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Showing 31-60 of 102
Valerio, Alexandria, Katia Herrera-Sosa, Sebastian Monroy-Taborda, and Dandan Chen.
Armenia: Skills toward Employment and Productivity (STEP) Survey Findings (Urban Areas)
Thesis or Dissertation
Trinidad, Morales D, Katia Marcela, and Maria Fernanda Guterrez Ruiz.
Conocimiento, Actitudes y Prácticas de la lactancia materna en mujeres puerperas, de 15-24 años, sala de Ginecología, Hospital Gaspar García Laviana, Rivas, Septiembre-Diciembre, 2015
Medico y Cirugía General, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua, Managua, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bruxvoort, Katia Joy.
Evaluation of patient adherence to artemether-lumefantrine obtained from public and private drug outlets in Tanzania
Doctor of Philosophy, London School of Hygiene \& Tropical Medicine, 2015.
Journal Article
Kalanda, Boniface, Patrick Mamimine, Katia Taela, Louis Chingandu, and Godfrey Musuka.
Implementation of regional and international HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support conventions and declarations in Lesotho, Malawi and Mozambique
Educational Research and Reviews 5, no. 9 (2010): 465-470.
Journal Article
Birhane, Tesfay, Solomon Shiferaw, Seifu Hagos, and Katia Sarla Mohindra.
Urban food insecurity in the context of high food prices: a community based cross sectional study in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Working Paper
Ribe, Helena, and Soniya Carvalho.
World Bank treatment of the social impact of adjustment programs
World Bank Policy, research and External Affairs Working Paper , no. 521 (1990).
Journal Article
Carvalho, José Raimundo.
Subjective returns to education and child labor in Brazil
Conference Paper
de Carvalho, Paulo.
Dimensao subjectiva de pobreza na cidade de Luanda
A questao social: No novo milenio.
Combrio, Portugal, September, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Carvalho, Luciana.
Ensaios Sobre Inovação, Produtividade e Exportação no Brasil
Titulo de Doutor, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, 2013.
Working Paper
Machado, Danielle C, Liana T Duque, and Ana Passos C De Carvalho.
Satisfação no Trabalho: Heterogeneidade Educacional e Ocupacional?
Working Paper
Dias, N., M. T Carvalho, and R. Limons.
Challenges in the Deactivation of More than 2000 Open Dumping Sites in Brazil
Thesis or Dissertation
Carvalho S, Maysa.
Turismo ea Questão de Gênero: O Papel da Mulher no Desenvolvimento do Turismo Rural no Brasil
Thesis, Universidade de Brasilia, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Carvalho S, Rosangela.
Sistemas de Gestão da Aprendizagem e Sistemas de Gestão Acadêmica: Avaliados Pela Otica do Docente
Mestre, Universidade Federal de Permambuco, 2010.
Journal Article
Pedrosa, Renato L. H, Norberto J Dachs, Rafael P Maia, Cibele Y Andrade, and Benilton S Carvalho.
Performance Scolaire, Origine des Etudiants et Discrimination Positive dans une Université Brésilienne
Politiques et Gestion de L’enseignement Supérieur 19, no. 3 (2007): 73-95.
Working Paper
Barros, Ricardo P, Mirela Carvalho P Silva, Samuel Franco, Paulo Tafner, Pedro J Azevedo, Edson Nunes, Gabriel Ulysseia, Miguel Fogel, and Marcelo Pessoa.
Juventude no Brasil
(2005) Brasil: o estado de uma nação.
Working Paper
Carvalho M, Luís.
Production of OECD’s “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA)
KNOWandPOL ORIENTATION 3; Supra-national instruments , no. 11 (2009).
Rentería, Elisenda, and Cassio Maldonado Turra.
Measuring educational differences in mortality among women living in highly unequal societies with defective data: the case of Brazil
Working Paper
Carvalho, José Raimund, and Emerson Lemos Marinho.
Idleness, returns to education and child labor
Conference Paper
Caetano, Andre.
Fertility transition and the diffusion of female sterilization in northeastern Brazil: the roles of medicine and politics
General Population Conference of International Union for Scientific Studies of Population.
Salvador, 2001.
Journal Article
Barcellos, Silvia Helena, Leandro Carvalho, and Adriana Lleras-Muney.
Child gender and parental investments in India: Are boys and girls treated differently?
(2011) Working Paper.
Journal Article
Carvalho, I., A. Chacham, and P. Viana.
Traditional birth attendants and their practices in the State of Pernambuco rural area, Brazil, 1996
(1998) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.
Journal Article
Carvalho, Natalie, Ahmad Shah Salehi, and Sue J Goldie.
National and sub-national analysis of the health benefits and cost-effectiveness of strategies to reduce maternal mortality in Afghanistan
(2012) Health policy and planning.
Journal Article
Fonseca, Luiz Eduardo, Aurelio Carvalho, and Edna Germack Possolo.
Intervenções no campo materno-infantil para diminuição da desnutrição e melhoria da segurança alimentar em são tomé e príncipe e Moçambique
(2012) Segurança alimentar e nutricional na comunidade dos países de língua Portuguesa: desafios e perspectivas.
Journal Article
Junior, Rodolpho T, José Cândido S. M Machado, and Fernanda Carvalho.
Perfil Demográfico e Condições Sanitárias dos Idosos Em Área Urbana do Sudeste do Brasil
Rev. Saúde Pública 30, no. 5 (1996): 485-98.
Journal Article
Carvalho G, Antonio.
The Effect of Institutional Development on the Growth of Brazilian Firms
Revista Brasileira de Economia 62, no. 4 (2008): 451-456.
Working Paper
Barros, Ricardo P, Mirela Carvalho, Samuel Franco, and Rosane Mendonça.
A Queda Recente da Desigualdade de Renda no Brasil
Journal Article
Carvalho, Paulo Gonzaga M, and Carmem A Feijó.
A Indústria Brasileira em 2004 e as Teses Sobre a Sustentabilidade da Retomada do Crescimento
Indicadores Economicos FEE 33, no. 1 (2005): 231-252.
Working Paper
Barros, Ricardo P, Mirela Carvalho, Samuel Franco, and Rosane Mendonça.
Conseqüências e Causas Imediatas da Queda Recente da Desigualdade de Renda Brasileira
Working Paper
Barros, Ricardo P, Mirela Carvalho, Samuel Franco, and Rosane Mendonça.
Uma Análise das Principais Causas da Queda Recente na Desigualdade de Renda Brasileira
Journal Article
Magalhães, Camila Oliveira R, Jéssica P Carvalho, Leonardo F Martins, Luiz Batista F Pereira, Tarley S Lima, and Marco Ribeiro T Cunha.
Diferenciação Salarial entre Gêneros, Consoante a CF/1988, ART. 5º, Inciso I
Revista da Catolica 4, no. 7 (2012): 82-99.
Showing 31-60 of 102