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Showing 61-90 of 110
Journal Article
Dharmalingam, A., and S.P. Morgan.
Pervasive Muslim-Hindu fertility differences in India
Demography 41, no. 3 (2004): 529-545.
Journal Article
Byrne, Abbey, Alison Morgan, Eliana J Soto, and Zoe Dettrick.
Context-specific, evidence-based planning for scale-up of family planning services to increase progress to MDG 5: health systems research
Reproductive Health 9, no. 27 (2012).
Journal Article
Walker, Stacey Brodie N, and Kai A Morgan.
Factors impacting Delinquency in Jamaican and African-American Adolescents
International Journal of Business and Social Science 2, no. 6 (2011): 39-49.
Journal Article
Byrne, Abbey, Andrew Hodge, Eliana Jimenez-Soto, and Alison Morgan.
Looking Beyond Supply A Systematic Literature Review of Demand-Side Barriers to Health Service Utilization in the Mountains of Nepal
(2013) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Journal Article
Morgan, Alison, Eliana Jimenez Soto, Gajananda Bhandari, and Michelle Kermode.
Provider perspectives on the enabling environment required for skilled birth attendance: a qualitative study in western Nepal
(2014) Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Working Paper
Holmes, Rebecca, Michael Samson, Wendy Magoronga, B Akinrimisi, and J Morgan.
The potential for cash transfers in Nigeria
(2012) ODI Project Briefing.
Working Paper
Holmes, Rebecca, Banke Akinrimisi, J Morgan, and R Buck.
Social protection in Nigeria
(2012) Mapping programmes and their effectiveness. Overseas Development Institution (ODI).
Journal Article
Belbase, Krishna, and Richard Morgan.
Food security and nutrition monitoring for drought relief management: The case of Botswana
Food Policy 19, no. 3 (1994): 285-300.
Journal Article
Morgan, Richard.
State pensions as an income safety net in Namibia
Food policy 16, no. 5 (1991): 351-359.
Conference Paper
Agus, Anna A, and Bambang Hermanto.
Financial Service Penetration, Consumer Characteristic and Urban-Rural Difference—Empirical Evidence on Indonesia Financial Service Access
23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI).
Bandung, Indonesia, July 2-4, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Harrington H, Morgan.
Changing Exchanges: A Modern Siang Village Amidst Resource Extraction in Regional Indonesia
PhD thesis, Asia Institute, 2014.
Journal Article
Attua, Emmanuel Morgan, Stephen Twumasi Annan, and Frank Nyame.
Water quality analysis of rivers used as drinking sources in artisanal gold mining communities of the Akyem-Abuakwa area: A multivariate statistical approach
Ghana Journal of Geography 6, no. 1 (2015): 24-41.
Working Paper
Morgan, Jamie, and Wendy Olsen.
Aspiration problems for the Indian rural poor: Research on self-help groups and micro-finance
Capital & Class 35, no. 2 (2011): 189-212.
Working Paper
Pica-Ciamarra, Ugo, Derek Baker, Nancy Morgan, and Alberto Zezza.
Measuring the Contribution of Livestock to Household Livelihood:s A Livestock Module for Multi-topic Household Surveys
Journal Article
Holm, John D, and Richard G Morgan.
Coping with Drought in Botswana: An African Success
The Journal of Modern African Studies 23, no. 03 (2008): 463-482.
Journal Article
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Philip S Morgan, Meimanat Hossein-Chavoshi, and Peter McDonald.
Family change and continuity in Iran: Birth control use before first pregnancy
Journal of Marriage and Family 71, no. 5 (2009): 1309-1324.
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Meimanat Hossein-Chavoshi, Peter McDonald, and Philip S Morgan.
Family Change and Continuity in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Birth Control Use Before the First Pregnancy
Journal Article
Pica-Ciamarra, D Baker, N Morgan, C Ly, and S Nouala.
Business and livelihoods in the livestock sector in Africa: Investments to overcome information gaps
(2014) Livestock Data Innovation in Africa Project.
Journal Article
Morgan, Gwendolyn, Jill Keesbury, and Ilene Speizer.
Characteristics and Patterns of Use of Emergency Contraception Among Urban Women in Nigeria and Kenya
Studies in Family Planning 45, no. 1 (2014): 59-72.
Thesis or Dissertation
Githagui K, Morgan.
Cash Transfers and Household Food and Non-food Expenditures: A Case Study of the Hunger Safety net Programme in Lodwar Town
Master Thesis, University of Nairobi, 2015.
Journal Article
Nerini, Francesco Fuso, Roger Dargaville, Mark Howells, and Morgan Bazilian.
Estimating the cost of energy access: The case of the village of Suro Craic in Timor Leste
(2015) Energy.
Journal Article
Morgan, Craig, Maia Hibben, Oluyomi Esan, Sujit John, Vikram Patel, Helen A Weiss, Robin M Murray, Gerard Hutchinson, Oye Gureje, and Rangaswamy Thara.
Searching for psychosis: INTREPID (1): systems for detecting untreated and first-episode cases of psychosis in diverse settings
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50, no. 6 (2015): 879-893.
Morgan, Jana, Rosario Espinal, and Mitchell A Seligson.
Cultura política de la democracia en República Dominicana, 2008: El impacto de la gobernabilidad
Journal Article
Chitiyo, Morgan.
Challenges Affecting the Education of Children in Zimbabwe
Childhood Education 90, no. 6 (2014): 414-417.
Journal Article
Nakhi, Abbas Alipoor, Mojtaba Esfandiyari, and Akram Seifollahzadeh.
Evalution of the role of local markets in Mazandaran province
Arth prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management 3, no. 12 (2014): 104-119.
Journal Article
Abazarian, Roza, and Mahdi Khalaf Khani.
Investigating the Relationship between Socio-Cultural Components and Management of Body Features among Women Residing in Sari
Turkish Journal of Scientific Research 2, no. 3 (2015): 82-86.
Journal Article
Rahnama, Mohammad Rahim, and Akbar Heydari Tashekaboud.
Analysis the status of strategic planning in future development of Saqqez City, Iran
(2013) World Applied Sciences Journal.
Journal Article
Hosseini, Seyed Ali.
Analysis of medium - sized cities trend to the sustainable development indicators in Iran
(2015) VISI Jurnal Akademik.
Journal Article
Shiri, Sareh Gholami, Ghasem Rahimi, and Homayoun Ranjbar.
A study of sport portion in householdconsumption basket in different regions of Shiraz, Iran
International Journal of Research in Management 4, no. 5 (2014): 25-38.
Jerrim, John, Helen Austerberry, Cosette Crisan, Anne Ingold, Candia Morgan, Dave Pratt, Cathy Smith, and Meg Wiggins.
Mathematics Mastery: Secondary Evaluation Report
Showing 61-90 of 110