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Showing 421-450 of 614
Journal Article
Oliva, Malena, Salvador Montiel, Ana Garcia, and Laura Vidal.
Local perceptions of wildlife use in Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve, Mexico: Maya subsistence hunting in a conservation conflict context
Tropical Conservation Science 7, no. 4 (2014): 781-795.
Journal Article
Valdez Tah, Alba Rocío, Laura Huicochea Gómez, Austreberta Nazar Beutelspacher, Judith Ortega Canto, and Janine M Ramsey.
La vulnerabilidad humana a la transmisión vectorial de Trypanosoma cruzi a través de los procesos de salud-enfermedad y la apropiación social del territorio
Salud colectiva 11, no. 2 (2015): 191-210.
Journal Article
Renck, Decio V, Fernando Barros, Marlos R Domingues, Maria C Gonzalez, Marcelo L Sclowitz, Eduardo L Caputo, and Laura M Gomes.
Equidade no Acesso ao Rastreamento Mamográfico do Câncer de Mama com Intervenção de Mamógrafo Móvel no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 30, no. 1 (2014): 88-96.
Working Paper
Perotti, Valeria, and Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta.
Personal opinions about the social security system and informal employment: Evidence from Bulgaria
Journal Article
Wong, Laura Rodríguez L, and Jose A Carvalho.
O Rápido Processo de Envelhecimento Populacional do Brasil: Sérios Desafios para as Políticas Públicas
Rev Bras Estud Popul 23, no. 1 (2006): 5-26.
Journal Article
Kramer, Paulo F, Thiago M Ardenghi, Simone Ferreira, Laura A Fischer, Luciana Cardoso, and Carlos A Feldens.
Utilização de Serviços Odontológicos por Crianças de 0 a 5 Anos de Idade no Município de Canela, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Cad. Saúde Pública 24, no. 1 (2008): 150-156.
Conference Paper
Carvalho, Regiane L, and Laura R Wong.
Algumas evidências sobre a evolução da saúde em diversas coortes de idosos (1998 – 2003)
XV Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais, ABEP.
Caxambu, MG, Brasil, 2006.
Calvelo, Laura.
Estimaciones migratorias en la Argentina: la migracion neta de nativos posterior a 1980
Journal Article
Andrade, Alberto, Alvaro Rodriguez Larralde, Emma Laura Alfaro Gomez, Estela Chaves, Jose E Dipierri, and Italo Barrai.
Distribución de apellidos y migración en el noroeste argentino
(2005) Antropo.
Journal Article
Bergesio, Liliana, and Laura Golovanevskyz.
Las ciudades y sus muros de cristal. Ajuste neoliberal en una experiencia del noroeste argentino
Economia, sociedad y territorio 14, no. 44 (2014): 1-48.
Thesis or Dissertation
Callaghan, Laura.
Sri Lanka’s ‘Widows of War Heroes’ and the Governmentality of Empowerment
Honours Bachelor of Arts, University of Toronto, 2015.
Journal Article
Michelson, Hope C, Erin Lentz, Rich Mulwa, Mitchell Morey, Laura Cramer, Megan E McGlinchy, and Christopher B Barrett.
Cash, food or vouchers in urban and rural Kenya? An application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework
(2011) An Application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework (April 1, 2011).
Journal Article
Abeku, Tarekegn A, Michelle EH Helinski, Matthew J Kirby, Takele Kefyalew, Tessema Awano, Esey Batisso, Gezahegn Tesfaye, James Ssekitooleko, Sarala Nicholas, and Laura Erdmanis.
Monitoring changes in malaria epidemiology and effectiveness of interventions in Ethiopia and Uganda: Beyond Garki Project baseline survey
Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Vega Macías, Hector Daniel, Norma Elvira Moreno Pérez, and Ana Laura Carrillo Cervantes.
Envejecimiento demografico, discapacidad y vulnerabilidad social en Guanajuato, Mexico
RICS Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias de la Salud 4, no. 8 (2015).
Journal Article
Weeks, Andrew D, James Ditai, Sam Ononge, Brian Faragher, Laura J Frye, Jill Durocher, Florence M Mirembe, Josaphat Byamugisha, Beverly Winikoff, and Zarko Alfirevic.
The MamaMiso study of self-administered misoprostol to prevent bleeding after childbirth in rural Uganda: a community-based, placebo-controlled randomised trial
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Kimani, Kahaki, Robert Lindfield, Laura Senyonjo, Alex Mwaniki, and Elena Schmidt.
Prevalence and causes of ocular morbidity in Mbeere District, Kenya. Results of a population-based survey
(2013) PLOS one.
Conference Paper
León, Laura.
Reforzando el Proceso del Presupuesto Participativo a Través de Internet: El Caso de la Municipalidad de Miraflores (Lima, Perú)
Proceedings of the 4th ACORN-REDECOM Conference Brasilia.
May 15, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ansala, Laura.
Motives, Channels and Migration for Remittances: Evidence from Uganda, Senegal and Nigeria
Master Thesis, Aalto University, 2012.
Journal Article
Senyonjo, Laura, Robert Lindfield, Abdulraheem Mahmoud, Kahaki Kimani, Safiya Sanda, and Elena Schmidt.
Ocular morbidity and health seeking behaviour in kwara state, Nigeria: implications for delivery of eye care services
(2014) PLOS ONE.
Journal Article
McConney, Andrew, and Laura B Perry.
Science and Mathematics Achievement in Australia: The Role of School Socioeconomic Composition in Educational Equity and Effectiveness
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 8, no. 3 (2010): 429-452.
Journal Article
Velásquez, Jose Enrique, Yuleika Rodríguez , Marco Gonzáles, Laura Astete, Jessica Loyola-Romaní , Walter Eduardo Vigo, and Angel Rosas-Aguirre.
Factores asociados con anemia en niños menores de tres años en el Perú: análisis de ENDES 2007-2013
Biomedica 36, no. 2 (2015).
Journal Article
Mogeni, Polycarp, Hemed Twahir, Victor Bandika, Laura Mwalekwa, Johnstone Thitiri, Moses Ngari, Christopher Toromo, Kathryn Maitland, and James A Berkley.
Diagnostic Performance of Visible Severe Wasting for Identifying Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children Admitted to Hospital in Kenya
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 89, no. 12 (2011): 900-906.
Journal Article
Merson, Laura, Tran V Phong, Nguyen T Dung, Ta Dieu T Ngan, Nguyen Van Kinh, Michael Parker, and Susan Bull.
Trust, Respect, and Reciprocity Informing Culturally Appropriate Data-Sharing Practice in Vietnam
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 10, no. 3 (2015): 251-263.
Byiers, Bruce, Florian Krätke, Priyanka Jayawardena, Laura R Takeuchi,, and Anushka Wijesinha.
Manufacturing Progress? Employment creation in Sri Lanka
: Overseas Development Institute, 2015.
Journal Article
Katz, Ingrid T, Busisiwe Nkala, Janan Dietrich, Melissa Wallace, Linda-Gail Bekker, Kathryn Pollenz, Laura M Bogart, Alexi A Wright, Alexander C Tsai, and David R Bangsberg.
A qualitative analysis of factors influencing HPV vaccine uptake in Soweto, South Africa among adolescents and their caregivers
PLoS One 8, no. 8 (2013).
Working Paper
Dindire, Laura-Maria.
Organisational Behaviour Influence Elements in the New Economic Paradigm
Theoretical and Applied Economics 4, no. 4 (2012): 31-38.
Journal Article
Camfield, Laura, and Yisak Tafere.
Community Understandings of Childhood Transitions in Ethiopia: Different for Girls?
Children's Geographies 9, no. 2 (2011): 247-262.
Hansakul, Syetarn, and Maria Laura Lanzeni.
Understanding China’s consumers
: Frankfurt: Deutsche Bank Research, 2010.
Working Paper
Nolan, Laura.
Noncommunicable diseases and youth: a critical window of opportunity for latin america and the caribbea
Journal Article
Ballini, Francesca, Gianni Betti, Samuel Carrette, and Laura Neri.
Poverty and inequality mapping in the Commonwealth of Dominica
Estudios economicos , no. 1 (2009).
Showing 421-450 of 614