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Thesis or Dissertation
Duran Quintana, Monica Paola, and Marcela Ines Casadiego Angarita. "Factores principales y consecuencias tributarias de la informalidad en el sector del dulce nombre de Ocaña." Contador Público, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, 2015.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Rojas, Carlos, Diana Castro, Natalia Gomez, Mauricio Lozano, Jhojandrelli Congote, Sara Paris, Monica Soto, Gladis Yagari, and Javier Mignone. "Prevalence, risk behaviours, and HIV knowledge in an Indigenous community in Colombia." International Journal of Indigenous Health 10, no. 2 (2015): 102-116.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nanez Espinosa, Monica Andrea, Jose Daniel Ortega Diaz, Jimena Ovalle Rodriguez, and Paola Ramos Guzman. "Dinámica en las pautas y prácticas de crianza de una familia monoparental del barrio Charco Azul, en la ciudad de Cali." Curso de profundización “Desarrollo Humano y Familia”, Universida Nacional Abierta y a Distancia -UNAD, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Baila Risco, Beatriz Martha Yesenia, and Monica Marily Quevedo Siesquén. "Relación entre conocimientos y prácticas sobre lactancia materna en madres del programa de crecimiento y desarrollo Hospital Referencial Ferreñafe, 2016." Enfermeria, Universidad Señor de Sipán, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Grant J, Monica. "The demographic promise of expanded female education: trends in the age at first birth in Malawi." Population and Development Review 41, no. 3 (2015): 409-438.
Journal Article
Mutombo, Namuunda, Beatrice Maina, and Monica Jamali. "Male circumcision and HIV infection among sexually active men in Malawi." BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 1051.
Thesis or Dissertation
Esquinca O, Monica. "Welfare impacts of Pension para Adultos Mayores: Evidence from a non-experimental evaluation." Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Northeastern University, 2016.
Journal Article
Vygen, Sabine, Amanda Tiffany, Monica Rull, Alexandre Ventura, Anja Wolz, Amara Jambai, and Klaudia Porten. "Changes in health-seeking behavior did not result in increased all-cause mortality during the Ebola outbreak in Western Area, Sierra Leone." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 95, no. 4 (2016): 897-901.
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Grant, Monica J, and Sara Yeatman. "The impact of family transitions on child fostering in rural Malawi." Demography 51, no. 1 (2014): 205-228.
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Journal Article
Grant, Monica J, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek. "HIV risk perceptions, the transition to marriage, and divorce in Southern Malawi." Studies in Family Planning 45, no. 3 (2014): 315-337.
Journal Article
Grant, Monica, Cynthia Lloyd, and Barbara Mensch. "Menstruation and school absenteeism: evidence from rural Malawi." Comparative Education Review 57, no. 2 (2013): 260-284.
Journal Article
Soler-Hampejsek, Erica, Monica J Grant, Barbara S Mensch, Paul C Hewett, and Johanna Rankin. "The effect of school status and academic skills on the reporting of premarital sexual behavior: Evidence from a longitudinal study in rural Malawi." Journal of Adolescent Health 53, no. 2 (2013): 228-234.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sandoval Viscaíno R, Mónica. "La rotación del inventario y su relación con las finanzas en la empresa Disama Cía. Ltda. de la ciudad de Ambato." Grado Académico de Magíster, Universidad Técnica De Ambato, 2014.
Journal Article
Miller, Suellen, Edgardo Abalos, Monica Chamillard, Agustin Ciapponi, Daniela Colaci, Daniel Comandé, Virginia Diaz, Stacie Geller, Claudia Hanson, Ana Langer, Victoria Manuelli, Kathryn Millar, Imran Morhason-Bello, Cynthia P Castro, Vicky N Pileggi, Nuriya Robinson, Michelle Skaer, João P Souza, Joshua P Vogel, and Fernando Althabe. "Maternal Health 2. Beyond too little, too late and too much, too soon: a pathway towards evidence-based, respectful maternity care worldwide." (2016) women.
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Ypanaqué-Luyo, Pedro, and Mônica Martins. "Utilization of outpatient health services in the Peruvian population." Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud publica 32, no. 3 (2015): 464-470.
Journal Article
Shrestha, Monica, Ishan Gautam, and Ranjana Gupta. "Study on Culex Mosquitoes of Bhelukhel, Bode and Tathali of Bhaktapur District, Nepal." (2015) Journal of Natural History Museum.
Journal Article
Valerio, Mónica C, Farías Martínez, Ruth V Gonzales, and Yvonne M Carrillo. "Eficacia De Un Taller Educativo En La Prevención De Infecciones De Transmisión Sexual En Gestantes." Acta Méd. Orreguiana Hampi Runa 15, no. 1 (2015): 109-128.
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Ruiz-Casares, Monica, Brett D Thombs, and Cecile Rousseau. "The association of single and double orphanhood with symptoms of depression among children and adolescents in Namibia." European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 18, no. 6 (2009): 369-376.
Working Paper
Casanova, Luis, Maribel Jiménez, and Mónica Jiménez. "Calidad del empleo y cumplimiento del salario mínimo en Argentina." Organización Internacional del Trabajo , no. 12 (2015).
Working Paper
Montgomery, Mark, Monica Grant, Barbara Mensch, and Rania Roushdy. "Children’s schooling in developing-country slums: A comparison of Egypt and India." Economics Departmental Working Paper , no. 05-07 (2005).
Journal Article
Lindblade, Kim A, Dyson Mwandama, Themba Mzilahowa, Laura Steinhardt, John Gimnig, Monica Shah, Andy Bauleni, Jacklyn Wong, Ryan Wiegand, and Paul Howell. "A cohort study of the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent malaria in an area of moderate pyrethroid resistance, Malawi." Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Hennessee, Ian, Jobiba Chinkhumba, Melissa Briggs-Hagen, Andy Bauleni, Monica P Shah, Alfred Chalira, Dubulao Moyo, Wilfred Dodoli, Misheck Luhanga, and John Sande. "Household costs among patients hospitalized with malaria: evidence from a national survey in Malawi, 2012." Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Namuyinga, Ruth J, Dyson Mwandama, Dubulao Moyo, Austin Gumbo, Peter Troell, Miwako Kobayashi, Monica Shah, Andrew Bauleni, Jodi Vanden Eng, and Alexander K Rowe. "Health worker adherence to malaria treatment guidelines at outpatient health facilities in southern Malawi following implementation of universal access to diagnostic testing." Malaria journal 16, no. 1 (2017).
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