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Showing 391-420 of 437
Bakrania, Shivit.
Urban Poverty in Nepal
Birmingham, UK: GSDRC, University of Birmingham, 2016.
Journal Article
Okkacha, Youb, Youb Abderrahmane, and Bouabdessalam Hassiba.
Municipal waste management in the Algerian High Plateaus
(2014) Energy Procedia.
Book Section
Curea, C.
Sustainable Societies and Municipal Solid Waste
(2017) Sustainable Asia: Supporting the Transition to Sustainable Consumption and Production in Asian Developing Countries.
Journal Article
Rubin, Olivier.
Social vulnerability to climate-induced natural disasters: Cross-provincial evidence from Vietnam
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 55, no. 1 (2014): 67-80.
Conference Paper
Eyre, Max, Arman Hashemi, Heather Cruickshank, and Maxine Jordan.
Transition in housing design and thermal comfort in rural Tanzania
5th International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Journal Article
Christopher, PJ.
Monitoring segregation levels in South African cities 1911-1996
South African Geographical Journal 83, no. 3 (2001): 249-257.
Journal Article
Revermann, Rasmus, Johannes Wallenfang, Jens Oldeland, and Manfred Finckh.
Species richness and evenness respond to diverging land-use patterns - a cross-border study of dry tropical woodlands in southern Africa
African Journal of Ecology 55, no. 2 (2017): 152-161.
Journal Article
Marsh, Kimberly, Mary Mahy, Joshua A Salomon, and Daniel R Hogan.
Assessing and adjusting for differences between HIV prevalence estimates derived from national population-based surveys and antenatal care surveillance, with applications for Spectrum 2013
AIDS (London, England) 28, no. 4 (2014): S497-S505.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shikongo-Kuvare, Lorna Tuwilika.
Development of risk communication strategies to improve control of Cysticerus Bovis in North Central Namibia
Master in Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, 2008.
Journal Article
Population, Human Capital, and Water in Egypt
(2004) PopneT Africa.
Working Paper
Montgomery, Mark, Monica Grant, Barbara Mensch, and Rania Roushdy.
Children’s schooling in developing-country slums: A comparison of Egypt and India
Economics Departmental Working Paper , no. 05-07 (2005).
Journal Article
Mbilinyi, Deogratius, Marguerite L Daniel, and Gro Th Lie.
Health worker motivation in the context of HIV care and treatment challenges in Mbeya Region, Tanzania: a qualitative study
BMC health services research 11, no. 1 (2011).
Conference Paper
Ferati, Armir.
Spatial and Ethnic Patterns. The interface between 'majority' and 'minority' in Macedonia.
7th International Space Syntax Symposium Edited by Daniel Koch, Lars Marcus and Jesper Steen, Stockholm: KTH, 2009.
Journal Article
Bajrami, Demush, and Arburim Iseni.
The challenge of (non) implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement in the Republic of Macedonia
European Scientific Journal 10, no. 10 (2014): 203-218.
Journal Article
Mitkovska, Slavica Hristomanova, Dejan Trajkov, Aleksandar Petlichkovski, Olivija Efinska-Mladenovska, and Mirko Spiroski.
Total IgE Distribution in Food Allergy Suspected Patients in Republic of Macedonia (2001-2011)
Open access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 3, no. 2 (2015): 202-208.
Journal Article
Georgieva, Lidija, Zoran Velkovski, and Lena Damovska.
The role of higher education in fostering inter-cultural dialogue and understanding in a multiethnic society - The case of the Republic of Macedonia
International Journal of Education and Research 2, no. 12 (2014): 125-136.
Journal Article
Galarza, Francisco, and Guillermo J Diaz.
Productividad y poder de mercado oligopsonico en la agricultura peruana
(2014) CIUP.
Journal Article
Exley, Josephine, Emma Pitchforth, Edward Okeke, Peter Glick, Isa Sadeeq Abubakar, Amalavoyal Chari, Usman Bashir, Kun Gu, and Obinna Onwujekwe.
Persistent barriers to care; a qualitative study to understand women’s experiences in areas served by the midwives service scheme in Nigeria
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016): 232.
Conference Paper
Taleski, Dane.
Elections and parties in post-conflict countries
3 rd Graduate Conference 30 August – 1 September, 2010 Dublin City University .
Working Paper
Ferrer, Santy B, Mamoru M Miyamoto, Maksym Gusyev, and Miho Ohara.
Flood Risk Assessment Under The Climate Change In The Case Of Pampanga River Basin, Philippines
Journal Article
Frocklin, Sara, Maricela Torre-Castro, Elin Haakansson, Anna Carlsson, Madeleine Magnusson, and Narriman S Jiddawi.
Towards improved management of tropical invertebrate fisheries: including time series and gender
PloS one 9, no. 3 (2014): e91161.
Conference Paper
Zulu-Mbata, Olipa, Thomas S Jayne, and Johann F Kirsten.
Analysis of farm-to-retail maize marketing margins in Zambia
2016 AAAE Fifth International Conference, September 23-26, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Journal Article
Tembo, Moses C, Elias Kuntashula, and Thomson Kalinda.
Climate Change Awareness and Joint Decision to Adopt Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture Practices in Zambia
Journal of Sustainable Development 10, no. 4 (2017): 107-120.
Journal Article
Msinde, John, Justin K Urassa, and Iben Nathan.
Off-farm Employment and Income Poverty in Favourable Agro-climatic Areas of Tanzania: Evidence from Kilombero Valley
Developing Country Studies 6, no. 6 (2016): 47-60.
Journal Article
Rocha, Génesis M, and Arnoldo Téllez.
Use Of Clinical Hypnosis And Emdr In Kidnapping And Rape: A Case Report
Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 41, no. 1 (2016): 115-133.
Journal Article
Ekosse, GE, L De Jager, and D Van Den Heever.
Health status of learners of educational institutions within Selebi Phikwe Ni-Cu mine area, Botswana
Journal for New Generation Sciences 7, no. 2 (2009): 91-105.
Journal Article
Seloilwe S, Esther.
Experiences and demands of families with mentally ill people at home in Botswana
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 38, no. 3 (2006): 262-268.
Journal Article
Ekosse, G, Linda De Jager, Dawid Van Den Heever, and E Vermaak.
Pulmonary health status of residents of a Ni-Cu mining and smelting environment based on spirometry
Journal of Environmental Health Research 5, no. 1 (2006): 45.
Journal Article
Redman-MacLaren, Michelle L, Jane Mills, Rachael Tommbe, David J MacLaren, Richard Speare, and William JH McBride.
Women and HIV in a moderate prevalence setting: an integrative review
BMC Public Health 13, no. 1 (2013).
Working Paper
Biyase, Mduduzi, and Fiona Tregenna.
Determinants of remittances in South Africa
Saldru Working Paper , no. 176 (2016).
Showing 391-420 of 437