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Showing 1-21 of 21
Working Paper
Neyens, Liz, and Martin Wittenberg.
Changes in self-employment in the agricultural sector, South Africa: 1994-2012
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 173 (2016).
Journal Article
Wily, Liz Alden, Devendra Chapagain, and Shiva Sharma.
Land reform in Nepal
Chapman, Nick, Debi Duncan, Jan Harnmeijer, Liz Kiff, Hari Regmi, and Gael Robertson.
Evaluation of DFID country programmes country study: Nepal report
London, UK: DFID, 2007.
Journal Article
Creel, Liz C, Justine V Sass, and Nancy V Yinger.
Client-centered quality: clients’ perspectives and barriers to receiving care
(2002) New Perspectives on Quality of Care.
Wily, Liz Alden.
Rural land relations in conflict: a way forward
: Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 2004.
Wily, Liz Alden.
Looking for peace on the pastures
Jubb, Nadine, Gloria Camacho, Almachiara D’Angelo, Kattya Hernández, Ivonne Macassi, Liz Meléndez, Yamileth Molina Wânia Pasinato, Verónica Redrobán, Claudia Rosas, and Gina Yáñez.
Comisarías de la Mujer en América Latina Una puerta para detener la violencia y acceder a la justicia
Quito, Ecuador: CEPLAES, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shimbo, Miguel C, Renzo Tolla D Mercado, Percy F Rodríguez, and Liz P Herrera.
Planeamiento Estratégico del Distrito de Surquillo
Master Thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012.
Journal Article
Findley, Lisa, and Liz Ogbu.
South Africa after Apartheid: From Township to Town
(2011) Places Journal.
Thesis or Dissertation
Piñin Huaman, Liz Nataly, and Sandra Hortencia Lizarzaburu Cabanillas.
Barreras que impiden el uso de un método anticonceptivo a las adolescentes hospitalizadas en el IEMP en el periodo octubre-diciembre del año 2005
Tesis para optar el titulo de Licenciada en Obstetricia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2006.
Conference Paper
Drake, Liz, Kene Ezemenari, and Xinshen Diao.
Promoting sustainable pro-poor growth in Rwandan agriculture: what are the policy options?
American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 29 - August 1, 2007.
Journal Article
Peltzer, Karl, Jennifer S Williams, Paul Kowal, Joel Negin, James Josh Snodgrass, Alfred Yawson, Nadia Minicuci, Liz Thiele, Nancy Phaswana-Mafuya, Richard B Biritwum, Nirmala N Naidoo, and Somnath C Chatterji.
Universal Health Coverage in Emerging Economies: Findings on Health Care Utilization by Older Adults in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, the Russian Federation, and South Africa
(2014) Global Health Action.
Journal Article
Rocha, Liz, and Elen C Geraldes.
Cultura Organizacional como Influenciadora da Aceitação Feminina no Mercado de Trabalho
Anagrama: Revista Científica Interdisciplinar da Graduação 5, no. 4 (2012).
Journal Article
Levy, David, Liz Maria Almeida, and Andre Szklo.
The Brazil SimSmoke policy simulation model: the effect of strong tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and smoking-attributable deaths in a middle income nation
PLoS Med 9, no. 11 (2012).
Journal Article
Kretschmer, Jurgen, John Saunders, Liz Bressan, Jan Erhorn, and Daniel Wirszing.
A Comparison of the Motor Ability of 8 and 9 Year Old Primary School Children in Hamburg, Melbourne and Cape Town-An Exploratory Study
The ICHPER-SD Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance 8, no. 1 (2013): 32-39.
Journal Article
Kamndaya, Mphatso, Jo Vearey, Liz Thomas, Caroline W Kabiru, and Lawrence N Kazembe.
The role of material deprivation and consumerism in the decisions to engage in transactional sex among young people in the urban slums of Blantyre, Malawi
Global Public Health 11, no. 3 (2016): 295-308.
Journal Article
Kamndaya, Mphatso, Lawrence N Kazembe, Jo Vearey, Caroline W Kabiru, and Liz Thomas.
Material deprivation and unemployment affect coercive sex among young people in the urban slums of Blantyre, Malawi: A multi-level approach
(2015) Health & Place.
Journal Article
Kumwenda, Moses, Alister Munthali, Mackwellings Phiri, Daniel Mwale, Tore Gutteberg, Eleanor MacPherson, Sally Theobald, Liz Corbett, and Nicola Desmond.
Factors shaping initial decision-making to self-test amongst cohabiting couples in urban Blantyre, Malawi
AIDS and Behavior 18, no. 4 (2014): 396-404.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aguayo Escobar G, Liz.
La cadena de abastecimiento y su impacto en el nivel de servicio de la Constructora GOBAR de la ciudad de Ambato
Maestria, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato, 2017.
Journal Article
Vaughan, Cathy, Jerome Zayas, Alexandra Devine, Liz Gill-Atkinson, Manjula Marella, Joy Garcia, Krissy Bisda, Joy Salgado, Carolyn Sobritchea, Tanya Edmonds, Sally Baker, and Jesusa Marco.
W-DARE: a three-year program of participatory action research to improve the sexual and reproductive health of women with disabilities in the Philippines
(2015) BMC public health.
Thesis or Dissertation
Calderón Allende K, Liz.
Enfoque ergonómico de las posturas adoptadas en sus labores domésticas por las amas de casa de la parroquia "El Señor de la Paz" - San Martín de Porres, durante septiembre 2010 a enero 2011
Titulo profesional de Licenciada, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos, 2011.
Showing 1-21 of 21