
Showing 1-30 of 1487
Thesis or Dissertation
Ng'atigwa, Francis Xavier. "The Media in Society: Religious Radio Stations, Socio-Religious Discourse and National Cohesion in Tanzania." Doctor of Philosophy in Media Studies, Bayreuth University, 2013.
Journal Article
Valente, Maria O, Jesuina Fonseca, and Joseph Conboy. "Inquiry Science Teaching in Portugal and Some Other Countries as Measured by PISA 2006." (2011) Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Thesis or Dissertation
Valente Galán M, María. "El riesgo operacional y crediticio en las Micro y Medianas Empresas." Título De Ingeniería, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, 2016.
Working Paper
Heins, Frank, Mekonen Tesfaye, and Paolo Valente. "Infant and Child Morality in Urban Ethiopia: with Special Refrence to Socio-Demographic and Housing Condition in Urban Areas and Addis Ababa." In-Depth Studies from the 1994 Population and Housing Census In Ethiopia: Italian Multi-Bi Research Project , no. ETH/92/P01 (2001).
Working Paper
Valente, Christine. "Access to abortion, investments in neonatal health, and sex-selection: evidence from Nepal." (2010) HEDG Working Paper 10/15.
Working Paper
Valente, Christine. "Children of the revolution: Fetal and child health amidst violent civil conflict." (2011) Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series .
Journal Article
Valente, Christine. "What did the Maoists ever do for us? Education and marriage of women exposed to civil conflict in Nepal." (2011) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Working Paper
Valente, Christine. "What did the Maoists ever do for us? Education and marriage of women exposed to civil conflict in Nepal." (2011) Households in Conflict Network Working Papers.
Journal Article
Valente, T. W, and W. P Saba. "Campaign exposure and interpersonal communication as factors in contraceptive use in Bolivia." Journal of Health Communication 6, no. 4 (2001): 303-322.
Journal Article
Valente, Christine. "The food (in)security impact of land redistribution in South Africa: Microeconometric evidence from national data." World Development 37, no. 9 (2009): 1540 -1553.
Working Paper
Dickerson, Andy P, Steven McIntosh, and Christine Valente. "Do the Maths: An Analysis of the Gender Gap in Mathematics in Africa." Discussion Paper Series, Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit , no. 7174 (2013).
Working Paper
Alzate Gouzy, Carolina, and Ana Lúcia Valente. "El retorno a El Salado: la expresión de la resistencia campesina." (2012)
Journal Article
Blanco López, Paloma, Valente Vázquez Solís, Juan Antonio Reyes Agüero, and Mauricio Genet Guzmán Chávez. "Inventario de recursos turisticos como base para la planificacion territorial en la zona Altiplano de San Luis Potosi, Mexico." Cuadernos de turismo , no. 35 (2015).
Journal Article
Martins, Luís Leite F, Luiz Santos C Thuler, and Joaquim G Valente. "Cobertura do Exame de Papanicolaou no Brasil e Seus Fatores Determinantes: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura." Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 27, no. 8 (2005): 485-492.
Journal Article
Deen, Jacqueline, Livio Conceicao Matos, Beth Temple, Jiunn-Yih Su, Joao Silva, Selma Liberato, Valente Silva, Ana Isabel Soares, Vijaya Joshi, and Sarah Moon. "Identifying national health research priorities in Timor-Leste through a scoping review of existing health data." (2013) Health Research Policy and Systems.
Journal Article
Perrone, Andrea, and Stefano Valente. "Against All Odds: Investor Protection in Italy and the Role of Courts." European Business Organization Law Review 13, no. 01 (2012): 31-44.
Miller, Grant, and Christine Valente. Population Policy: Abortion and Modern Contraception are Substitutes. 2016.
Journal Article
Da Silva, Valente, Made Bakta, N. Wirawan, and Tigeh Suryadhi. "The Correlation Between the Perceived Recovery and Migration with Drop Out TB Treatments at Dili and Ermera Districts-Timor-Leste." Indonesia Journal of Biomedical Scienc 10, no. 1 (2016): 12-16.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bonfim G, Maria de Souza e Silva. "A Lei 11.340/2006 (Lei Maria da Penha) como Instrumento Ratificador da Vitimização da Mulher: Uma Análise Sob a Ótica Vitimológica." Grau de Bacharel, Centro Universitário Jorge Amado, 2011.
Journal Article
Guillen de Bográn, María Antonieta, María Elena Zepeda, Rodrigo García, Dalila Pinel, María Deni Sanchez, Pablo Ibarraran, Renán Rápalo Castellanos, Michael Reynolds, and Helmis Cardenas. "Equipo Directivo Y Tecnico Del Programa Bono 10,000 Y Responsables De La Evaluacion De Impacto." (2013)
Journal Article
Basadre Quiroz, Carla, Hernán Bello Vélez, José Ignacio Benavides Barrantes, Mercedes Bravo Taxa, and Emilio Carranza Gajardo. "Lactancia materna exitosa en puérperas de menos de 48 horas en el Hospital de Apoyo María Auxiliadora." Horizonte Médico 13, no. 2 (2013): 28-39.
Journal Article
Allca Moreno, Gloria Luz. "Adolescente embarazada: condiciones personales y expectativas futuras de desarrollo personal. Hospital María Auxiliadora 2007." Revista Peruana de Obstetricia y Enfermería 5, no. 2 (2009): 110-120.
Thesis or Dissertation
Altamirano Girano, Paula Angélica. "Factores de alto riesgo asociados a hemorragia postparto inmediato en el Hospital Maria Auxiliadora durante el 2009." Tesis para optar el Título Profesional De Médico Cirujano , Universidad Ricardo Palma. Facultad De Medicina Humana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Banda, Daniel. "Comparative Study of Church and Non-Governmental Radio Stations in Zambia-A case study of radio explorers and radio Maria in Eastern Province." Master of Mass Communication, University of Zambia, 2012.
Journal Article
Asunción Lara, María, Shoshana Berenzon, Francisco Juárez García, María Elena Medina-Mora, Guillermina Natera Rey, Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velázquez, and María del Lourdes Gutiérrez López. "Population study of depressive symptoms and risk factors in pregnant and parenting Mexican adolescents." Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 31, no. 2 (2012): 102-108.
Journal Article
Guevara Romero, María Lourdes, María Blanca Rosa Téllez, and María De Lourdes Flores Lucero. "Aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales desde la visión de las comunidades indígenas: Sierra Norte del Estado de Puebla." Nova Scientia 7, no. 14 (2015): 511-537.
Journal Article
Iregui-Bohorquez, Ana Maria, Maria Teresa Ramirez-Giraldo, Ana Maria Tribin-Uribe, and others. "Mujer rural y violencia domestica en Colombia." (2015) Banco de la Republica, Bogota, Colombia.
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