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Showing 871-900 of 1025
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Aguilar, Gabriela Alejandra.
La politica laboral del gobierno de la revolucion ciudadana y su incidencia en los derechos de los trabajadores en la Republica del Ecuador.
avogada, Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Loffler, Gundula.
Decentralization and State-Building in Rwanda: Essays on the Role of Decentralization in Helping Rwanda Implement Its Vision for a Better Future
Doctor in Public Administration, School of Public Service, New York University, 2014.
Abbott, Pamela, and Joe Rwica.
End-of-Line Evaluation of ‘Beyond Raising Awareness: Shifting the Power Balance to Enable Women to Access Land in Rwanda’
: Kigali, 2014.
Journal Article
Berger, Mark C, Glenn C Blomquist, and Klara Sabirianova Peter.
Compensating differentials in emerging labor and housing markets: Estimates of quality of life in Russian cities
Journal of Urban Economics 63, no. 1 (2008): 25-55.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntirenganya, Frederic.
Analysis of Rainfall Data from Rwanda
Master, Maseno University, 2014.
Journal Article
Deribe, B, and M Taye.
Growth performance and carcass characteristics of central highland goats in Sekota District, Ethiopia
Agricultural Advances 2, no. 8 (2013): 250-258.
Working Paper
Kholis, Azizul.
Faktor penentu kinerja sosial perusahaan penanaman modal asing (pma) di provinsi sumatera utara
Journal Article
Chauhan, Ritvik, and Vijay Kumar Baraik.
Mapping Crime against Women in India: Spatio-Temporal Analysis, 2001-2012
International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering 10, no. 6 (2016): 2243-2254.
Orbeta C, Aniceto.
Number of children and their education in Philippine households: Evidence from an exogenous change in family size
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntawiha, Philothere.
Educational inputs and their implications for output in public secondary schools in Nyarugenge and Nyamasheke districts, Rwanda
Doctor of Philosophy, Kenyatta University, 2016.
Journal Article
Kapllanaj, Migena, Saemira Pino, and Edlira Haxhiymeri.
Mother Employment And The Role Of Care Services In Albania
European Scientific Journal 12, no. 5 (2016): 129-139.
Conference Paper
Viaggi, Davide, Drinimi Imami, Edvin Zhllima, and Luciano Leonetti.
Current challenges of Albanian extension services in the context of EU integration and global markets
The 116th EAAE Seminar "Spatial Dynamics in Agri-food Systems: Implications for Sustainability and Consumer Welfare". Parma (Italy) October 27th -30th, 2010 .
Thesis or Dissertation
Jintie, Herman Alwin.
Analysis of the pathway of developing a national mental health plan for Suriname
Master in Mental Health Policy and Services, Universidad Nova de Lisboa, 2012.
Journal Article
Marchand, Iris.
Dogla politics? Questioning ethnic consociationalism in Suriname's national elections of 25 May 2010
Ethnic and Racial Studies 37, no. 2 (2014): 342-362.
Ravenswaay, Ricardo O, and Thania S Chin-A-Lin.
Assessment of agricultural information needs in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States for CTA’s Products and Services: Phase II: Caribbean: Phase 1: Country Study: Suriname
Thesis or Dissertation
Rodriguez Parra, Jorge Andres.
Las instituciones y su efecto en la informalidad laboral para las 13 areas metropolitanas de Colombia
Maestría en Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia--Sede Bogota, 2016.
Journal Article
Sayed, Marju Ben, and Shigeko Haruyama.
Urbanization Impact on Agricultural Land of Manikganj Pourashova, Bangladesh
(2016) International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nanhu R, Jane.
An ombudsman for children: a necessary step for the promotion and protection of children’s rights in Suriname
Master of Public administration, Institute of Social Studies , 2006.
Journal Article
Holgado, S, M Sanchez Segura, A Vinuales, V Audi, F Arrieta, D Gonzalez, M Jimenez, CE Lorente, R Audi, and AC Elias.
Breast cancer in young women in a northern province of Tucuman, Argentina.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 29, no. 15\_suppl (2011): e12022-e12022.
Working Paper
Bourdillon, Michael FC.
Children’s Work in Southern Africa
Journal Article
Zapata, Isabel Cristina Posada, Abraham Mendoza Ríos, Isabel Cristina Orozco Giraldo, Carolina Restrepo Correa, and Sara María Cano Bedoya.
Roles de género y salud en mujeres desplazadas por la violencia en Medellín, 2013-2014
Revista Ciencias de la Salud 15, no. 2 (2017): 189-202.
Acharya, Sushan.
Gender, Jobs and Education: Prospects and Realities in Nepal
Journal Article
Matlala, SF.
“It is not good for a pregnant person and it has never been and it will never be”: Experiences of parents whose daughters became pregnant while attending secondary schools in Limpopo Province, South Africa
(2015) African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance.
Journal Article
Khan, Jahidur Rahman, Wasimul Bari, and AHM Mahbub Latif.
Trend of determinants of birth interval dynamics in Bangladesh
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Martin, Cherie.
Caregiver Perspectives on Psychosocial Support Programming for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in South Africa
Master, University of Ottawa, 2015.
Journal Article
Locke, Catherine, and Heather Xiaoquan Zhang.
A better life? Migration reproduction and wellbeing in transition
Society, Biology and Human Affairs 75, no. 2 (2010): 51-71.
Book Section
Larson, Donald F, Sara Savastano, Siobhan Murray, and Amparo Palacios-Lopez.
In Pursuit of an African Green Revolution
(2016) On the Determinants of Low Productivity in Maize Farming in Uganda: The Role of Markets, Fertilizer Use and Gender.
Briefs, Youth PolicY.
Youth and Public Policy in Uganda
Mumah, Joyce, Caroline W Kabiru, Carol Mukiira, Jessica Brinton, Michael Mutua, Chimaraoke Izugbara, Harriet Birungi, and Ian Askew.
Unintended pregnancies in Kenya: a country profile
: African Population and Health Research Center, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Macharia, Munyua Peter.
Barriers to HIV testing and counseling uptake among young people aged 18-24 years in Nyeri Municipality
Master of Public Health, University of Nairobi, 2013.
Showing 871-900 of 1025