
Showing 1-14 of 14
Journal Article
Cattaneo, Adriano, Arnold Timmer, Tamara Bomestar, Jenny Bua, Sanjiv Kumar, and Giorgio Tamburlini. "Child nutrition in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: time to redirect strategies?." Public Health Nutrition 11, no. 12 (2008): 1209-1219.
Cattaneo, Adriano, Jenny Bua, Tamara Bomestar, Giorgio Tamburlini, and Arnold Timmer. Child nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States - report of a situation analysis. Geneva, Switzerland: UNICEF, 2007.
Journal Article
van der Haar, Frits, Gregory Gerasimov, Vilma Q Tyler, and Arnold Timmer. "Universal salt iodization in the Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) Region during the decade 2000-09: Experiences, achievements, and lessons learned." Food and nutrition bulletin 32, no. 4 (2011).
Working Paper
McCulloch, De Neil, Peter C Timmer, and Ulian Weisbrod. "Pathways out of Poverty during and Economic Crisis: An Empirical Assessment of Rural Indonesia." (2007)
Journal Article
Erumban, Reitze Gouma, Gaaitzen Vries, Klaas Vries, and Marcel Timmer. "WIOD Socio-Economic Accounts (SEA): Sources and Methods." (2012)
Working Paper
Vries, Gaaitzen, Klaas Vries, Reitze Gouma, and Marcel Timmer. "GGDC 10-Sector Database: Contents, Sources and Methods."
De Vries, Klaas, Gaaitzen Vries, Reitze Gouma, and Marcel Timmer. Africa Sector Database. 2013.
Journal Article
Block, Steven A, Lynnda Kiess, Patrick Webb, Soewarta Kosen, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Martin W Bloem, and Peter C Timmer. "Macro shocks and micro outcomes: child nutrition during Indonesia’s crisis." Economics & Human Biology 2, no. 1 (2004): 21-44.
Journal Article
Dawe, David, and Peter C Timmer. "Why Stable Food Prices Are a Good Thing: Lessons from Stabilizing Rice Prices in Asia." Global Food Security 1, no. 2 (2012): 127-133.
Conference Paper
De Vries, G J, M P Timmer, and K De Vries. "Structural transformation in Africa: Static gains, dynamic losses." IARIW 33rd General Conference. Rotterdam, the Netherlands, August 24-30, 2013.
Inklaar, Robert Christiaan, Addisu A Lashitew, and Marcel Peter Timmer. The Role of Resource Misallocation in Cross-country Differences in Manufacturing Productivity. : University of Groningen, Groninger Growth and Development, 2014.
Wuyts, Marc Eric, and Blandina Kilama. The Changing Economy of Tanzania: Patterns of Accumulation and Structural Change. : Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2014.
Working Paper
Magrini, Emiliano, C Opazo, and Jean Balié. "Price Shocks, Volatility and Household Welfare: A Cross-Country Inquiry." ULYSSES Policy Briefing , no. 11 (2015).
Showing 1-14 of 14