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Thesis or Dissertation
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Conference Paper
Ross, Kara, Aleksan Shanoyan, and Yacob Zereyesus. "Longitudinal analysis of child malnutrition trends in Ghana." Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014. . 2014.
Working Paper
Olivier, Marius, Avinash Govindjee, Selwyn Jehoma, and Rob Rusconi. "Feasibility study for the establishmentof unemployment insurance in Namibia." (2015)
Journal Article
Bhatta, Ghanshyam K, Josue Orellana, Bidya Mahat, Ishwar N Mishra, Chandeshwari Tamrakar, and Sujit K Sah. "The Increasing access to family planning services through a non-health sector: Technical Integration Coverage and Access (TICA) in Nepal." Christian Journal for Global Health 4, no. 2 (2017): 30-42.
Journal Article
Engström, Emma, Berit Balfors, Ulla Mörtberg, Roger Thunvik, Tarig Gaily, and Mikael Mangold. "Prevalence of microbiological contaminants in groundwater sources and risk factor assessment in Juba, South Sudan." (2015) Science of the Total Environment.
Journal Article
Jolliffe, Dean, and Umar Serajuddin. "Estimating Poverty with Panel Data, Comparably: An Example from Jordan." Policy Research WP , no. 7373 (2015).
Journal Article
Pathania, Rajni. "Estimation of short term employment elasticity: an empirical analysis of indian manufacturing industries." Asian Journal of Management Science and Economics 2, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Dyson, Tim, and Valeria Cetorelli. "Changing views on child mortality and economic sanctions in Iraq: a history of lies, damned lies and statistics." BMJ Global Health 2, no. 2 (2017).
Journal Article
Esia-Donkoh, Kobina, Kweku Esia-Donkoh, and Hagar Asare. "Coping in Silence: Challenges Faced By Pregnant-Students at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana." International Journal of Education and Practice 2, no. 10 (2014): 222-233.
Thesis or Dissertation
Adofo, Emmanuel. "Postpartum Contraceptive Use among Young Mothers in Kwaebibirem District, Ghana." Master of Public Health, University of Ghana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lukamba, Wilson Venancio. "Exigencias de cuidados com os idosos com Alzheimer em face avan\ccada na perspectiva dos cuidadores." Mestre em Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zhou, Mo. "Three Essays on the Gender Wage Gap and Residential Water Demand." Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Auburn University, 2017.
Journal Article
Haggblade, Steven, Kwaku G Duodu, John D Kabasa, Amanda Minnaar, Nelson KO Ojijo, and John RN Taylor. "Emerging early actions to bend the curve in Sub-Saharan Africa’s nutrition transition." Food and Nutrition Bulletin 37, no. 2 (2016): 219-241.
Journal Article
Atuahene, Margaret Duah, Esther Oku Afari, Martin Adjuik, and Samuel Obed. "Health knowledge, attitudes and practices of family planning service providers and clients in Akwapim North District of Ghana." Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 1, no. 1 (2016): 5.
Working Paper
Barnett, Steven A, Julia Bersch, and Yasuhisa Ojima. "Inflation Dynamics in Mongolia: Understanding the Roller Coaster." IMF WP , no. 12/192 (2012).
Working Paper
El Enbaby, Hoda, and Rami Galal. "Inequality of Opportunity in Individuals’ Wages and Households' Assets in Egypt." Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 942 (2015).
Working Paper
Nguyen, Kien Trung, and Eric D Ramstetter. "Ownership-related Wage Differentials by Occupation in Vietnamese Manufacturing." (2015) AGI Working Papers Series.
Journal Article
Diji, Abigail Kusi-Amponsah, Victoria Bam, Ernest Asante, Alberta Yemotsoo Lomotey, Samuel Yeboah, and Haim Acquah Owusu. "Challenges and predictors of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers attending the child welfare clinic at a regional hospital in Ghana: a descriptive cross-sectional study." International Breastfeeding Journal 12, no. 1 (2017): 13.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Hong, Rathmony, Pauline Y Ahn, Frank Wieringa, Tung Rathavy, Ludovic Gauthier, Rathavuth Hong, Arnaud Laillou, Judit Van Geystelen, Jacques Berger, and Etienne Poirot. "The unfinished health agenda: Neonatal mortality in Cambodia." PloS one 12, no. 3 (2017).
Corporate Author
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Journal Article
Tran, Nam Hoai, Nam Hoai Tran, Chi Dat Le, and Chi Dat Le. "Financial conditions and corporate investment: evidence from Vietnam." Pacific Accounting Review 29, no. 2 (2017): 183-203.
Working Paper
Masud, Tayyeb, and Kumari Vinodhani Navaratne. "The expanded program on immunization in Pakistan: recommendations for improving performance." (2012)
Journal Article
D'haen, Sarah Ann Lise, Jonas Ostergaard Nielsen, and Eric F Lambin. "Beyond local climate: rainfall variability as a determinant of household nonfarm activities in contemporary rural Burkina Faso." Climate and Development 6, no. 2 (2014): 144-165.
Journal Article
Groppo, Valeria, and Kati Kraehnert. "The impact of extreme weather events on education." Journal of Population Economics 30, no. 2 (2017): 433-472.
Working Paper
Barnett, Inka, and Shilpi Srivastava. "Desk-review: Smallholder farming, nutrition and m-Agriculture services in Ghana." (2017)
Showing 1351-1380 of 1596