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Showing 751-780 of 1875
Working Paper
Brinkman, Henk-Jan, Jean-Martin Bauer, and Alima Mahama.
Assessing the Impacts of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis on Vulnerable Households in Ghana
(2009) World Food Programme, VAM Food Security Analysis.
Working Paper
Zant, Wouter.
Market integration with transaction costs in developing country staple food markets: The case of the Malawi maize market
Journal Article
Mesplé-Somps, Sandrine.
Optimal fiscal policy according to equality of opportunity. A case study applied to Ivory Coast
Working Paper
Amjad, Rashid, GM Arif, and Usman Mustafa.
Does the labor market structure explain differences in poverty in Rural Punjab?
Journal Article
Affuso, Ermanno.
Spatial autoregressive stochastic frontier analysis: An application to an impact evaluation study
Journal Article
Patrinos, Harry, Cristobal Ridao-Cano, and Christopher Sakellariou.
A note on schooling and wage inequality in the public and private sector
(2009) Empirical Economics.
Journal Article
Ferreira, Francisco H, Peter Lanjouw, and Marcelo Neri.
A robust poverty profile for Brazil using multiple data sources
Working Paper
Hagen, Jens, Toman Omar Mahmoud, and Natalia Trofimenko.
Orphanhood and critical periods in children’s human capital formation: long-run evidence from North-Western Tanzania
(2010) Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Journal Article
Kis-Katos, Krisztina.
The work-schooling trade-off revisited: Market and domestic work of Indian children
Journal Article
Murray, Christoper J, Thomas Laakso, Kenji Shibuya, Kenneth Hill, and Alan D Lopez.
Can we achieve Millennium Development Goal 4? New analysis of country trends and forecasts of under-5 mortality to 2015
(2007) The Lancet.
Journal Article
Victora, Cesar G, Mercedes de Onis, Pedro C Hallal, Monika Blossner, and Roger Shrimpton.
Worldwide timing of growth faltering: revisiting implications for interventions
Pediatrics 125, no. 3 (2010): 473-480.
Thesis or Dissertation
Opoku, E A.
Utilization of maternal care services in Ghana by region after the Implementation of the free maternal care policy
PhD Thesis, UNiversity of North Texas Health Science Center, 2009.
Journal Article
Sichieri, R, C V Silva, and A S Moura.
Combined effect of short stature and socioeconomic status on body mass index and weight gain during reproductive age in Brazilian women
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 36, no. 10 (2003): 1319-1395.
Journal Article
Santos, Leonor M, Rômulo Paes-Sousa, Jarbas B da Silva Junior, and César G Victora.
National Immunization Day: a strategy to monitor health and nutrition indicators
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 6 (2008).
Conference Paper
Basu, Deepankar, and Robert de Jong.
Son preference and gender inequality
South and South East Asia Econometric Society Meeting.
Chennai, India, October 30, 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaufman, Zachary A, Robert L Welsch, Jon Erickson, and Sienna Craig.
Levels of HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, and communication among youth in Haitian migrant communities in the Dominican Republic
Honors, Dartmouth College, 2008.
Journal Article
Nikles, Brigitte.
Women, pregnancy and health: Traditional midwives among the Bunong in Mondulkiri, Cambodia
(2008) Living on the Margins.
Conference Paper
Neupert, Ricardo, and Chiev Khus.
Mortality in Cambodia: A techinical note
Workshop on population projections for Cambodia held at the National Institute of Statistics .
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2002.
Journal Article
Davidson, Julia O'Connell, and Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor.
Child prostitution and sex tourism: Dominican Republic
(1996) ECPAT.
Journal Article
Molleman, Gerard, and Lilian Franse.
The struggle for abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Egypt
Global health promotion 16, no. 1 (2009): 57-60.
Thesis or Dissertation
Brugh N, Kristin.
The evolving policy framework and historical trends in female circumcision provider by circumcision year, region, and wealth: Secondary data analysis of the 2008 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey
Masters, The University of North Carolina, 2011.
Journal Article
Austin, Anne, Wafaie Fawzi, and Allan Hill.
Anaemia among Egyptian Children between 2000 and 2005: trends and predictors
(2011) Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Journal Article
Abdel-Kader, Madiha M, Seham S Kassem, Magda S Mohamed, I.H. Badawy , and F.A. El- Shobaki.
Health evaluation of high nutritional value meals for school children
(2011) Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America.
Journal Article
Singh, Susheela, and Renee Samara.
Early marriage among women in developing countries
(1996) International family planning perspectives.
Journal Article
Dassouki, Chouaa, and Noel Bonneuil.
Economics, geography, family planning and rapidity of change in the demographic Ttansition: The case of the Egyptian Muhafazas 1960-1996
The Journal of Developing Areas 40, no. 2 (2007): 185-186.
Working Paper
Chang, Anna.
The challenges of balancing careers and family life facing college women in Jordan
(2011) ISP Collection.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy.
Social stratification and inequality in South Africa at the end of Apartheid
CSSR Working paper no. 31 31, no. 31 (2003): 2-61.
Thesis or Dissertation
Priscilla Anima, Siaw.
Evaluation of intermittent preventive treatment of Malaria In pregnancy (Ipt) implementation in the Kumasi Ashanti Region, Ghana
Journal Article
Addai, Issac, and Frank Trovato.
Structural assimilation and ethnic fertility in Ghana
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 30, no. 3 (1999): 409-427.
Journal Article
Mba, Chuks, and Irene K Aboh.
Prevalence and management of malaria in Ghana: a case study of Volta Region
African Population Studies 22, no. 1 (2007): 137-171.
Showing 751-780 of 1875