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Showing 31-60 of 1608
Journal Article
Guillen de Bográn, María Antonieta, María Elena Zepeda, Rodrigo García, Dalila Pinel, María Deni Sanchez, Pablo Ibarraran, Renán Rápalo Castellanos, Michael Reynolds, and Helmis Cardenas.
Equipo Directivo Y Tecnico Del Programa Bono 10,000 Y Responsables De La Evaluacion De Impacto
Journal Article
Basadre Quiroz, Carla, Hernán Bello Vélez, José Ignacio Benavides Barrantes, Mercedes Bravo Taxa, and Emilio Carranza Gajardo.
Lactancia materna exitosa en puérperas de menos de 48 horas en el Hospital de Apoyo María Auxiliadora
Horizonte Médico 13, no. 2 (2013): 28-39.
Journal Article
Allca Moreno, Gloria Luz.
Adolescente embarazada: condiciones personales y expectativas futuras de desarrollo personal. Hospital María Auxiliadora 2007
Revista Peruana de Obstetricia y Enfermería 5, no. 2 (2009): 110-120.
Thesis or Dissertation
Altamirano Girano, Paula Angélica.
Factores de alto riesgo asociados a hemorragia postparto inmediato en el Hospital Maria Auxiliadora durante el 2009
Tesis para optar el Título Profesional De Médico Cirujano , Universidad Ricardo Palma. Facultad De Medicina Humana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Banda, Daniel.
Comparative Study of Church and Non-Governmental Radio Stations in Zambia-A case study of radio explorers and radio Maria in Eastern Province
Master of Mass Communication, University of Zambia, 2012.
Journal Article
Asunción Lara, María, Shoshana Berenzon, Francisco Juárez García, María Elena Medina-Mora, Guillermina Natera Rey, Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velázquez, and María del Lourdes Gutiérrez López.
Population study of depressive symptoms and risk factors in pregnant and parenting Mexican adolescents
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 31, no. 2 (2012): 102-108.
Journal Article
Guevara Romero, María Lourdes, María Blanca Rosa Téllez, and María De Lourdes Flores Lucero.
Aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales desde la visión de las comunidades indígenas: Sierra Norte del Estado de Puebla
Nova Scientia 7, no. 14 (2015): 511-537.
Journal Article
Iregui-Bohorquez, Ana Maria, Maria Teresa Ramirez-Giraldo, Ana Maria Tribin-Uribe, and others.
Mujer rural y violencia domestica en Colombia
(2015) Banco de la Republica, Bogota, Colombia.
Cano S., Carlos Gustavo, Ana María Iregui B., María Teresa Ramírez G., and Ana María Tribín U.
El desarrollo equitativo, competitivo y sostenible del sector agropecuario en Colombia
Bogota, Colombia: Banco de la República, 2016.
Conference Paper
Adame, María Camarena E, María Saavedra L García, and María Aguilar Á Anaya.
La Relación Entre La Rentabilidad Y La Participación De Las Mujeres En El Consejo De Administración De Las Empresas Que Cotizan En La Bmv
XXI Congreso Internacional de Condaturia Administracion e Informatica.
Journal Article
Maya, Luis Felipe Fierro, Angelica Maria Gonzaez Clavijo, Maria Fernanda Garces, Maria Teresa Perez, Ariel Ivan Ruiz, Jose Alexander Carreno, and Jorge Caminos.
¿Es mandatoria la tamización de disfunción tiroidea en toda mujer en la consulta preconcepcional?: Aportes de un estudio local
Revista Colombiana de Endocrinologia, Diabetes & Metabolismo 2, no. 3 (2017): 35-43.
Journal Article
Otalvaro, Andres Felipe Tirado, Marta Elena Correa, Diana Ramirez, Liliana Cossio, Maria Cristina Machado, Mayra Munoz, Ana Maria Zapata, Viviana Alonso, Claudia Marcela Villa, Clara Correa, and María del Tránsito Giraldo.
Habitos alimentarios de las familias que pertenecen al programa de Complementacion Alimentaria, Desayunos Infantiles MANA con Amor
Revista Investigaciones Andina 14, no. 25 (2012): 516-528.
Working Paper
Charry Sedano J, Camilo.
Redes sociales en internet y Agenda Setting en el caso de María Camila Sánchez, víctima de acoso sexual en Transmilenio en Bogotá
Caro, Andrea, Maria Adelaida Farah, Ximena Pena, Ana Maria Ibanez, Andrea Henao, Juan Sebastian Munoz, and Maria Alejandra Arias.
El nuevo perfil de las mujeres rurales jovenes en Colombia
: Lima, 2013.
Book Section
Balk, Deborah, Meg Wirth, Enrique Delamonica, Adam Storeygard, Emma Sacks, and Alberto Minujin.
Children and poverty. Poverty reduction policies start with children
(2005) Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the maternal and child health MDGs.
Working Paper
Wirth, Meg, Deborah Balk, Adam Storeygard, Emma Sacks, Enrique Delamonica, and Alberto Minujin.
Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the health MDGs
(2004) Background paper commissioned by the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health. New York.
Wirth, Meg, Enrique Delamonica, Emma Sacks, Deborah Balk, Adam Storeygard, and Alberto Minujin.
Monitoring health equity in the MDGs: a practical guide
: Center for International Earth Science Information Network, 2006.
Kunene, Busi, Mags Beksinska, Simphiwe Zondi, Saiqa Mullick, Emma Ottolenghi, Immo Kleinschmidt, and Carmen Cuthbertson.
Involving men in maternity care
: USAID, 2004.
Journal Article
Thang, Tran Cong, Emma Samman, Karl Rich, Pham Quang Dieu, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Nguyen Van Thanh, and Dang Van Thu.
The participation of the poor in agricultural value chains: a case study of tea
(2004) Making markets work better for the poor.
Rao, Nirmala, and Emma Pearson.
An Evaluation of Early Childhood Care and Education Programmes in Cambodia
Journal Article
Barbour, Virginia, Jocalyn Clark, Susan Jones, Melissa Norton, and Emma Veitch.
Health Care Systems and Conflict: A Fragile State of Affairs
The PLoS Medicine 8, no. 7 (2011): 0-0.
Back, Emma, and Daniel Graymore.
Towards a Medicines Transparency Alliance (META) in Ghana: Preliminary Scoping Study Report
Journal Article
Garcia, Luz Elena Martinez, Emma Zapata Martelo, Pilar Alberti Manzanares, and Rufino Diaz Cervantes.
Genero y poder en tres organizaciones rurales de la region lagunera
(2005) Revista mexicana de sociologia.
Working Paper
Abbott, Pamela, Lillian Mutesi, and Emma Norris.
Gender Analysis for Sustainable Livelihoods and Participatory Governance in Rwanda
Journal Article
Aguila, Emma, Nelly Mejia, Francisco Perez, Alfonso Rivera, and Edgar Ramirez.
Pobreza y Vulnerabilidad en Mexico: El caso de los Jovenes que no Estudian ni Trabajan
Estudios economicos 30, no. 1 (2015): 3-49.
Conference Paper
Malloy, Tove, Roberta Medda-Windischer, Emma Lantschner, and Joseph Marko.
Indicators for Assessing the Impact of the FCNM in its State Parties
Conference Enhancing the Impact of the Framework Convention, Council of Europe.
Journal Article
Wellings, Kaye, Martine Collumbien, Emma Slaymaker, Susheela Singh, Zoe Hodges, Dhaval Patel, and Nathalie Bajos.
Sexual behaviour in context: a global perspective
The Lancet 368, no. 9548 (2006): 1706-1728.
Thesis or Dissertation
Konan, Emma Roselyne.
Epidemiology of adiposity in childbearing Ghanaian women: a comparative study between urban and rural place of residence
Masters, Georgia State University, 2010.
Journal Article
Baqui, Abdullah H, Emma Williams, Amanda Rosecrans, Praween Agrawal, Saifuddin Ahmed, Gary L Darmstadt, Vishwajeet Kumar, Usha Kiran, Dharmendra Panwar, Ramesh Ahuja, and Vinod Srivastava.
Impact of an integrated nutrition and health programme on neonatal mortality in rural northern India
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 10 (2008): 796-804A.
Journal Article
Slaymaker, Emma, and Basia Zaba.
Measurement of condom use as a risk factor for HIV infection
Reproductive Health Matters 11, no. 22 (2003): 174-184.
Showing 31-60 of 1608