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Thesis or Dissertation
Solorzano M, Ana Villanueva. "Determinantes de la salud de los adultos del barrio Parco Grande - Pomabamba Anchash, 2014." Título Profesional De Licenciada, Universidad Católica Los Ángeles De Chimbote, 2016.
Journal Article
Villanueva, Elaine Loreen C, and Inocencio E Buot Jr. "Hoyas of Mindoro Island, Philippines: Conservation Concerns." Journal of Nature Studies 15, no. 1 (2016): 87-97.
Ahmed, Akhter, Ruth V Hill, Lisa C Smith, and Tim Frankenberger. Characteristics and causes of severe poverty and hunger. 2007.
Book Section
Ahmed, Akhter U, Ruth Vargas Hill, Lisa C Smith, and Tim Frankenberger. "The poorest and hungry: Assessments, analyses, and actions: An IFPRI 2020 book." (2009) The poorest and hungry: characteristics and causes.
Journal Article
Marten, Lisa. "The effect of social interaction on fertility goals and behaviour among women in Bangladesh." Asia-Pacific Population Journal 17, no. 2 (2002): 87-110.
Thesis or Dissertation
Skold, Lisa Andersson. "Water usage behaviour and discourse in Cambodia." PhD, Linkoping University, 2010.
Singh, Susheela, Lisa Remez, and Alyssa Tartaglione. Methodologies for Estimating Abortion Incidence and Abortion-Related Morbidity: A Review. New York and Paris, USA and France: Guttmacher Institute • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 2010.
Journal Article
Remez, Lisa, Susheela Singh, and Elena Prada. "Trends in adolescent unions and childbearing in four Central American countries." Poblacion y Salud en Mesoamerica , no. 1 (2009).
Conference Paper
Ruel, Marie T, Nicholas Minot, and Lisa Smith. "Patterns and determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa: A multi-country comparison.." FAO/WHO Workshop on Fruit and Vegetables for Health. Kobe, Japan, 2005.
Luoma, Marc, Julie Doherty, Stephen Muchiri, Tiberius Barasa, Kate Hofler, and Lisa Maniscalco. Kenya health system assessment 2010. : United States agency for international development (USAID), 2010.
Working Paper
Mapa, Dennis S, Lisa Grace Bersales, Manuel Albis, and John Carlo Daquis. "Determinants of poverty in elderly-headed households in the Philippines." (2011)
Book Section
Richey, Lisa Ann. "HIV/AIDS And Reproductive Health." (2005) Where Human Rights Begin.
Abel, Edward, Barbara Seligman, and Lisa Weiss. A Computer Program for Simulating the Impact of Policy and Program Actions on Adolescent and Young Adult Reproductive Health. : the Futures Group and Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine., 2002.
Haug, Warner, Charlotte Christiansen, Lumturi Merkuri, Alban Ylli, Lola Yuldasheva, Aziza Hamidova, Ayse Akin, and Lisa Avery. "Child Marriage." (2012) Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Journal Article
Vetten, Lisa, and Sadiya Heffejee. "Gang rape: A study in inner-city Johannesburg." SA Crime Quarterly , no. 12 (2005).
Journal Article
Schuler, Sydney R, Lisa Bates, Farzana Islam, and Khairul Islam. "The timing of marriage and childbearing among rural families in Bangladesh: Choosing between competing risks." Social Science & Medicine 62, no. 11 (2006): 2826-2837.
Working Paper
Mosites, Emily, Rob Hacklemen, Kristoffer L Weum, Jillian Pintye, Lisa E Manhart, and Stephen E Hawes. "Bangladesh zinc case study." (2012) University of Washington Global Health Start Program Request From Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Working Paper
Mosites, Emily, Rob Hackleman, Kristoffer L.M. Weum, Jillian Pintye, Lisa E. Manhart, and Stephen Hawes. "Bangladesh ORS Case Study." (2012) University of Washington Global Health Start Program Request From Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Working Paper
Mosites, Emily, Rob Hackleman, Kristoffer L M. Weum, Jillian Pintye, Lisa E Manhart, and Stephen E Hawes. "Jordan ORS Case Study." (2012)
Working Paper
Mosites, Emily, Rob H Acklemen, Kristoffer L Weum, Jillian P Intye, Lisa E Manhart, and Stephen E Hawes. "Guyana ORS case study." (2012) University of Washington Global Health Start Program.
Journal Article
Cameron, Lisa A, and Christopher Worswick. "Education expenditure responses to crop loss in Indonesia: A gender bias." Economic development and cultural change 49, no. 2 (2001): 351-363.
Working Paper
Mosites, Emily, R Hackleman, K L Weum, Jillian Pintye, Lisa E Manhart, and Stephen E Hawes. "Nepal zinc case study." (2012) University of Washington Global Health Start Program .
Smith, Lisa C, and Ali Subandoro. Measuring food security using household expenditure surveys. : Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2007.
Bersales, Lisa G, Dennis Mapa, and L Grace. Patterns and determinants of household saving in the Philippines. 2006.
Working Paper
Kelley, Lisa, Erin M Madeira, Jill Blockhus, and David Ganz. "Synthesis of Benefit Sharing Mechanisms from the Natural Resource Sector: Lessons for REDD." (2012)
Working Paper
Ramirez, Catalina, Leonard Bufumbo, Lisa Dulli, Laura Johnson, Flavia N Miiro, and Angela Akol. "Formative Researchto Inform the Rollout of Medical Male Circumcision in Communities where Traditional Male Circumcision is Practiced in Uganda." (2010)
Book Section
Dragoset, Lisa, and Lars Vilhuber. "Youth in Africa’s Labor Market." (2008) How Did Universal Primary Education Affect Returns to Education and Labor Market Participation in Uganda?.
Journal Article
Thomson, Sue, and Lisa De Bortoli. "Exploring Scientific Literacy: How Australia Measures Up. The PISA 2006 Survey of Students' Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy Skills." (2008) Australian Council for Educational Research ACEReSearch.
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