
Showing 61-90 of 123
Working Paper
Ahmed, Tanvir, Gerald Bloom, Mohammad Iqbal, Henry Lucas, Sabrina Rasheed, Linda Waldman, Azfar S Khan, Rubana Islam, and Abbas Bhuiya. "E-health and M-health in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges." (2014)
Thesis or Dissertation
Ramalho A, Lucas Camargos. "Direito Fundamental ao Trabalho Digno: A Extensão dos Direitos Constitucionais Trabalhistas aos Empregados Domésticos." Curso de Graduação, Universidade de Brasília, 2013.
Working Paper
Xing-yuan, Gu, Gerald Bloom, Tang Sheng-lan, and Henry Lucas. "Health Expenditure and Finance in Three Poor Counties of China." (1995)
Book Section
Lucas, David. "Manpower and Unemployment Research." (1977) Demographic aspects of women's employment in Africa.
Journal Article
Van Meter P, Lucas. "Growth in Guatemala: a mixed blessing for the poor." (2009)
Journal Article
Lucas, Adrienne. "Malaria eradication and educational attainment: Evidence from Paraguay and Sri Lanka." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2, no. 2 (2010): 46-71.
Journal Article
Lucas, Henry, Ding Ding, and Gerald Bloom. "What do we mean by ‘major illness’? The need for new approaches to research on the impact of ill-health on poverty." (2008) Health and social protection: experiences from Cambodia, China, and Lao PDR. Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy, Antwerp.
Journal Article
Ruijven, Bas J, Detlef P Vuuren, Bert Vries, Morna Isaac, Jeroen Sluijs, Paul Lucas, and P. Balachandra. "Model projections for household energy use in India." Energy Policy 39, no. 12 (2011): 7747-7761.
Journal Article
Oishi, Shigehiro, Edward F Diener, Richard E Lucas, and Eunkook M Suh. "Cross-cultural variations in predictors of life satisfaction: Perspectives from needs and values." (1999) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Journal Article
Blumenthal, Paul D, Kriti Jain, Nirali M Shahb, Aleen Saunders, Corina Clemente, Brad Lucas, Krishna Jafa, and Maxine Eber. "Revitalizing long-acting reversible contraceptives in settings with high unmet need: a multicountry experience matching demand creation and service delivery." Contraception 87, no. 2 (2012): 170-175.
Journal Article
Cardona Arango, Doris, Alejandra Agudelo Martínez, Lucas Restrepo Molina, and Angela Segura Cardona. "Educación, salud y empleo de la población con algún tipo de limitación. Medellín, 2008." (2012)
Working Paper
Garcia-Santana, Manuel, and Josep Pijoan-Mas. "Small scale reservation laws and the misallocation of talent." CEMFI Working Paper , no. 1010 (2011).
Working Paper
Allub, Lian, and Andrés Erosa. "Financial Frictions, Occupational Choice and Economic Inequality." (2014)
Journal Article
De Limas, Anderson F, Ricardo Primi, and Lucas F Carvalho. "Avaliação da Personalidade por Redes Sociais Online: Uso do Facebook na Área (Personality Assessment by Online Social Network: The Facebook Use in the Field)." Revista Sul Americana de Psicologia 2, no. 1 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Endres P, Lucas. "Development of an MPEG2 Multiplexer Compliant with SBTVD Digital TV Standard." Master Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2014.
Conference Paper
Fleischer, Annett. "The role of the family for return migration, reintegration and re-emigration in Armenia." XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference. 2008.
Okhuysen-Cawley, Regina, Armando Garduno Espinosa, Sandra Paez Aguirre, Yuriko Nakashima Paniagua, Marylou Cardenas-Turanzas, Maria Cristina Reyes Lucas, Jorge Mauricio Cervantes Blanco, Claudia Olivares Diaz, Teresa Hernandez Morales, and Maria Angeles Gonzalez Ronquillo. Pediatric Palliative Care: Global Perspectives. : Springer, 2012.
Working Paper
Henry, Sabine, and Richard Bilsborrow. "How migrants choose their destination in Burkina Faso?." (2006)
Journal Article
Ir, Chean Men, Henry Lucas, Bruno Meessen, Kristof Decoster, Gerald Bloom, and Wim Van Damme. "Self-reported serious illnesses in rural Cambodia: a cross-sectional survey." PLoS One 5, no. 6 (2010).
Working Paper
Ronconi, Lucas, and Enrique Kawamura. "Firms' Investment and Savings in Latin America: Stylized Facts from the Enterprise Survey." IDB Working Paper Series , no. IDB-WP-638 (2015).
Working Paper
Anchorena, José, and Lucas Ronconi. "Emprendimiento, Valores empresariales y Políticas Públicas en Argentina." CIAS , no. 5 (2015).
Journal Article
Castillo, Leopoldo L, Fernando M De Lucas, and Justo J Moreno. "La Empresa Industrial de América Latina: Análisis de la Eficiencia Mediante Grupos Estratégicos." (2011) Económica, La Plata.
Journal Article
Amugsi, Dickson A, Raymond A Aborigo, Abraham R Oduro, Victor Asoala, Timothy Awine, and Lucas Amenga-Etego. "Socio-demographic and environmental determinants of infectious disease morbidity in children under 5 years in Ghana." (2015) Global health action.
Journal Article
Lucas, DW, and OJ Fapohunda. "Demographic research in Lagos Nigeria.." (1974) POPLINE.
Working Paper
Lucas, David. "Fertility and family planning in Southern and Central Africa." Studies in Family Planning 23, no. 3 (1992): 145-158.
Working Paper
Bretschger, Lucas, and Vivien Kappel. "Market concentration and the likelihood of financial crises." Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich Working Paper , no. 10/138 (2010).
Conference Paper
Almeida, Rita, and Lucas Ronconi. "The Enforcement of Labor Law in the Developing World: Some Stylized Facts from Labor Inspections." Seventh IZA/World Bank Conference on Employment and Developing, New Delhi. May, 2012.
Working Paper
Fu, Yuming, and Stuart A Gabriel. "Migration and economic growth in China: The role of knowledge and human capital spillovers." (2010) UCLA Anderson School of Management Working Paper.
Journal Article
Lucas, Margarida, and Carlos Santos. "The integration of ICT in the new Timorese General Secondary Curriculum." Indagatio Didactica 7, no. 2 (2015).
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