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Journal Article
King, Russell, Matloob Piracha, and Julie Vullnetari. "Migration and development in transition economies of Southeastern Europe." Eastern European Economics 48, no. 6 (2010): 3-16.
Working Paper
King, Russell, Ronald Skeldon, and Julie Vullnetari. "Internal and international migration: bridging the theoretical divide." (1992)
Thesis or Dissertation
Russell E, Beverly. "The impact of the Jamaican Drugs for the Elderly program on access to care and spending on prescription medications." PhD Thesis, Brandeis University, 2006.
Journal Article
Garcés-Palacio, Isabel, Maya Altarac, Russell Kirby, Leslie A McClure, Beverly Mulvihill, and Isabel Scarinci. "Contribution of health care coverage in cervical cancer screening follow-up: Findings from a cross-sectional study in Colombia." International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 20, no. 7 (2010): 1232.
Journal Article
Wright, James, Stephen Gundry, A Ferro-Luzzi, P Mucavele, G Russell, and J Nyatsanza. "Assessment of bias in national growth-monitoring data: A case study in Zimbabwe." Food & Nutrition Bulletin 22, no. 1 (2001): 31-38.
Journal Article
Dalton, Russell, Alix Van Sickle, and Steven Weldon. "The individual-institutional nexus of protest behaviour." British Journal of Political Science 40, no. 1 (2010): 51-73.
Journal Article
Sousa-Figueiredo, José Carlos, Dina Gamboa, João Mário Pedro, Cláudia Fançony, António J Langa, Ricardo J Magalhães, Russell J Stothard, and Susana V Nery. "Epidemiology of Malaria, Schistosomiasis, Geohelminths, Anemia and Malnutrition in the Context of a Demographic Surveillance System in Northern Angola." (2012) PloS ONE.
Journal Article
Magree, H C, F M Russell, R Sa'aga, P Greenwood, L Tikoduadua, J Pryor, L Waqatakirewa, J R Carapetis, and E K Mulholland. "Chest X-ray-confirmed pneumonia in children in Fiji." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83, no. 6 (2005): 427-433.
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Konicki, ErinMari, Alexander Korpacz, Westley Russell, and Saadet N Yilmaz. "Creating a Solar Light Distribution Plan for Students in the Informal Settlements of Windhoek, Namibia." Degree of Bachelor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2014.
Working Paper
Islam, Asadul, Chandana Maitra, Debayan Pakrashi, and Russell Smyth. "Microcredit Program Participation and Household Food Security in Rural Bangladesh." (2015)
Journal Article
Winters, Anna M, Erin J Staples, Asaph Ogen-Odoi, Paul S Mead, Kevin Griffith, Nicholas Owor, Nackson Babi, Russell E Enscore, Lars Eisen, Kenneth L Gage, and Rebecca J Eisen. "Spatial Risk Models for Human Plague in the West Nile Region of Uganda." The American journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 80, no. 6 (2009): 1014-1022.
Hahn, Youjin, Asadul Islam, Kanti Nuzhat, Russell Smyth, and Hee-Seung Yang. Education, Marriage and Fertility: Long-Term Evidence from a Female Stipend Program in Bangladesh. 2015.
Conference Paper
Khanam, Rasheda, and Russell Ross. "Child work and other determinants of school attendance and school attainment in Bangladesh." Proceedings of the 37th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2008). 2008.
Journal Article
Martin, Faith, Steve Russell, and Janet Seeley. "Higher Quality of Life and Lower Depression for People on ART in Uganda as Compared to a Community Control Group." (2014) Plos One.
Perfit, Janine, Mariko Russell, A Munoz, and E Jorge. Improving the Quality of Statistics in Belize. 2014.
Journal Article
Howell, Alison, Lawrence Mugisha, Juliet Davies, James E LaCourse, Jennifer Claridge, Diana L. J Williams, Louise Kelly-Hope, Martha Betson, Narcis B Kabatereine, and Russell J Stothard. "Bovine Fasciolosis at Increasing Altitudes: Parasitological and Malacological Sampling on the Slopes of Mount Elgon, Uganda." (2012) Parasites & Vectors.
Journal Article
Taboada Aranza, Olga, Ximena Cortes Coronel, and Rosa Diana Hernandez Palacios. "Perfil de salud bucodental en un grupo de adultos mayores del estado de Hidalgo.." Revista ADM 71, no. 2 (2014): 77-82.
Working Paper
Islam, Asadul, Chandarany Ouch, Russell Smyth, and Liang Choon Wang. "Sex Ratio and the Intergenerational Impact of Conflict on Human Development: Evidence from Cambodia’s Genocide." (2015)
Working Paper
Morrison, Amy C, Sharon L Minnick, Claudio Rocha, Brett M Forshey, Steven T Stoddard, Arthur Getis, Dana A Focks, Kevin L Russell, James G Olson, Patrick J Blair, Douglas M Watts, Moisés Sihuincha, Thomas W Scott, and Tadeusz J Kochel. "Epidemiología del Virus de Dengue en Iquitos, Perú entre 1999 a 2005: Patrones Interepidémicos y Epidémicos de Transmisión." (2015)
Journal Article
Khounsy, Syseng, Sonevilay Nampanya, Phout Inthavong, Moua Yang, Bounkhoung Khamboungheung, Michaela Avery, Russell Bush, Luzia Rast, and Peter A Windsor. "Significant mortality of large ruminants due to hypothermia in northern and central Lao PDR." Tropical animal health and production 44, no. 4 (2012): 835-842.
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Omomowo, Kolawole Emmanuel. "The lords of poverty? Micro-credit institutions and social reproduction in South Africa." Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology , University of the Western Cape , 2015.
Journal Article
Leong, Russell, and Stephanie Santos. "The Death of Eugenia Baja: Feminicide and Transnational Feminist Organizing among Filipina Migrant Workers." Amerasia Journal 35, no. 2 (2009): 65-76.
Journal Article
Narayan, Paresh Kumar, and Russell Smyth. "The determinants of immigration from Fiji to New Zealand: an empirical reassessment using the bounds testing approach." International Migration 41, no. 5 (2003): 33-58.
Journal Article
Steer, AC, AJW Jenney, F Oppedisano, MR Batzloff, J Hartas, J Passmore, FM Russell, JHH Kado, and JR Carapetis. "High burden of invasive beta-haemolytic streptococcal infections in Fiji." Epidemiology and infection 136, no. 05 (2008): 621-627.
Journal Article
Russell, FM, JR Carapetis, S Ketaiwai, V Kunabuli, M Taoi, S Biribo, A Seduadua, and EK Mulholland. "Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage and patterns of penicillin resistance in young children in Fiji." Annals of tropical paediatrics 26, no. 3 (2006): 187-197.
Journal Article
Zuxiang, WANG, Russell Smyth, and NG Yew-Kwang. "A new ordered family of Lorenz curves with an application to measuring income inequality and poverty in rural China." China Economic Review 20, no. 2 (2009): 218-235.
Journal Article
Qian, Xiaolei, and Russell Smyth. "Private returns to investment in education: an empirical study of urban China." Post-Communist Economies 20, no. 4 (2008): 483-501.
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