ukondla Youth Fund in Harare, Zimbabwe
Master Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 2014.
Jahic, Edin.
ERAWATCH Country Reports 2011: Montenegro
Spain: Publications Office, 2013.
St Cyr, Joaquin.
Women as the recipients of services from resources allocated in the national budget of Saint Lucia
: Economic Commission For Latin America And The Caribbean, 1985.
Journal Article
Lopez, Jaime R, Pamela E Mukaire, and Ronald H Mataya.
Characteristics of youth sexual and reproductive health and risky behaviors in two rural provinces of Cambodia
(2015) Reproductive health.
Showing 3001-3030 of 3857