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Working Paper
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Mavedzenge, Sue Napierala, Rick Olson, Aoife M Doyle, John Changalucha, and David A Ross. "The epidemiology of HIV among young people in sub-Saharan Africa: know your local epidemic and its implications for prevention." Journal of adolescent health 49, no. 6 (2011): 559-567.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Olivier, David, Lindy Heinecken, and Sue Jackson. "Mussel and oyster culture in Saldanha Bay, South Africa: potential for sustainable growth, development and employment creation." Food Security 5, no. 2 (2013): 251-267.
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Doshi, Reena H, Patrick Mukadi, Calixte Shidi, Audry Mulumba, Nicole A Hoff, Sue Gerber, Emile Okitolonda-Wemakoy, Benoit K Ilunga, Jean-Jacques Muyembe, and Anne W Rimoin. "Field evaluation of measles vaccine effectiveness among children in the Democratic Republic of Congo." Vaccine 33, no. 29 (2015): 3407-3414.
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Journal Article
Khor, Geok Lin, Sue Yee Tan, Kok Leong Tan, Pauline S Chan, and Maria Sofia V Amarra. "Compliance with WHO IYCF Indicators and Dietary Intake Adequacy in a Sample of Malaysian Infants Aged 6-23 Months." Nutrients 8, no. 12 (2016).
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Maman, Suzanne, Katherine R Murray, Sue Napierala Mavedzenge, Lennah Oluoch, Florence Sijenje, Kawango Agot, and Harsha Thirumurthy. "A qualitative study of secondary distribution of HIV self-test kits by female sex workers in Kenya." PloS one 12, no. 3 (2017): e0174629.
Journal Article
Hargreaves, James R, Sibongile Mtetwa, Calum Davey, Jeffrey Dirawo, Samson Chidiya, Clemens Benedikt, Sue Naperiela Mavedzenge, Ramona Wong-Gruenwald, Dagmar Hanisch, and Tapiwa Magure. "Cohort Analysis of Program Data to Estimate HIV Incidence and Uptake of HIV-Related Services Among Female Sex Workers in Zimbabwe, 2009-2014." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 72, no. 1 (2016): e1-e8.
Journal Article
Dolan, Catherine S, Caitlin R Ryus, Sue Dopson, Paul Montgomery, and Linda Scott. "A Blind Spot in Girls’ Education: Menarche and its Webs of Exclusion in Ghana." Journal of International Development 26, no. 5 (2014): 643-657.
Thesis or Dissertation
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