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Showing 451-480 of 862
Thesis or Dissertation
González Suria, Laura Y, Katya G Sibrian Orellana, and Luis F Vásquez Orellana.
Estudio de factibilidad para la ampliación de las instalacciones del Colegio de Mejicanos, ubicado en el municipio de Mejicanos, departamento de San Salvador
Thesis, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Journal Article
Hosman, Laura.
Policy considerations from a nationwide IT-in-education initiative: Macedonia Connects
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 7, no. 4 (2010): 369-383.
Journal Article
Okoli, Ugo, Laura Morris, Adetokunbo Oshin, Muhammad A Pate, Chidimma Aigbe, and Ado Muhammad.
Conditional cash transfer schemes in Nigeria: potential gains for maternal and child health service uptake in a national pilot programme
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, no. 1 (2014): 408.
Journal Article
Saw, Yu Mon, Khine Lae Win, Laura Wen-Shuan Shiao, Moe Moe Thandar, Rachel M Amiya, Akira Shibanuma, Soe Tun, and Masamine Jimba.
Taking stock of Myanmar’s progress toward the health-related Millennium Development Goals: current roadblocks, paths ahead
International journal for equity in health 12, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Mwangi, Mary W, Timothy A Kellogg, Kathryn Brookmeyer, Robert Buluma, Laura Chiang, Boaz Otieno-Nyunya, and Kipruto Chesang.
Perpetrators and context of child sexual abuse in Kenya
(2015) Child abuse & neglect.
Journal Article
Lopez, Nora L, Laura B Boller, Anacorita M Villanueva, and Art T Roncesvalles.
Assessment of Intervention Programs on Sexual Reproductive Health for Couples in Catbalogan City Philippines
Journal of Academic Research 1, no. 01 (2016): 21-32.
Journal Article
Bosomprah, Samuel, Lauren B Beach, Laura K Beres, Jonathan Newman, Kabwe Kapasa, Cheryl Rudd, Lungowe Njobvu, Brad Guffey, Sydney Hubbard, and Karen Foo.
Findings from a comprehensive diarrhoea prevention and treatment programme in Lusaka, Zambia
BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 475.
Mamun, Arif, Duncan Chaplin, Ali Protik, John Schurrer, Divya Vohra, Kristine Bos, Hannah Burak, Laura Meyer, and Anca Dumitrescu.
Grid Electricity Expansion in Tanzania: Findings from a Rigorous Impact Evaluation
Working Paper
Galiani, Sebastian, and Laura Jaitman.
El transporte público desde una perspectiva de género: Percepción de inseguridad y victimización en Asunción y Lima
División de Capacidad Institucional del Estado , no. IDB-TN-1124 (2016).
Working Paper
Galiani, Sebastian, Laura Jaitman, and Federico Weinschelbaum.
Crime and Durable Goods
NBER WP Series , no. 22788 (2016).
Journal Article
Ng, Marie, Ellicott K Colson, Nancy Fullman, Laura Dwyer-Lindgren, Tom Achoki, Matthew T Schneider, Peter Mulenga, Peter Hangoma, Felix Masiye, and Emmanuela Gakidou.
Assessing the contribution of malaria vector control and other maternal and child health interventions in reducing all-cause under-five mortality in Zambia
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97, no. 3 (2016).
Journal Article
Chillag, Kata, Greg Guest, Arwen Bunce, Laura Johnson, Peter H Kilmarx, and Dawn K Smith.
Talking about sex in Botswana: social desirability bias and possible implications for HIV-prevention research
African Journal of AIDS Research 5, no. 2 (2006): 123-131.
Journal Article
Talbot, Elizabeth A, Thomas A Kenyon, Themba L Moeti, Gary Hsin, Laura Dooley, Shenaaz El-Halabi, and Nancy J Binkin.
HIV risk factors among patients with tuberculosis—Botswana 1999
International Journal of STD & AIDS 13, no. 5 (2002): 311-317.
Working Paper
Rossouw, Laura, Rulof Burger, and Ronelle Burger.
The fertility transition in South Africa: A retrospective panel data analysis
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 03/12 (2012).
Journal Article
Tiam, Appolinaire, Michelle M Gill, Heather J Hoffman, Anthony Isavwa, Mafusi Mokone, Matokelo Foso, Jeffrey T Safrit, Lynne M Mofenson, Thorkild Tylleskär, and Laura Guay.
Conventional early infant diagnosis in Lesotho from specimen collection to results usage to manage patients: Where are the bottlenecks?
PLoS One 12, no. 10 (2017).
Journal Article
Stone, Erin, Laura Miller, Joseph Jasperse, Grayson Privette, Juan Cruz Diez Beltran, Amara Jambai, John Kpaleyea, Alfred Makavore, Mohamed Foday Kamara, and Ruwan Ratnayake.
Community Event-Based Surveillance for Ebola Virus Disease in Sierra Leone: Implementation of a National-Level System During a Crisis
(2016) PLoS currents.
Journal Article
Siebeneck, Laura, Sudha Arlikatti, and Simon A Andrew.
Using provincial baseline indicators to model geographic variations of disaster resilience in Thailand
Natural Hazards 79, no. 2 (2015): 955-975.
Journal Article
Virani, Shama, Surichai Bilheem, Wasan Chansaard, Imjai Chitapanarux, Karnchana Daoprasert, Somsak Khuanchana, Atit Leklob, Donsuk Pongnikorn, Laura S Rozek, and Surattaya Siriarechakul.
National and Subnational Population-Based Incidence of Cancer in Thailand: Assessing Cancers with the Highest Burdens
Cancers 9, no. 8 (2017): 108.
Journal Article
Mitro, Susanna D, Laura S Rozek, Patravoot Vatanasapt, Krittika Suwanrungruang, Imjai Chitapanarux, Songpol Srisukho, Hutcha Sriplung, and Rafael Meza.
Iodine deficiency and thyroid cancer trends in three regions of Thailand, 1990-2009
(2016) Cancer Epidemiology.
Journal Article
Demanelis, Kathryn, Hutcha Sriplung, Rafael Meza, Surapon Wiangnon, Laura S Rozek, Michael E Scheurer, and Philip J Lupo.
Differences in childhood leukemia incidence and survival between Southern Thailand and the United States: a population-based analysis
Pediatric Blood Cancer 62, no. 10 (2015): 1790-1798.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hahn, Laura Marie.
Beyond the family: Social connectedness among older adults in Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Master of Arts, Miami University, 2015.
Journal Article
Virani, Shama, Hutcha Sriplung, Laura S Rozek, and Rafael Meza.
Escalating burden of breast cancer in southern Thailand: analysis of 1990-2010 incidence and prediction of future trends
Cancer Epidemiology 38, no. 3 (2014): 235-243.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lubuye, Nancy Laura.
Evaluation of geographic variation in adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Mbeya Tanzania
Master of Science in Clinical Science, University of Colorado at Denver, 2015.
Conference Paper
Abler, David, Jose Rodriguez, and Hector Robles.
The allocation of children’s time in Mexico and Peru
CIES98 Conference.
Buffalo, 1998.
Working Paper
Rodriguez, Mar P, and Richard Hayes.
Reducing HIV prevalence among young people: A review of the UNGASS prevalence goal and how it should be monitored
(2002) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Discussion Paper.
Working Paper
Alfonso, Mariana, Suzanne Duryea, and María V Rodriguez-Pombo.
Reproductive empowerment and quality of life
Journal Article
Guzmán, José Miguel, Jorge Rodríguez, Jorge Martínez, Juan Manuel Contreras, and Daniela González.
The demography of Latin America and the Caribbean since 1950
Population (english edition) 61, no. 5 (2006): 519-620.
Barden-O'Fallon, Janine, Ilene Speizer, Sadith Cácere Zelaya, Javier Cálix Borjas, and Francisco Rodríguez Valenzuela.
Discontinuación Anticonceptiva: Un Estudio de Seguimiento al Año con Usuarias de Métodos Femeninos Reversibles en el Área Urbana de Honduras
: USAID, 2008.
Working Paper
Westoff, Charles F, and German Rodriguez.
The mass media and family planning in Kenya
(1993) DHS Working Papers.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Samuel Freije, and Luis Rivas.
Inequality and welfare changes: Evidence from Nicaragua
(2005) Preface vii.
Showing 451-480 of 862