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Showing 91-120 of 488
Working Paper
Jelassi, Tawfik, Amina B Zeghal, Tyra Malzy, Vincent Castel, Samia Mansour, and Amine Mouaffak.
Fundamentally Changing the Way We Educate Students in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region
(2015) North Africa Policy Series.
Working Paper
Assaad, Ragui, Rana Hendy, Moundir Lassassi, and Chaimaa Yassine.
Where Has All the Education Gone? Analyzing Trends in Female Labor Force Participation in MENA
Book Section
Cockburn, John.
Handbook of Research on Public Finance in Europe and the MENA Region
(2017) The Incidence of Taxes in Jordan.
Working Paper
Tran, Janice, and Alexander VandenBroek.
Sustainable Resource Security in the MENA Region: A case study on a water energy food nexus approach for Jordan
Thesis or Dissertation
Mena Ortiz, Hilda G, Rosario A Orellana Martínez, and Nelson A Ramírez Pérez.
Plan de mercadeo para la pequeña empresa de la industria de la panificación en el área metropolítana de San Salvador. Caso de estudio: Panadería y Pastelería Fortuna del Pan
Grado de licenciado, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Working Paper
Chang, Anna.
The challenges of balancing careers and family life facing college women in Jordan
(2011) ISP Collection.
Journal Article
Gray, Clark, and Valerie Mueller.
Drought and population mobility in rural Ethiopia
World Development 40, no. 1 (2012): 134 --0.
Kabbani, Nader.
Survey results on hunger and food insecurity in Yemen
Journal Article
Dobronogov, Anton, and Farrukh Iqbal.
Economic growth in Egypt: Constraints and determinants
World Bank MENA Working Paper , no. 42 (2005).
Thesis or Dissertation
Guerrero Mena M, Erika.
Determinantes Observables y no Observables de los Diferenciales Salariales entre el Sector Público y Privado en el Ecuador Período 2011: Un Análisis Empírico de Descomposicion de los Ingresos
Thesis, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Herrera Mena, Maritza X, and Paulina J Arteaga Gabela.
Diseño de un Plan Estratégico para el Incremento de los Niños Apadrinados por la Fundación Niñez Internacional en la Ciudad de Quito
Thesis, Uiversidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gunes, Pinar Mine.
Essays on Female Education, Fertility, and Health: Evidence From Turkey and the US
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland, 2014.
Working Paper
Mendez, Paulina Mena.
Cuando los varones se quedan con sus hijos: familias de padres solteros en querétaro
Working Paper
Angeli, Aurora.
Late-life living arrangements and intergenerational ties in Egypt: elderly socio-economic conditions from labor market surveys
The Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 971 (2015).
Working Paper
Zouari, Sami.
La Dynamique de la Discrimination Salariale et de L’équité Gendorielle sur le Marché du Travail au Maroc
Gender and Work in the Mena Region WP Series , no. 10 (2011).
Working Paper
Ecker, Olivier, Clemens Breisinger, Christen McCool, Xinshen Diao, Jose Funes, Liangzhi You, and Bingxin Yu.
Assessing food security in Yemen
IFPRI Discussion Paper , no. 00982 (2010).
Peña, Emiliana, Rafael Ortiz, José Selig, Samuel Féliz, Bernardo Matías, Antonio Mena, Celia Riera, and Francini Placencia.
Informe de situacion de salud de la Republica Dominicana - 2003
: Secretaría de Estado de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (SESPAS), 2006.
Journal Article
Esfahani, Hadi Salehi, and Parastoo Shajari.
Gender, education, family structure, and the allocation of labor in Iran
Middle East Development Journal 4, no. 02 (2012).
Journal Article
Masoumi E, Houshmand.
Urban sprawl in mid-sized cities of MENA, evidence from Yazd and Kashan in central Iran
Management Research and Practice 6, no. 2 (2014): 25-41.
Journal Article
Attari, Jalal, Seyed Ali Mojahedi, and Amirpouya Sarraf.
Assessing of canadian water sustainability \index (CWSI) in ahwaz county located in south west of Iran
Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) 5, no. 4 (2014): 183-194.
Journal Article
Edwards, Christie.
Advocacy strategies for marginalized women in Morocco
Journal of new media studies in Mena , no. 1 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Mena V, Lenin.
Investigación de los problemas socioeconómicos de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) del sector cuero y calzado, en la ciudad de Ambato provincia de Tungurahua, en el período 2007-2012.
Master Thesis, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Avilés Mena F, Mariana.
Proyecto para el mejoramiento técnico y administrativo del Restaurante "SIONS" ubicado en el Norte de Quito
Título de Ingeniera en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2012.
Journal Article
Mena, Norma E, and Luke Sorrick.
Monitoreo Neurofisiológico Intraoperatorio: Utilidad y Ventajas en cirugía de columna
Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurología 22, no. 1-3 (2013): 85-91.
Thesis or Dissertation
Romero Mena, Cristian Abraham.
El empleo y el desarrollo economico local del canton Riobamba
Título de Economista, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato. Facultad de Contabilidad y Auditoria. Carrera Economia, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mena, Edgar Eduardo Sanchea.
Mecanismos de búsqueda y calidad del empleo en la zona metropolitana de Monterrey, comparación 2005 y 2015
grado de Maestría en Economía Regional, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, 2017.
Working Paper
Assaad, Ragui.
Equality for all? Egypt’s free public higher education policy breeds inequality of opportunity
(2013) Is there equality of opportunity under free higher education in Egypt.
Working Paper
Elbadawy, Asmaa.
Migration aspirations among young people in Egypt: who desires to migrate?
Working Paper
Geel, Fatma El Zahraa.
Quality Sexual Education Needed for Adolescents in Egyptian Schools
(2012) Population Reference Bureau MENA Working Paper.
Working Paper
Sieverding, Maia.
A Life Course Perspective on Social Protection among the Working Poor in Egypt
Gender and Work in the MENA Region Working Paper Series , no. 24 (2012).
Showing 91-120 of 488