
Showing 1-6 of 6
Bennell, Paul, Bagele Chilisa, Karin Hyde, Archie Makgothi, Enni Molobe, and Limpet Mpotokwane. The impact of HIV/AIDS on primary and secondary education in Botswana: Developing a comprehensive strategic response. 2001.
Working Paper
Kebakile, M, S Mpotokwane, B Motswagole, M Lima de Faria, P Santo, M Domingues, C Saraiva, P Belton, and J Taylor. "Proceedings of the workshop on the proteins of sorghum and millets: enhancing nutritional and functional properties for Africa." (2003)
Conference Paper
Archer, Ebenezer K, R Chanda, MBK Darkoh, and MA Mpotokwane. "Road improvement and safety: a case study from the western region of Botswana." SATC 2005. 2005.
Working Paper
Kebakile, MM, SM Mpotokwane, BS Motswagole, M Lima de Faria, P Santo, M Domingues, and C Saraiva. "Consumer attitudes to sorghum foods in Botswana." (2003) Proteins of Sorghum.
Keatimilwe, Kagiso, and Masego Mpotokwane. Country Environmental Profile for the Republic of Botswana. 2006.
Journal Article
Ohiokpehai, O, SB Botsalo, SM Mpotokwane, Espirito P Santo, M Domingues, and M Faria. "Consumer Preferences and Utilization of Sorghum and Millet in Rural Areas of Botswana." (1999) Botswana Notes and Records.
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