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Thesis or Dissertation
Manrique Carbonel, Jasmín Marlyn. "Efectividad del programa educativo en el incremento de conocimientos sobre la prevención de anemia ferropénica en los cuidadores de niños de 12 - 36 meses que asisten al programa “sala de educación temprana” Lima-Cercado." Tesis Para optar el Título Profesional de Licenciada en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E.A.P. De Enfermería , 2013.
Journal Article
Lima, Willy L, Elisângela Nóbrega V Lima, Maria Silva R Costa, Alcione M Santos, Antônio Moura A Silva, and Erika S Costa. "Asma e Fatores Associados em Adolescentes de 13 e 14 Anos em São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil." Cadernos de Saúde Pública 28, no. 6 (2012): 1046-1056.
Journal Article
Araya, Tekebash, Georges Reniers, Ab Schaap, Derege Kebede, Abera Kumie, Nico Nagelkerke, Roel Coutinho, and Eduard Sanders. "Lay Diagnosis of Causes of Death for Monitoring AIDS Mortality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." Tropical Medicine & International Health 9, no. 1 (2004): 178-186.
Journal Article
Sichieri, Rosey, Sileia do Nascimento, and Walmir Coutinho. "The burden of hospitalization due to overweight and obesity in Brazil." (2007) Importância e custo das hospitalizações associadas ao sobrepeso e obesidade no Brasil.
Working Paper
Janssens, Wendy, Ingrid de Beer, Hannah M Coutinho, Gert van Rooy, Jacques van der Gaag, and Tobias F. Rinke de Wit. "A cautious note on household survey HIV prevalence estimates in resource-poor settings." (2010) AIID Research Series.
Journal Article
Reniers, Georges, Tekebash Araya, Gail Davey, Nico Nagelkerke, Yemane Berhane, Roel Coutinho, and Eduard J Sanders. "Steep Declines in Population-level AIDS Mortality Following the Introduction of Antiretroviral Therapy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." AIDS (London, England) 23, no. 4 (2009): 511.
Conference Paper
Almeida, Rebeca T, and Iluska M Silva Coutinho. "O Espaço Opinativo no Telejornalismo Brasileiro: Um Estudo de Caso Sobre o SBT Brasil." XVIII Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação na Região Sudeste. Julho 3-5, 2013.
Working Paper
Mehra, Sunil, R Savithri, and Lester Coutinho. "Sexual Behavior among Unmarried Adolescents in Delhi, India: Opportunities Despite Parental Controls." (2002)
Journal Article
Mbulaiteye, Sam M, Elly T Katabira, Henry Wabinga, Donald M Parkin, Phillip Virgo, Robert Ochai, Meklit Workneh, Alex Coutinho, and Eric A Engels. "Spectrum of Cancers among HIV-Infected Persons in Africa: The Uganda AIDS-Cancer Registry Match Study." International Journal of Cancer 118, no. 4 (2006): 985-990.
Journal Article
Musinguzi, Geofrey, Denis Bwayo, Noah Kiwanuka, Sheila Coutinho, Aggrey Mukose, Joseph Kabanda, Lilian Sekabembe, and Fred Nuwaha. "Sexual Behavior among Persons Living with HIV in Uganda: Implications for Policy and Practice." PloS One 9, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
KB Matovu, Joseph, Joseph Kabanda, John B Bwanika, Denis Bwayo, Narathius Asingwire, David Kyaddondo, and Sheila M Coutinho. "Determinants of HIV Counseling and Testing Uptake among Individuals in Long-Term Sexual Relationships in Uganda." Current HIV Research 12, no. 1 (2014): 65-73.
Journal Article
Coutinho, Janine G, Patrícia C Gentil, and Natacha Toral. "A Desnutrição e Obesidade no Brasil: O Enfrentamento com Base na Agenda Unica da Nutrição." Cadernos de Saude Publica 24, no. sup.2 (2008): s332-s340.
Journal Article
De Almeida, Erika R, Alice T De Carvalho, Eduardo Fernando A Nilso, Janine G Coutinho, and Juliana A Ubarana. "Avaliação Participativa do Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Vitamina A em um Município da Região Nordeste do Brasil." Cad. Saúde Pública 26, no. 5 (2010): 949-960.
Journal Article
Fontanet, Arnaud L, Tsehaynesh Messele, Amare Dejene, Fikre Enquselassie, Almaz Abebe, Felicity T Cutts, Tobias Rinke De Wit, Tefera Sahlu, Patrick Bindels, Hailu Yeneneh, Roel A Coutinho, and James D Nokes. "Age-and Sex-specific HIV-1 Prevalence in the Urban Community Setting of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." (1998) Aids.
Journal Article
Mekonnen, Yared, Rebecca Jegou, Roel A Coutinho, James Nokes, and Arnaud Fontanet. "Demographic Impact of AIDS in a Low-fertility Urban African Setting: Projection for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 20, no. 2 (2002): 120-129.
Journal Article
Pontrelli Mecca, Tatiana, Patricia Botelho Silva, Roselaine Pontes Alemida, Camila Rennhard, Jucelia Santos Ganz, Luce Malba Campos, and Elizeu Coutinho Macedo. "Promotion of Language Skills in Preschool Children in a Context of Low Educational Standards." Psychology 6, no. 9 (2015): 1125.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Thu Anh, Pauline Oosterhoff, Anita Hardon, Hien Nguyen Tran, Roel A Coutinho, and Pamela Wright. "A hidden HIV epidemic among women in Vietnam." BMC public health 8, no. 1 (2008).
Corporate Author
Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima; Instituto Metropolitano de Planificación. "Plan Regional de Desarrollo Concertado de Lima Metropolitana 2012-2025." 2013.
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Nóblega Mayorga, Magaly. "Risk and protective factors for physical and emotional intimate partner violence against women in a community of Lima, Peru." (2012) Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Journal Article
Palacios-Solano, Jesús, and Wiliam Peña-Ayudante. "Prevalencia de anemia en gestantes de la ciudad de Huacho." Rev Soc Peru Med Interna 27, no. 1 (2014): 7.
Journal Article
Gutarra-Vilchez, Rosa, Teodardo Campos Solórzano, and Frine Samalvides Cuba. "Alumbramiento asistido con oxitocina intraumbilical: expectante y rutinario." Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia 58, no. 4 (2012): 285-290.
Journal Article
Bayer, Angela M, Lilia Z Cabrera, Robert H Gilman, Michelle J Hindin, and Amy O Tsui. "Adolescents can know best: Using concept mapping to identify factors and pathways driving adolescent sexuality in Lima, Peru." Social Science & Medicine 70, no. 12 (2010): 2085-2095.
Journal Article
Fiestas Solórzano, Víctor, Marco Gonzáles Noriega, Fabián Fiestas, Edwin Cabezudo, Magna Suárez, and Víctor Suárez. "Evaluation of the seroprotection against measles, rubella and hepatitis B in children under 5 years of age in Peru, 2011." Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 29, no. 4 (2012): 437-443.
Journal Article
Palomino, Nancy, Miguel R Padilla, Brigitte D Talledo, Christian G Mazuelos, Jessica Carda, and Angela M Bayer. "The social constructions of unwanted pregnancy and abortion in Lima, Peru." Global Public Health 6, no. sup1 (2011): S73-S89.
Journal Article
Romaní, Franco, César Gutiérrez, and José Ramos-Castillo. "Autoexamen de mama en mujeres peruanas: prevalencia y factores sociodemográficos asociados. Análisis de la Encuesta Demográfica de Salud Familiar (ENDES)." Anales de la Facultad de Medicina 72, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Miljanovich, Manuel, Violeta Nolberto, Martha Martina CH, Rosa Elena Huerta R., Socorro Torres V., and Fernando Camones G. "Perú: mapa de violencia familiar, a nivel departamental, según la ENDES 2007-2008. Características e implicancias." Revista de Investigación en Psicología 13, no. 2 (2010): 191-206.
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