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Showing 61-90 of 216
Journal Article
Stanton, Cynthia, Noureddine Abderrahim, and Kenneth Hill.
An assessment of DHS maternal mortality indicators
Studies in Family Planning 31, no. 2 (2000): 111-123.
Working Paper
Harttgen, Kenneth, Stephan Klasen, and Sebastian Vollmer.
An African growth miracle? Or: what do asset indices tell us about trends in economic performance?
(2011) International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.
Samson, Michael, Oliver Babson, Claudia Haarman, Dirk Haarman, Gilbert Khathi, Kenneth Mac Quene, and Ingrid van Niekerk.
Research review on social security reform and the basic income grant for South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Economic Policy Research Institute, 2002.
Journal Article
Hill, Kenneth, and Yoonjoung Choi.
Neonatal mortality in the developing world
Demographic Research 14, no. 18 (2006): 429-452.
Hill, Kenneth.
Methods for measuring adult mortality in developing countries: a comparative review
: Hopkins Population Center Papers on Populatio, 2000.
Journal Article
Ozaltin, Emre, Kenneth Hill, and S V Subramanian.
Association of maternal stature with offspring mortality, underweight, and stunting in low-to middle-income countries
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 303, no. 15 (2010): 1507-1516.
Journal Article
Langsten, Ray, and Kenneth Hill.
The accuracy of mothers' reports of child vaccination: Evidence from rural Egypt
Social Science & Medicine 46, no. 9 (1998): 1205-1212.
Journal Article
Langsten, Ray, and Kenneth Hill.
Treatment of childhood diarrhea in rural Egypt
Social Science & Medicine 40, no. 7 (1995): 989-1001.
Journal Article
Ivers, Louise C, Kenneth A Freedberg, and Joia S Mukherjee.
Provider-initiated HIV testing in rural Haiti: low rate of missed opportunities for diagnosis of HIV in a primary care clinic
(2007) AIDS Res Ther.
Working Paper
Grimm, Michael, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen, and Mark Misselhorn.
A human development index by income groups
(2006) Discussion papers // Ibero America Institute for Economic Research, No. 155.
Working Paper
Hill, Kenneth, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy.
Childhood mortality in Kenya: An examination of trends and determinants in the late 1980s to mid 1990s
(2001) Hopkins Population Center Papers on Population WP01-01 .
Hill, Kenneth, Boaz Cheluget, Siân Curtis, George Bicego, and Mary Mahy.
HIV and increases in childhood mortality in Kenya in the late 1980s to the mid-1990s
: USAID, 2004.
Journal Article
Thurstans, Susan, Marko Kerac, Kenneth Maleta, Theresa Banda, and Anne Nesbitt.
HIV prevalence in severely malnourished children admitted to nutrition rehabilitation units in Malawi: geographical & seasonal variations a cross-sectional study
BMC pediatrics 8, no. 1 (2008): 22.
Journal Article
Maleta, Kenneth, and Cameron Bowie.
Selecting HIV infection prevention interventions in the mature HIV epidemic in Malawi using the mode of transmission model
BMC health services research 10, no. 1 (2010): 243.
Journal Article
Hill, Kenneth, Carla AbouZahr, and Tessa Wardlaw.
Estimates of maternal mortality for 1995
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79, no. 3 (2001): 182-193.
Journal Article
Lu, Chumling, Brian Chin, Jiwon L Lewandowski, Paulin Basinga, Lisa R Hirschhorn, Kenneth Hill, Megan Murray, and Agnes Binagwaho.
Towards Universal Health Coverage: An Evaluation of Rwanda Mutuelles in its First Eight Years
PloS one 7, no. 6 (2012): e3928.
Journal Article
Hill, Kenneth, Patama Vapattanawong, Pramote Prasartkul, Yawarate Porapakkham, Stephen s Lim, and Alan D Lopez.
Epidemiologic transition interrupted: a reassessment of mortality trends in Thailand, 1980-2000
International journal of epidemiology 36, no. 2 (2007): 374-384.
Journal Article
Bollen, Kenneth, David Guilkey, and Thomas Mroz.
Binary outcomes and endogenous explanatory variables: tests and solutions with an application to the demand for contraceptive use in Tunisia
Demography 32, no. 1 (1995): 111-131.
Journal Article
Sousa, Angelica, Kenneth Hill, and Mario R Dal Poz.
Sub-national assessment of inequality trends in neonatal and child mortality in Brazil
International Journal for Equity in Health 9, no. 1 (2010): 21.
Journal Article
Simler, Kenneth.
Nutrition mapping in Tanzania: an exploratory analysis
IFPRI Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper , no. 204 (2006).
Working Paper
Harttgen, Kenneth, Stephan Klasen, and Sebastian Vollmer.
Transformation of global agri-food systems: trends, driving forces, and implications for developing countries
GlobalFood Discussion Papers , no. 14 (2012).
Journal Article
King, Kenneth.
The Geopolitics and Meanings of India's Massive Skills Development Ambitions
International Journal of Educational Development 32, no. 5 (2012): 665-673.
Journal Article
Ruddle, Kenneth.
"Informal" credit systems in fishing communities: issues and examples from Vietnam
Human Organization 70, no. 3 (2011): 224-232.
Working Paper
Fernandez, Kenneth, and Michelle E Kuenzi.
Crime and support for democracy: Revisiting modernization theory
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 64 , no. 64 (2006).
Journal Article
Newton, Kenneth.
Trust, social capital, civil society, and democracy
International Political Science Review 22, no. 2 (2001): 201-214.
Journal Article
Harttgen, Kenneth, and Stephan Klasen.
A Human Development Index by Internal Migrational Status
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 12, no. 3 (2011): 393-424.
Journal Article
Engle-Stone, Reina, Alex O Ndjebayi, Martin Nankap, David W Killilea, and Kenneth H Brown.
Stunting prevalence, Plasma Zinc concentrations, and Dietary Zinc intakes in a nationally representative sample suggest a high risk of Zinc deficiency among women and young children in Cameroon
The journal of nutrition 144, no. 3 (2014): 382-391.
Journal Article
Lingappa, Jairam R, Barrot Lambdin, Elizabeth Ann Bukusi, Kenneth Ngure, Linda Kavuma, Mubiana Inambao, William Kanweka, Susan Allen, James N Kiarie, and Joseph Makhema.
Regional differences in prevalence of HIV-1 discordance in Africa and enrollment of HIV-1 discordant couples into an HIV-1 prevention trial
PloS one 3, no. 1 (2008).
Journal Article
Ehrenberg, Louise, Winnie Lawoko-Olwe, Bishop Loum, Kenneth Oketayot, Margarete Akot, Charles Kiyembe, Emmanuel Ochola, David Guwatudde, and Stephen Lawoko.
Inquiry about Domestic Violence against Women in Healthcare Uganda: Do Practitioner Attitudes, Role Conflicts, Efficacy, Safety Concerns and Support Networks Play a Role?
Psychology 5, no. 7 (2014).
Journal Article
Chan, Brian T, Sheri D Weiser, Yap Boum, Mark J Siedner, Rain A Mocello, Jessica E Haberer, Peter W Hunt, Jeffrey N Martin, Kenneth H Mayer, and David R Bangsberg.
Persistent HIV-related stigma in rural Uganda during a period of increasing HIV incidence despite treatment expansion.
(2014) AIDS.
Showing 61-90 of 216