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Showing 1561-1590 of 4048
Working Paper
Marimuthu, P, Sujan Chakraborty, S C Agarwal, N Manoharan, and Malay Chatterjee.
Trends of cancer prevalence in some districts of West Bengal
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention , no. 3 (2002).
Working Paper
Sinha K, Sanjeev.
The Contemporary Globalised Society and Challenges before the Scheduled Tribes
(2015) Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal.
Thesis or Dissertation
Muke, Mushima.
The syntax and semantics of And-Coordination in Kaonde
Master of Arts, University of Zambia, 2015.
Working Paper
Tiwary, Rakesh.
Explanations in Resource Inequality Exploring Scheduled Caste Position in Water Access Structure
International Journal of Rural Management 2, no. 1 (2006): 85-106.
Working Paper
Sitko, Nicholas, and Auckland Kuteya.
The Maize Price Spike of 2012/13: Understanding the Paradox of High Prices despite Abundant Supplies
Journal Article
Bossert, Thomas, Mukosha Bona Chitah, and Diana Bowser.
Decentralization in Zambia: resource allocation and district performance
Health policy and planning 18, no. 4 (2003): 357-369.
Conference Paper
Jayne, TS, Jordan Chamberlin, and Milu Muyanga.
Emerging land Issues in African agriculture: implications for food security and poverty reduction strategies
Global Food Policy and Food Security Symposium Series.
Stanford, January 12, 2012.
Journal Article
Blas, Erik, and M E Limbambala.
The challenge of hospitals in health sector reform: the case of Zambia
Health Policy and Planning 16, no. 2 (2001): 29-43.
Journal Article
Mayeya, John, Roy Chazulwa, Petronella Ntambo Mayeya, Edward Mbewe, Lonia Mwape Magolo, Friday Kasisi, and Annel Chishimba Bowa.
Zambia mental health country profile
International Review of Psychiatry 16, no. 1-2 (2004): 63-72.
Journal Article
Ellis, Wyn, Apiwat Ratanawaraha, Dispanadda Diskul, and Achara Chandrachai.
Social Entrepreneurship as a Mechanism for Agro-innovation: Evidence from Doi Tung Development Project, Thailand
International Journal of Business and Social Science 3, no. 23 (2012): 138-51.
Journal Article
Chandoevwit, Worawan.
The impact of the global financial crisis and policy responses in Thailand
TDRI Quarterly Review 25, no. 1 (2010): 12-24.
Website Document
Svedberg, Peter.
Why malnutrition in shining India persists
Working Paper
Kazi U, Ashraf.
Child labour and employment relations legislation in India
The Economic and Labour Relations Review 17, no. 1 (2006): 227-247.
Journal Article
Lortanavanit, Duangjai.
Decentralization, empowerment and tourism development: Pai town in Mae Hong Son, Thailand
Southeast Asian Studies 47, no. 2 (2009): 150-179.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ralaingita D, Wendi S.
Re-making the Namibian Teacher: A Study of Teacher Reflection in an Era of Social Transition and Policy Reform
PhD Thesis, University of Maryland, 2008.
Journal Article
Chitonge, Horman.
A decade of implementing water services reform in Zambia: Review of outcomes, challenges and opportunities
Journal: Water Alernatives 4, no. 3 (2011): 279-300.
Working Paper
Almqvist, Anna.
Socioeconomic inequity in Zambian children’s health status - differences between rural and urban areas
Journal Article
Gelb, Alan, Christian Johannes Meyer, and Vijaya Ramachandran.
Does Poor Mean Cheap? A Comparative Look at Africa's Industrial Labor Costs
Center for Global Development Working Paper , no. 325 (2013).
Working Paper
Banda, Diana J, Priscilla Hamukwala, Steven Haggblade, and Antony Chapoto.
Dynamic Pathways into and out of Poverty: A Case of Small Holder Farmers in Zambia
Working Paper
Swami S, Kumar.
The Genesis and Growth of Slums in Bhubaneswar: A Case Study of Saliasahi Slum
(2014) India Journal.
Journal Article
Ozdemir, Hakan, Zuleyha Alper, and Nazan Bilgel.
Fertility Preferences and Contraceptive Behaviours among Married Women in a Suburban Part of Bursa, Turkey
Research Journal of Medical Sciences 4, no. 2 (2010): 64-67.
Journal Article
Atan, Senay Ünsal, Emel Tasci Duran, Oya Kavlak, Sevgul Donmez, and Umran Sevil.
Spontaneous vaginal delivery or caesarean section? What do Turkish women think?
International journal of nursing practice 19, no. 1 (2013): 1-7.
Journal Article
Oner, Seva, Gulcin Yapici, Ahmet Oner Kurt, Tayyar Sasmaz, and Resul Bugdayci.
The sociodemographic factors related with the adolescent pregnancy
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 1, no. 2 (2012): 135-141.
Journal Article
Erdem, Yurdagül, Senay Topuz, and Nebahat Bora Günes.
Progress Related to Maternal and Neonatal Health in Turkey
Neonatal Biology 3, no. 131 (2014).
Working Paper
Mason, Nichole M, T S Jayne, and Rhoda Mofya-Mukuka.
A Review of Zambia’s Agricultural Input Subsidy Programs: Targeting, Impacts, and the Way Forward
Journal Article
McPake, Barbara, Sophie Witter, Tim Ensor, Suzanne Fustukian, David Newlands, Tim Martineau, and Yotamu Chirwa.
Removing financial barriers to access reproductive, maternal and newborn health services: the challenges and policy implications for human resources for health
Human Resources for Health 11, no. 46 (2013).
Lake, Sally.
GFATM Tracking Study: Macroeconomics and sectoral background Zambia
Working Paper
Atteridge, Aaron, Marcus Heneen, and Jacqueline Senyagwa.
Transforming Household Energy Practices Among Charcoal Users in Lusaka, Zambia: a User-Centred Approach
Bossert, Thomas J, J Beauvais, and D Bowser.
Decentralization of the health system in Zambia
: Partnerships for Health Reform, Abt Associates, 2000.
Working Paper
Hertel, Thomas, Maros Ivanic, Paul Preckel, and John Cranfield.
Trade liberalization and the structure of poverty in developing countries
GTAP Working Papers , no. 25 (2003).
Showing 1561-1590 of 4048